Attention to all the Resistance Movement fighters 🔥
👉🤩 The day we've all been waiting for has arrived - we're opening the mine! So, starting today, each fighter is given own section of a large human mine. Dust mining will continue to be automatic, but our fighters will have a number of new features:
🤩 MINEThe mine has its own levels that you can upgrade. At the first stage, the mine can be upgraded to level 4. In subsequent updates, new levels will open, which will allow you to open additional adits.
🤩 ADITSA mine can have several adits, each of which has mining equipment — drills. At the first stage, you will have one adit, in which your drill with its current level will be placed. The adit can be improved: widen, lengthen, and strengthen, you can also improve its ventilation and set traps against monsters. All this affects its performance and stability.
🤩 DRILLAs a result of resource extraction, the drill will wear out, and therefore it will require a regular repair. Drill wear reduces its productivity.
🤩 NEW RESOURCESIn addition to dust, other resources are also mined in the mine: iron, copper, and mica. In the future, they can be used to make parts, and the items for improvement, for example, parts for a collector bot.
🤩 EVENTSVarious events can occur in the mine:
▪️ collapse;
▪️ pollution;
▪️ methane emission;
▪️ monster attack.
Important! All of them block the operation of the equipment and will require your intervention to resume mining.
🤩 SQUAD OF HEROESTo repel the attack of monsters, you need to form a squad of your heroes (from 1 to 3) and send them into battle. Various dangerous creatures live underground, so it is not always possible to defeat them. In case of victory, you will receive a bonus, and in case of defeat - damage to your equipment.
Important! The mine also has a workshop and a laboratory where you can conduct research and create items for various improvements, but they will open a little later.
🤩 A new hero appeared in the store — Brommy, the Mole. Now you can collect the entire "Treasure Hunters" squad and receive additional bonuses for your mine:
The mine collects 15% more resources. Dust loss during a collapse is reduced by 10%.
🤩 Besides, we have another innovation — daily tasks. Everyone who regularly enters Empire's Battle will receive a bonus. The more actively you play, the bigger bonus you receive!
🤩 Mining resources underground is a new thing for all of us, so in the next posts we will tell you in more detail about all aspects of the mine's work, so follow our news, a lot of interesting things await you!