Native Norwegians

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Репост из: Red Ice TV 🚫 [Censored]
Countries like Norway and Ireland should think about cutting ties with Israel and getting rid of subversive immigration activists like Ervin Kohn and Ronit Lentin. That’s all you seem to be exporting. In fact, all countries should cut ties AND aid to Israel and see what happens then. They would be much better off without any ties to Israel.

Репост из: Pedo Hunting Norway
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Репост из: Gym XIV (Banned on Apple)
Why does every leftist journalist look like this? Harald is a living stereotype.

XIV 🏴‍☠️

Репост из: Gym XIV (Banned on Apple)
The Norwegian saga continues! 🇧🇻

Meet the Saruman of the left in Norway. Harald Klungtveit.

A man responsible for doxxing several nationalists and just random folks that have comment on immigration matter on Facebook. Just as they use to do in several white countries around the globe.

But, unlike his peers, just doxxing is not enough. He put in the hours on research and track some guys down. Visiting them by himself or sending out his Orchs like Lara we told you about yesterday.

In disguise of a professional journalist he missuses everything he can to smear, make people lose their jobs. A proper antifascist with journalistic dreams.

And with his distinct behavior like an enemy. We will treat him as such.

So, we peaked in and looked what life Harald is living. Just as he does with people.
What a gold mine that was 🤭

XIV 🏴‍☠️

Репост из: Gym XIV (Banned on Apple)
So Lara Rashid decided to go full fucking retard journalist in Klungtveits little circle of people that did not make it in the big newspapers.
And now Lara is one of those that been sneaking around nationalist homes, works and have even been seen outside daycares where good guys have their kids.

Of course as journalist generally are, she has not a good body physic and no kids.

(Picture is a montage ;) )

XIV 🏴‍☠️

Репост из: Gym XIV (Banned on Apple)
But who is the Orch in this Norwegian saga?

Born in the land of sand and dust they appear. From a tribe worst than any other the came.

Lara Rashid, a Kurdish women is one of Harald Klungtveits orchs. And her story is a good one.

Lara, not a Norwegian of course, began her political career in the socialdemocratic youth wing. And like many of that kind, they go to indoctrination camp during the summer.
So, Lara and her sister went to a famous workerparty camp at... Utøya.
Unfortunately her sister didnt make it from Anders Behring Breiviks sionistbullets and she did not survive that tragic event.

Whats could be more tragic than death of young people, is people who uses dead people for their own gains. Countless was the TV-studios for Lara to speak up against right wing politics. She wrote a book about her sister and how Norwegians is the ones to blame for the terrorattack that summer day.

And she started to study journalism so she could blend in to the crowd that had open so many media opportunities for her. She became Norways favorite victim. A true survivor and a good antifascist. A good socialdemocrat.

More studys in London were she studied international relations on the school... Hang on now... School of Oriental and African Studies before she came back and fully blended in in the journalistic caste of Norway.

But the years had passed, she have already talk and talk about the terror event so the fancy journalist career faded. She even tried to build some story that her father was some Kurdish "freedom fighter" against Saddam, but no one was interested.. But there was one man that could pic Lara up.
That savior was Harald.

XIV 🏴‍☠️

Репост из: Gym XIV (Banned on Apple)
The Orchs heard the call from Klungtveit. The Nazi threat with physical good guys could not be unpunished.

Репост из: Gym XIV (Banned on Apple)
Harald Klungtveit think he is the boss in his media tower that in fact is a blog. Not a registered newspaper.

XIV 🏴‍☠️

Репост из: Frihetskamp
Norge, Irland og Spania anerkjenner Palestina

I dag har Israel tilbakekalt sine diplomater og ambassadører fra Norge og Irland. Årsaken er at disse landene, sammen med Spania, har valgt å anerkjenne Palestina som selvstendig stat.

Репост из: Gym XIV (Banned on Apple)
Some funny facts about the Norwegian "documentary" that our fangirl Martha did a while back.

• They wanted to interview us. We said what we say to all journalist. If you can bench 100kg we will consider it.

• 8 Months it took for the state television in Norway to find a cameraman that was able to do it. So we asked them to film their Press-ID (Thanks for that ;))

• At the time it was quite alot of pedophilia scandals in and around NRK. We asked Martha if she could take a stand against her "childloving" collegues. She did not do that and the interview was cancelled.

Ergo. It's more convenient for journalists to sweep their social cluster filled with babyshouldered, boygirls and fatties to find ONE guy that can bench than to speak out against pedophilia.

We wonder why it could be so...

XIV 🏴‍☠️

Репост из: Frihetskamp
Politiet klarer ikke å stoppe narkotikasalg på Telegram

Politiet bekymrer seg over stadig flere lukkede chatgrupper på Telegram for salg av narkotika. Telegram nekter å overgi brukerdata til politiet.

Репост из: White Papers
The Great Replacement in the Nordic Countries:

From 1990 to 2020 native Swedes have gone from 89% to 65.4% of the Swedish Population. A steep decline of 23.6%

From 1990 to 2020 native Norwegians have fallen from 95.61% to 81.04% of the nation's population. A decline of 14.57%

From 1991 to 2021 native Danes declined from 95.6% of their population to 84.6%. A decline of 11%

From 1996 to 2021 native Icelanders have gone from 97% of their nation's population to 81.44%. A decline of 15.66%

Unfortunately Finland keeps extremely limited records related to ethnicity or immigrant descent, but we do know that the number of people of foreign background in Finland, and their children, has increased from under 50,000 in 1991 to nearly 510,000 in 2021.

Sweden has experienced a more radical demographic shift than the United States, and Iceland a more significant demographic replacement than New Zealand.

No Nordic nation is being spared the Great Replacement.

Репост из: 𝐑𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭-𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐦
“Now I go creeping from forest To forest with little honour; Who knows, my name may yet become Renowned far and wide in the end.”

Harald Hardrada, King Harald's Saga

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