Репост из: THE OLD WAYS
Atlantis was founded by a god Poseidon who married a mortal woman Clieto, and had children with her. Is it possible that Poseidon, the king of Atlantis was one of the fallen angels who Enoch spoke of? I believe it could be the case. If so, this means Atlantis was just one such kingdom, and there were many others like it founded by other gods/fallen angels who mixed with the daughters of men. After the first generation of god kings passed, the kingdoms were ruled by their sons the demigods who were a result of a union between the father gods/fallen angels, and mortal human women. So does it mean then that with a passage of generations, the less of divine blood remained in the ruling dynasties’s bloodlines, and more and more these ruling dynasties were diluted with human blood? I don’t know the answer to any of these questions, but I’m dying to know the truth about the ancient past, and the origins of things