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If Rappers Were In School

This is a list saying how hip hop artists would be in school depending on how they were in the rap industry. It’s gonna be a fun list.

The truth is that you too can insert your personal biases into Wikipedia. There’s nothing stopping you. The only catch is that it requires insane dedication. You have to be willing to edit and post and comment tens of thousands of times per year. You have to memorize a bunch of dense Wikipedia policy so you can rules lawyer anyone who tries to mess with your plans. Very few of us have that level of dedication. But the people who do will largely get their way.


In short, most non-viral posts have no sentiment, while posts that have either positive or negative sentiment are more likely to become viral.

You can also calculate a virality ratio: the ratio of the viral posts to the total number of posts in the channel.

Channels with more followers tend to have more viral posts, as expected. And posts in channels that post less frequently overall are more likely to go viral.

But also channels with fewer followers have the largest virality ratio.

You can now read research about telegram while being on telegram! Neato

Characteristics of Viral Messages on Telegram; The World’s Largest Hybrid Public and Private Messenger

Показано 20 последних публикаций.