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Репост из: Justice Report
Telegram has deleted the public channel of Holocaust.claims—which had nearly 5,000 subscribers—without giving any prior warning or explanation to its administrator.

The comes as channels affiliated with the Axis of Resistance have made complaints in recent months about shadow banning, sudden subscriber losses numbering in the dozens or even hundreds, and even exclusion from "similar channel" suggestions.

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Репост из: Holocaust.claims
Another debate offer that will probably never happen. Would be funny if it did though.

Репост из: Bellum Acta - Intel, Urgent News and Archives ✝️ #FreeVenezuela
🇮🇱❌🇵🇸— Earlier today, Palestinian channels claimed Israel dropped these leaflets on Gaza, after the Parade with the coffins of Bibas kids

“To the honorable people of Gaza:

After the events that have transpired, the temporary ceasefire, and before the implementation of Trump’s mandatory plan—which will impose forced displacement on you whether you like it or not—we have decided to address you with a final appeal. To anyone willing to accept our assistance in exchange for helping us, we will not hesitate for a moment to provide aid.

Reconsider your calculations:

The world map will not change if all the people of Gaza disappear from existence.

No one will feel your absence, nor will anyone ask about you.

You are left alone with your inevitable fate.

Iran cannot protect itself, let alone protect you—and you have seen with your own eyes what happened.

Neither America nor Europe cares about Gaza, nor do your Arab nations, which are now our allies, supplying us with money, oil, and weapons while sending you shrouds.

Only a little time remains, and the game is over.

Whoever wishes to save themselves before it’s too late, we are here, enduring until the Day of Judgment.”

Jews are straightforwardly evil people.

Репост из: Justice Report
🚨SCOOP: A key pillar of the open source intelligence (OSINT) community on Telegram is being paid to mute criticism of Israel, the Justice Report has learned.

Anonymous insiders have provided testimony that alleges the self-professed “Ultra-Right” and “Pro-Christian” Telegram news aggregator Bellum Acta are being paid to curate its posts by Visegrad24, a 'Zionist' propaganda outlet that maintains a separate donation page specifically for the Jewish community.

Read Here: Https://justicereport.news/2025/02/20/exclusive-visegrad-24-accused-of-paying-telegram-channels-to-mute-criticism-of-israel

For more news subscribe to @justicereport

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US Defense Security Cooperation Agency has just issued two press releases on arms "sales" to Israel totaling about $7.5 billion. Included are 13,000 guided bombs, more than half of US annual production. These "sales" are covered by loans from the US.

Israel literally never has to pay for these weapons. They borrow the funds to pay for them from us, and those loans are automatically forgiven. We are just sending Israel more than half of our yearly munitions production for free. What a disgusting joke.


Репост из: NIGR Gamers Lounge
The blue areas are parts of Lebanon that Lebanese civilians marching have ethnically cleansed the poor IDF from. This is real popular war stuff.

Translation is something like:

"Look, these are the gays. Hey gay idiot, go ahead and shoot me."

*Jew shoots*

"Ha GAAAAAAY. You're not worth the price of a bottle of Aquafina. Fuck you."


Elon Musk has put limited visibility on the Justice Report's article about a Jewish pedophile. The reason was not for doxing, because he wasn't doxed. It was "hateful conduct" meaning Musk is just protecting the guy.

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