Leading Green Intellectual Demands Deindustrialisation, Rationing and the End of the Banking System to “Save the Climate”
The Green Party in Germany is a death cult.
A must read. Milliband and his ilk are amateurs compared to the German Greens. But the Germans show the direction of travel that our more fanatical eco-warriors here in Britain would like to go.
Baader-Meinhof redux. But this time more clever, destroying the system from inside!
And I am not being entirely hyperbolic, the original Greens in Germany grew out of the exact same 1968 milieu as the Red Army Faction/Baader-Meinhof terrorists and with some of the same people, including Joschka Fischer. And with some minor adjustments in methods and strategy, similar objectives, that is, to tear down the capitalist state.
State sponsored terrorism, but against their own state.
Follow @MadTParty on Telegram
The Green Party in Germany is a death cult.
A must read. Milliband and his ilk are amateurs compared to the German Greens. But the Germans show the direction of travel that our more fanatical eco-warriors here in Britain would like to go.
Baader-Meinhof redux. But this time more clever, destroying the system from inside!
And I am not being entirely hyperbolic, the original Greens in Germany grew out of the exact same 1968 milieu as the Red Army Faction/Baader-Meinhof terrorists and with some of the same people, including Joschka Fischer. And with some minor adjustments in methods and strategy, similar objectives, that is, to tear down the capitalist state.
State sponsored terrorism, but against their own state.
Follow @MadTParty on Telegram