Hogwarts school

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Are you about to be 9 or 10 or 11 grade at school this year and want to have amazing summer with New Uzbekistan University? If your answer is YES , then this opportunity is for you!

🔥💣New Uzbekistan University never stops creating new opportunities for students. As the continuation of “Winter School” we are ready to launch our next project ”Summer School“. All secondary school students of 8-11 classes are welcome to apply for the school. Top 30 students will be accepted and privileged to have:
🏠Free accommodation
🥗Free meal
🚕Free transportation within duration of the school.
🖇Tours into companies, organizations of national and international range.
🎁Presents, souvenirs for sure.
✅Be in top 30 after the selection process.
✅Pass all 3 stages of selection process
✅Start 9 10 11 grade at school this september
✅Knowledge of English
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Screen Play in Eco Park

It is trip to another amazing park in Tashkent, Ecopark. Participants forming groups, total of 8, will have to perform screen play with moral in front of the public. The performance may cause fun, drama or even horror among the viewers. Participants will be given 3 hours to figure out what they will perform and come up with story having moral to teach public.
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Trip to Gafur Gulom Park

As all school students will have a trip to Gafur Gulom, one of the amusement parks in Tashkent, they will be divided randomly into 8 groups. Each group will be given 2 hours to get prepared to accomplish an activity. All they have to do is to teach public to any skill they want. This might be dancing, singing, playing chess whatever they want.
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The Winter School was dedicated to coming up with projects that meet the needs of Sustainable Development Goals. United Nations SDG plan for creating Sustainable Future. The school was held online via zoom, meanwhile at the end the participants were brought to University Campus, where they have been intorudoced to live lectures, life in NewUU and university social life.
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New Uzbekistan University Winter school took place in January. This program was aimed to immerse participants into NewUU’s academic culture, by introducing them to the heart of engineering and science. The lectures were held online by the professors, foreign students, guest lecturers and students of the NewUU. Participants got help from mentors and professors to work on and solve one of the problems which aligns with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The biggest aim of this program was to contribute to overall increase in the education level among young generation of Uzbekistan students and to collect data about future potential students who might be interested in engineering and who would like to learn it from NewUU’s academic and social
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