in search of ketamine

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I'm getting bored
Being part of mankind
There's not a lot to do no more
This race is a waste of time
People rushing everywhere
Swarming around like flies
Think I'll buy a forty four
Give 'em all a surprise
Think I'm gonna kill myself
'Cause a little suicide
Stick around for a couple of days
What a scandal if I died

Репост из: gurgling from the sink
why is coca-cola best served cold? cold like your mother's hands after she was done scrubbing the floor? cold like the eyes and frozen mouths of your classmates after you told them your favorite joke? cold like the sparse bits of support your father gave you? he never managed to find the words to sound genuine. did he really want to? cold like the your hamsters in shoe boxes. cold like the evening they locked you out of the house drinking. so fucking cold you got kidney damage and had to take hardcore antibiotics and it felt like your back was breaking in half. cold like the bathroom you had to lock yourself in while you had a panic attack.
is death cold to you, or is it burning hot?

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me if u even care

у тебе очі, були зелені мов свєтафор
моднявий одяг твій, я себе чуствувал ніким
ти випадково, прощупувала мій карман,
і як же стидно, що в мене там лежав баян

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