Репост из: BRGSJKS🇲🇾
🤘🏻Admin Needed for @br6sjks🤘🏻
Below is the rules ;
×Active telegram
×No short form
×Random post, random quotes, gila gila quotes
×Loves to write,quoting, imaginary
× men only
×Available to post in Eng/Mal /Arab also
×no alien language or WeChat
×Gila gila bahasa macam anep
Interest? Directly contact
@barangsejuks or
P/s; start with ASSALAMUALAIKUM Introduce ur name and age . TQ 🤘🏻
Below is the rules ;
×Active telegram
×No short form
×Random post, random quotes, gila gila quotes
×Loves to write,quoting, imaginary
× men only
×Available to post in Eng/Mal /Arab also
×no alien language or WeChat
×Gila gila bahasa macam anep
Interest? Directly contact
@barangsejuks or
P/s; start with ASSALAMUALAIKUM Introduce ur name and age . TQ 🤘🏻