Hymn of The Death

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And in the death of his reputation, he feel truly alive.

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Leason learned ya semua, a RP world or no norma dan batasan masih berlaku. We're here for fun not to making fun of other

Репост из: Chagrins à Saint-Malo
[] HFW. Halo teman-teman, sebelumnya maaf mengganggu waktunya, tapi boleh ngga sempetin buat baca ini sebentar. Menurut aku, ini udah keterlaluan banget. This isn’t the purpose of playing Roleplay. Ini terlalu crossing the line. I won’t do such a thing as “menggiring opini” tapi dengan link yang ada dibawah, mungkin kalian bisa membaca dari sudut pandang semua orang yang terlibat. I believe that you guys are well-educated and know what’s wrong and what’s right. Please read it carefully. We know that playing Roleplay has some manners to obey. Kalian bisa baca sendiri di link yang aku sertakan dibawah nanti, kalo ini sudah melebihi batas banget. Point pertama adalah pelecehan nama baik dan juga pelecehan anak dibawah umur. Penggunaan identitas orang yang disalah gunakan, bahkan mencoreng martabat kepolisian serta hukum yang berlaku. This isn’t about Roleplay anymore, this is about how you behave, this is about manners and helping the victim. Kalau kalian mau here's their channel @ofcprpw don't give any exposure just report them immediately. This isn’t how the Roleplay works. Tidak ada satupun alasan yang bisa menjadi peringan maupun pembenar atas tindakan yang telah dilakukan. Spread awareness, and do what you have to do. There’s no difference between them and you if you choose to silent.

• The first case, stealing identity

• Other inappropriate things they do

For out of sheer will you have picked up the pieces of you and filled the cracks with gold, you always raised against the wind, with the grace of your wings as you fly high above and faith painted in your eyes. The desire to live and fill the world with the beauty at your fingertips is never ending thus let's forevermore celebrate this day where you came to this universe all the merriment in it be condensed and into your blessed heart be laid the flowers bloom more brightly. For today is a day full of allurement mark as the birthday of the precious Ten Lee, here I am bidding my wish not only to him but also to Chaiden Issachar.

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Where you roam in dresses of the prettiest shade admiring the kingdom built by yourself, perhaps with your lasses and lads at your side. But regardless you stand, proud as a queen with a number of close friendships, the likes of which are rarely seen and for now you’re here, still few years old.

In this moment, you’re truly more valuable than any gold and jewel I wish you a happiest birthday, for the Wendy herself and my favorite Wendy portrayer in this place Aravētha Claize Vysetha may this celebration will truly be a ball.

“So, here we are finished but unfinished. Sometimes I look back on how infinite we were but not anymore. We grow fast and withered even faster.”

“So what's so wrong about it?” I asked you cluelessly

“Life is truly too short to care about anything else other than love and art.”

"Which one am I from your point of view?" another question coming from me, again.

"Both, you are both." the final question has been answered by you with the gaze that look deeply into the ocean of my eyes.

As the clouds flying above, beauty is what always painted on your yes the desire you have to walk and fill the world with the beauty at your fingertips is an endless tale written by you let's forevermore this day be called blessed merry with all the joy in it be condensed and into your blessed heart be laid. As the angels sing louder and more beautiful today and the nymphs let the flowers bloom more brightly wit the wind play more joyfully accompanny by the sun that shining so warmly, for today is your birthday. Today is the birthday of Roseanne but I wholeheartedly write this letter only for my two beautiful sister Amethyst and Dashie.

This is my love letter to you, love letter isn't supposed to be about love it has to include thunderstorms, howling winds, and how on some hard days your name is like a curse clinging to my vertebrae and we draining each other through our fights and the thought of relationship is no longer about falling for someone. It has grew to be more like what we find at the bottom of a dark pit where we think our road end here & how we over and over again find the reason to tighten our hold to each other and to spend so long in a place, you become exactly the person I don't mind to deal with everyday and how you’re a place I always look for and travel to whenever I lose my mind and sanity.

And they’re not about saying, ‘I love you.’ more like the way gloomy mornings and bad mornings are both feel okay with the existence of you in my life, when I look back on those days I thought I couldn't survive and no matter how many times I think my world coming to an end you tenderly whisper to me heavenly song that keep awake. For every possible thing I could ask for I always just want you to be here.

All I have ever wanted to do, for as long as I have known, is love you. I think there was something in my heart that came alive when we met, because my heart knew that everything would be okay, even if your scattered thoughts were hard to keep up with. Ain't no relationship filled with rainbows and butterflies only so do ours, dark cold winter nights greeted us but we, with all the love that tied us keep the warmth alive and the fire keep burning. Pumpkin, all i have ever wanted to do, for as long as i have known, is love you. And God, loving you and your love are what keep me safe and sane the chance of loving you that was given for me to spending my time loving you softly and gently. How your mind is a galaxy - over there is lyra, writing loving pieces of poems in every step you take, whilst delphinus leaves messages in the corners of your head - that you’re the explore on my entirety.
How my heart is a consolation prize that I'll happily let you keep - because I know you and your lovingself will take care of it more than I really do now and our story is more than a lovey dovey fairy tale it's the better version of reality that we go through before us. How it could be possible that your galaxy collided with my heart and created an aurora hanging above that no one could take their eyes off. We were just as broken as each other and together we create a marvelous galaxy that only us could live. Here's for the 90 days we spent walking through life holding each other's hand, pumpkin

Think of me. Grant my words to transform your desire into a symphony as my my lips travel through the trail of your backbone, sense the warmth that your body radiate, praise you like no one else ever been admire. You're the utopia and euphoria with that lustful look in your pleasing eyes, I know it was you who is mortalized and burning within my words and as you slowly slipping away to get lost in lust, with a hand around your waist let me sing to you the hymn of the death.

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