Very beneficial khutbah from our noble teacher Ustadh Abu Khadeejah hafizahullaah in the urdu language.
He brings various foundational Quranic Verses and ahaadeeth on the fundamentals of Tawheed and following of Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم
He likewise touches upon the importance of following the Manhaj of the Sahabaas and the core reasons for differing which exists in today's day and age
He mentions the great Imams and Muhaddiseen of the past whom we need to acquaint ourselves with
Overall a very beneficial 30 min khutbah expanding on the core foundations of Tawheed and Manhaj
Highly recommended to listen and to share with your parents, family, friends, relatives especially those who are comfortable with urdu.
Highly recommended
Jazaahumullaahu khairan
He brings various foundational Quranic Verses and ahaadeeth on the fundamentals of Tawheed and following of Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم
He likewise touches upon the importance of following the Manhaj of the Sahabaas and the core reasons for differing which exists in today's day and age
He mentions the great Imams and Muhaddiseen of the past whom we need to acquaint ourselves with
Overall a very beneficial 30 min khutbah expanding on the core foundations of Tawheed and Manhaj
Highly recommended to listen and to share with your parents, family, friends, relatives especially those who are comfortable with urdu.
Highly recommended
Jazaahumullaahu khairan