a man named zeelianm arshaka, is a man who is famous because he is one of the famous criminals to have a very handsome face in 1995. zeelianm is often called zee, no One knows zee's real face at that time because he used a face claim from a man named kim taehyung to be able to trick the target easily. one day the police sirine's moan crake eardrum meanwhile the race still bur-out, who one those break another rules with iconic pick up line are? Jail isn't enough. Drug, alcohol being daily favorite called "vitamin" in 3 AM since ciggarettes doesn't allowed plug a nicotine. Criminal case isn't cool either, put your way down mafia.
a man named zeelianm arshaka, is a man who is famous because he is one of the famous criminals to have a very handsome face in 1995. zeelianm is often called zee, no One knows zee's real face at that time because he used a face claim from a man named kim taehyung to be able to trick the target easily. one day the police sirine's moan crake eardrum meanwhile the race still bur-out, who one those break another rules with iconic pick up line are? Jail isn't enough. Drug, alcohol being daily favorite called "vitamin" in 3 AM since ciggarettes doesn't allowed plug a nicotine. Criminal case isn't cool either, put your way down mafia.