Due to @Telegram’s privacy policy, I declare that We are not the real ATEEZ. This channel is made for ROLEPLAY purpose only and doesn’t have any relations with the real ATEEZ or KQ Entertainment.
All the content that I posted is credits to the rightful owner. The media here comes from social media such as Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and others.
English and Korean are the main languages that will be used in this channel. Deep apologies if there are any grammatical errors and misspellings but We'll try my best to improve.
Due to @Telegram’s privacy policy, I declare that We are not the real ATEEZ. This channel is made for ROLEPLAY purpose only and doesn’t have any relations with the real ATEEZ or KQ Entertainment.
All the content that I posted is credits to the rightful owner. The media here comes from social media such as Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and others.
English and Korean are the main languages that will be used in this channel. Deep apologies if there are any grammatical errors and misspellings but We'll try my best to improve.