Репост из: Matthew Store [ OPEN ]
[To all my dear BA mutual and everyone who see this, can you please help me to spread this message to ur channel? Thank you so much!]
Hey everyone! Finally, we want to announce that @MatthewStore is officially open free rent for one day! This event is held on Today at 19.00. Event ini diadakan untuk menyambut calon BF dan GF rent Matthew store yang baru. Yuk, yang mau bucin bareng sama yang ganteng dan cantik boleh check @MatthewStore! Jangan sampai ketinggalan yaaa!
Any Questions : @MatthewStore_Bot
Hey everyone! Finally, we want to announce that @MatthewStore is officially open free rent for one day! This event is held on Today at 19.00. Event ini diadakan untuk menyambut calon BF dan GF rent Matthew store yang baru. Yuk, yang mau bucin bareng sama yang ganteng dan cantik boleh check @MatthewStore! Jangan sampai ketinggalan yaaa!
Any Questions : @MatthewStore_Bot