prettiest Among

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@_chaechae_1 on instagram, this is not the real Kim Chaewon
This is a channel from a girl who playing roleplay using Kim Chaewon as face claim
-i won't make Chaewon look bad
-Will Hype Chaewon
-no harsh word/18+
T:Talk: @prettiesttrobot

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Репост из: flowerie fairys
Happy Birthday to a beautiful girl, Kim Chaewon and all chaewon rp-ers ! especially for :

methilda, zeava, dahayu, gabriella, shadeline, jingga, laras, erina, shavela, sienna, ranum, lenjwin, luwye, shabina, cherie, ashe, anna, yora, zya, dleyna, miracella, chalinda, shannon, ashley, moury, mouren, elena, keysha.

Thank you girls for choosing kim chaewon as your muse, I hope you use her very well.

With love, naraluna

Репост из: All Alone.
Happy Birthday to a beautiful paras girl, Kim Chaewon! This girl has a good attitude and she is also referred to born as a fairy mint. May your day be as beautiful as you. Wishing you a day filled with happiness and a year filled with joy.

And also Happy Birthday for all Kim Chaewon rp-ers. Especially for Me, Sonya, Lenjwin, Methilda, Tjoelin, Chea, Chloe, Jingga, Mielan, Gabriella, Ashley, Zya, Yora, Anais, Picha, Sienna, Chessa, Erina, Chalinda, Shadeline, Sharin, Bailey, Shavela, Chafa, Daceya, Kēysha, Gabriella, Zeava, Shannon, Calasya, Mie, Cherie, Léyna, Ranum, Dahayu, Michiera, Ashe, Yukiko, Anna, Kaylèe, Jemaisha, Indomie, Cantika, Ayara, Miracella, Maeve, Tiza, Elena, Ariana, Floreen, Chavira. May God bless you today on your birthday and every day after. Have a great day!

With love, Thea

Репост из: Musée du paradis
happy level up our fairy, Kim Chaewon!
may your day always full of joy and happiness, you deserve everything happy!

and also, happy birthday to all Chaewon rp-ers, especially: Me, Acha, Anais, Anna, Ashe, Ashley, Ayara, Bailey, Barichello, Cakwe, Carissa, Calasya, Chafa, Chalinda, Chavira, Chea, Cherie, Chessa, Chloe, Daceya, Dahayu, Floreenaya, Gabriella, Indomie, Jemaisha, Jingga, Kanez, Keysha, Khaléya, Laras, Lenjwin, Lovie, Luwye, Methilda, Michiera, Mielan, Mouren, Moury, Najema, Ranum, Senarika, Sienna, Shadeline, Sharin, Shavela, Sherina, Sonya, Thea, Tjoelin, Yukana, Yukiko, Yora, Zeava, Zephine, Zya.
don't forget to make a wish and enjoy your amazing day, pretty!

Репост из: old fairy-tale ✶
21 years ago, 1st august 2000 is the day when the little fairy was born. finally the day is coming... happy birthday to our precious girl, kim chaewon! may happiness and joy in this world will always stay beside you. ♡

and also, happy birthday to all kim chaewon's roleplayer. especially me, dahayu, michiera, erina, yukiko, floreenaya, chalinda, cakwe, sherina, zeava, jingga, sonya, lenjwin, methilda, shannon, chouwie, gabriella, zya, picha, chessa, ashley, anais, sienna, thea, mielan, chloe, chea, sharin, cherie, tjoelin, senarika, zephine, jemaisha, barichello, ayara, najema, chavira, lovie, anna, zukie, ashe, bailey, celeste, calasya, gistara, shavela, aluna, asheela, keysha, kanez, carissa, calithea, chafa, ayya, chresta, kazzvey, miracella, indomie, luwye, aruna, daceya, renesmee, moury, lyssa, and all of chaewon’s roleplayers out there. enjoy your special day girls! 🥂

Репост из: ethan
hbd @Snozells

Репост из: Неизвестно
ni kuenya

Репост из: Неизвестно
Hbd hbd @Snozells

Репост из: Неизвестно
Hbd bby😍

Репост из: Неизвестно
de happy birthday

Репост из: Неизвестно
Hbd luvvs

Репост из: Неизвестно

Репост из: Неизвестно
habede ashe

Репост из: Неизвестно

Репост из: Неизвестно
Habede ashe

Репост из: Неизвестно

Репост из: Ashe #FairyChaewonDay

Pend for my bffs or maybe

Репост из: Schönheit der Welt
Kim Chaewon, a beauty fairy with a beautiful heart like an angel and and his soft voice that makes you fall in love, turns out to be one year older today on august 1, 2021. Happy birthday Kim Chaewon, and all the rp - ers who use Chaewon as their face claim, especially Senarika, Ariana, Bailey, Daceya, Jingga, Cantika, Ayya, Seinna, Shannon, Asheela, Sharin, Methilda, Gabriella, Elena, Chresta, Gistara, Sonya, Yora, Anais, Maeve, Picha, Lenjwin, Ashley, Cherie, Calithea, Mouren, Joa, Renesmee, Zephine, Valka, Chouwie, Jocelyn, Zya, Chessa, Carissa, Chavira, Dahayu, Ayara, Najema, Chea, Jemaisha, Floreen, Chalinda, Kaylee, Anna, Shadeline, Zeava, Yukiko, Ashe, Shavela, Erina, Barichello, and also Chalinda. May all good things come to your way, and may you live a long live. You constantly be surrounded by bountiful positive values and blessing!

With love, Jeiveer ♡

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