micawye, looking for new mutual’s fwend! {🐾}

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Репост из: ʚ kastilla | OPEN PROMO!!
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤmini giveaway
୨୧⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄୨୧ ⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄୨୧ ⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄୨୧
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ft. @kastil! ♡

👚💿 we engineer a special sweep-stake to collaboration kastil’s birthday!

prize winners:
1. saldo dana 10k + 1 icons
2. saldo dana 10k
3. satu icons t.me/kastil bebas pilih
4. saldo dana 5k
5. username @boncny based on bonny
6. saldo dana 2k untuk 3 orang

- bagikan postingan ini ke channel kamu.
- drop nomor 1-100 + "happy birthday kastil! ♡" dicomsect ini pada tanggal 15 April jam 19.00 WIB. roleplay use bracket []
- subscribe @kastil use your main account (BA/CA/PA/FA/RP) dan dilarang untuk left dari channel setelah giveaway berakhir atau akan dibanned forever oleh kastil tanpa keringanan, gaboleh ya!

giveaway close saat nomornya full! ☎️

Репост из: לילה כיום יאיר
𖦆. We have a good news for all of you! That the @Callieris now open opportunities. Namely, looking for a new admin in our store, we are looking for talented people in this division :

┄ֹ─ׅ  ✿ Jastip
┄ֹ─ׅ  ✿ Wtb service
┄ֹ─ׅ  ✿ Convert pulsa
┄ֹ─ׅ  ✿ Rapihin ava
┄ֹ─ׅ  ✿ Rapihin ch
┄ֹ─ׅ  ✿ Setup Ba
┄ֹ─ׅ  ✿ Wording
┄ֹ─ׅ  ✿ Scribble
┄ֹ─ׅ  ✿ Yearbook
┄ֹ─ׅ  ✿ Moodstagram
┄ֹ─ׅ  ✿ Magazine
┄ֹ─ׅ  ✿ Manips
┄ֹ─ׅ  ✿ All apk prem
┄ֹ─ׅ  ✿ Topup game
┄ֹ─ׅ  ✿ Moodboard deco

N. Coret berarti sudah full slot.

𖤝 𝅄 Rules hirmin છ᤻

₊˚ ⊹ Subs channel @Callieris terlebih dahulu ( WAJIB )
₊˚ ⊹ Memiliki niat yg paling utama, bukan sekadar gabut atau iseng saja
₊˚ ⊹ Menggunakan akun BA/CA/PA, bukan akun RP
₊˚ ⊹ Tidak memiliki riwayat kasus penipuan
₊˚ ⊹ Mengerti dan paham atas divisi yg kamu ambil
₊˚ ⊹ Dapat mengikuti peraturan yg ada di Callieris baik sekarang atau nanti dan jika ada perubahan dapat menerima
₊˚ ⊹ Minimal berusia 13 tahun
₊˚ ⊹ Tidak dalam masa sibuk atau kelas akhir, pengecualian kalau kamu masih bisa untuk menghandle
₊˚ ⊹ Bersedia patungan jika diperlukan untuk kebutuhan store ( Hanya saat dibutuhkan, tidak setiap saat atau setiap hari )
₊˚ ⊹ Siap absen 1× sehari
₊˚ ⊹ Bisa membagi waktu antara RL dan BA
₊˚ ⊹ Sebar list hirmin store minimal ke 20 LPM & sebar ke @Hirminstorebagroup ( Wajib di ss dan di grid, tidak boleh dipisah dengan format ). Tidak punya lpm? @ListLpm

ೀ ⸼ Format hirmin

✿ Nickname + username :
✿ Divisi yg dipilih ( min 2 ) :
✿ Avail payment apa saja :
✿ Siap di wwc dan trainee :
✿ Bukti sebar list ( di grid/dijadikan satu) :

✿꯭! Send format hirmin dan bukti sebar ke @CallierisBot, cukup kirim 1 bubble chat saja bukti sebar list di grid dan harap dijadikan satu dengan format

Репост из: pivu-olie
‎ ‌‌‎
‎ ‎ ‌‌‎baking now ... processed!

bonjour, invitees! us, the bakers, are welcoming each of you to be a helping hand of our most distinguished bakery @pivuolie. if you happened to be interested, please contact us through @pivuoliebot. we're expecting to work and bake the most appetizing pastries with you!

Репост из: Ok
  ཱི📦໋᳝݊. Hello @Telegrams user
We h
ave good news for you

driviest membuka gerbang hirmin golongan ke sembilan dengan lowongan divisi yang dibutuhkan sebagai berikut  ⋮

� ๑ Acc lpm 🚨
� ๑ Coin nitroseen
� ๑ Convert 🚨
� ๑ Jasa dana kaget
� ๑ Jasa edit testi
� ๑ Jasa push bbc
� ๑ Jasa ramein board 🚨
� ๑ Jasa ramein secreto/ngl 🚨
� ๑ Jasa remini / hd video
� ๑ Jasa sebar list biasa
� ๑ Jasa sebar sfs reguler 🚨
� ๑ Jasa sebar sfs main acc 🚨
� ๑ Jasdit video 🚨
� ๑ Nokos telegram/noktel
� ๑ Nokos all apk
� ๑ Proofneeds 🚨
      ﹙Setup ba﹚
      ﹙Temp qriss﹚
      ﹙Corat coret﹚
      ﹙Rapihin ava﹚
� ๑ School needs 🚨
      ﹙Jasa tulis﹚
      ﹙Joki tugas﹚
� ๑ Upfoll instagram 🚨
� ๑ Uplike instagram
� ๑ Upfoll tiktok 🚨
� ๑ Uplike tiktok
� ๑ Upsubs main acc 🚨
� ๑ Upsubs reguler 🚨
� ๑ Upview
� ๑ Upvote

⌨︎ ▸ For prospective admins, please comply with the terms and rules listed

👀 Terms & rules
𖥔 O1 - Tidak memiliki riwayat kasus penipuan dan tidak ada niatan untuk menipu
𖥔 O2 - Bersedia untuk absen 2x sehari [ tidak absen akan diberi sanksi ]
𖥔 O3 - Bersedia untuk ikut patungan (jika diperlukan)
𖥔 O4 - Hanya menerima acc Ba/Ca/Pa dan tidak menerima acc Rp
𖥔 O5 - Tidak dalam masa hiat / rest serta dapat meramaikan gc
𖥔 O6 - Bisa membagi waktu antara Rl & Ba dengan baik
𖥔 O7 - Niat ! bukan sekedar minat
𖥔 O8 - Paham dengan divisi yang diambil
𖥔 O9 - Sistem take, bukan gaji
𖥔 10 - Wajib subs @Quadriviest
𖥔 11 - Sebar list hirmin ini ke minimal 30 lpm ( ss ) . jika tidak punya @Listlpm
𖥔 12 - Divisi yang diberi emoji 🚨 adalah divisi yang paling dibutuhkan

Nama :
Username :
Divisi : 
Payment :

☎️ send format + bukti sebar list hirmin ke @Hirmwwinbot

Репост из: Lacework's
Facsimile are unswervingly silkscreened and encased by immense caliber wafer-thin. Periodically visionary masses likewise accomplish primary gazette for essential or recherché entity vaguely that the above-mentioned memoirs don't demise, they're eternally in populace memoirs. The notoriety that parlay us to the principal discoloration, even then develop to an extravagance mill termed BLLINK. The method of preserving, presenting and arranging personal and history in the scheme of a monograph. Enhanced and often comprehend extensive journal entries or written summary. Emerged as a way to compile propaganda that embodied recipes, quotations, letters, poems and more. Each commonplace monograph was solitary to its creator's particular wherewithal.

Ready for sale and memories keeper :

Entertain gate a deeper look! We entrenched an auction system and settled amount that pacific equal negotiated. Enshrine, decent valve roomchat @BIIinkBot furthermore don't acquaitance anyone regarding this username. Don't obliterate to apprehend the regulations in delineate and accurately aforetime e-commerce our assets.

isi yaa moot's yang cantiii, ganteng, lucu, pintar, gemas 😢🙏🏻💋

📝 drop muse + theme + slide doong miyes, mau bikin mb ready buat nanti, thanks a bunchiee :3

👤 renjun messy

👤 yoo jimin + old money + 6s

👤 wonyoung + messy + 12s

👤 Chaehyun girlfriend material, 9s.

👤 Giselle + Stargirl + 9s

👤 Jaehyun old money 9s

👤 Wonyoung + analog + 12s 🥲

👤 Seeun + daily act + 9s

👤 eunchae + messy + 6s 🥹🥹

👤 haerin + messy + 17s

👤 minju eunchae + messy + 6 bisa gaaak, tencuu

👤 jiwoo nmixx + y2k + 9s

👤 Haechan + messy + 24s

👥 13 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

plis, moot's ayooiii saraninnnnnnnn

saranin tanggal debut yang bagus

heyooo-beyoo mutual's friends @micawye 🫣, please share this message to your hearty channel :D for your feedback, just contact @micawyebot wOKAII, thank uu so much!

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ʚ ֯ .. syphon a sugar-candy splashed with phony solvents to share this sweet message, dankiee's!

𝅄 ֺ  ࣭   •┈┈┈ ꒰ 🏩☁️🎀 ꒱ ┈┈┈•  ࣭   ֺ  𝅄 

꒰ ♡︬ ꒱ ⊹ ۫ sweetness bonbon laminous with pleasant teeny-wee damsel which hold a moiety more dexterous. the adorable tranquil a casserole sugar osculant to feminine aura of this hall, teeny-wee @micawye said “such if caramelize was more delicacy while paraphrase our governance piece”. if you're willing fwend's, kindly tell our dainty chu-taker please knock on our // ᘏ ⑅ ᘏ ֯ .. @micawyebot.site ֯ 🗒️‹

✿: within love, mitsuka.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم, بارك الله فيك دائما

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