Northwest Tennessee Active Club

Гео и язык канала: США, Английский
Категория: Эротика

TAC Chapter Covering the Northwest Area of Tennessee

Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
США, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Репост из: Remnant Aesthetics
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Remnant Aesthetics
Remnants of Remants

Репост из: White Lads aesthetics

Репост из: Veren Laki
Ensimmäinen - mutta ei viimeinen! - Veren Laki Fight Night oli menestys. Tuvan täydeltä väkeä, kamppailu-urheilua, hyvää henkeä, adrenaliinia. Niistä on hieno ilta tehty!

Репост из: Patriot Front Videos
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@PatriotFrontVideos » Memorial Day assembly 2022.

Watch the full video.

🛡️ See our latest action:

Репост из: Active Tampere - Virallinen kanava
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Active Club Tampere on aktiivinen ympäri vuoden. Unohda passiivisuus ja aktivoidu!

Ota yhteyttä ja liity

XIV 🏴‍☠️

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Try adding this drill to your training and see your defensive footwork and counter ability increase.


Репост из: Fight Porn
UFC Fight Night 245: Hernandez vs. Pereira

Репост из: Smoky Mountain Active Club
Cold morn,
Like so, so many others,
As we survey the street,
Little Eyes flash,
As blue their Mother's

Get active.
Community. Camaraderie.
Met one of you today. Good lad. 🤙

Репост из: Team Asgard
Support Active Club world wide.
Tribe and Train 👌🏻

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Репост из: MurderTheMedia
Please email the Lonoke County, AR prosecuting attorney's office and ask them to NOT press charges against heroic father Aaron Spencer, who shot his 14 year old daughter's rapist.

Fax: (501) 676-3044

Репост из: Pennsylvania Active Club
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CHALLENGE 1956 🇭🇺🧠
A great fitness challenge initiated by our comrades in Hungary to honor the anti-communist heroes of 1956.

💪 The challenge is to perform any workout/sporting performance either individually or with friends and incorporate the date 10/23/1956. For example the number of exercises performed, km/m traveled, weight lifted, etc.

📷 Document this in the form of video or photos. For videos, they request it be filmed in "portrait view".

📝 Send the recordings to: and write in the Subject line: #Kihívás1956
Also include a two-sentence description.

💪🏻 The challenge will run from October 18 to October 28. Let's get creative, test our strength, and send some support to our brothers in Hungary!

👊🏻 @sportolohazafi
🇭🇺 @nzona3
🇭🇺 @legiohungaria

Репост из: Panzer Street Wear
Розыгрыш 1 подписки Telegram Premium сроком на 3 месяца
Условия участия:
  • В розыгрыше участвуют все подписчики
  • Необходимо быть подписчиком 3 каналов
  • Конец розыгрыша: 01.11.2024 06:55

Репост из: Pennsylvania Active Club
Happy Edge Day to all those living a healthy, poison free lifestyle. Straight edge is a personal choice but it goes hand in hand with active clubs. Strong body, strong mind with discipline and determination.

Life is a struggle and we see so many of our people looking in all the wrong places for an escape and succumb to drugs and alcohol. Rise above the artificial pleasures of drugs and live a life worthwhile. For yourself, for your friends, for your family.

One Life One Struggle

Репост из: Amerikaner Updates
Achtung! Amerikaner – Ohio Is For Activists

Gordon is joined by Ben of the Ohio Active Club to talk about his time helping those affected by Hurricane Helene, and then to go into detail on the situation on the ground in Ohio – Springfield and its Haitian invasion, and a call to action asking those living in Ohio to get involved in meaningful activism, mask on and off.


Ohio Active Club:

Ohio Action:

This episode was released early to our generous Subscribers. If you would like to recieve this early access, or other exclusive content, please visit

Achtung! Amerikaner is proudly hosted on and

Репост из: Young Dixie
North Carolinans need to begin running up the North Carolina secession flag and bringing down the USA one. It’s clear that the scum in DC quite literally are trying to wipe them off the map. The most easy step we can take towards secession is by abandoning their icons , symbols and pledges. We have our own.

Репост из: Nationalist Training & Lifestyle
I am officially back in the 1000lb club with this deadlift of 415

Liftwaffen achievement unlocked

I have an injury in my lower back that I got repping 500 several years ago. I’ve had to be conscious of it and rehab it actively. I’m also natural (outside of creatine, beta alanine, and protein). I weigh just under 200lb right now. And I’m actively still training at almost the level I was in fight camp.

You can do it, overcome your hurdles and do not be deterred by your setbacks.

Репост из: Austrian Art Academy
Hand painted faux marble acrylic finish on reclaimed materials
15” x 21”

Toward the end of Second World War plans were developed for resistance forces to operate in occupied territory as Allied forces advanced deeper into Europe. These guerrilla resistance forces would act in conjunction with troops on the front lines to weaken enemy forces.
Adopting the wolfs-angel as its symbol this operation was given the name Werwolf.

The Wolfsangel has become of symbol of resistance for Nationalists around the world.

As alien ideology infects our political bodies and alien peoples invade our homelands we increasingly find ourselves having to operate clandestinely just to maintain a semblance of order and keep our communities and culture alive.

For now, all of the West is in a sense already behind enemy lines.

Build your cadres and strengthen your networks to resist the forces of occupation and degeneration.
Until we regain sovereignty and reclaim our lands we are all werewolves.

Репост из: Tennessee Active Club
Tribe and Train XIV
The Great Reconquista is at hand ⚡️⚡️

Warrior who polishes your spirit through your blood, I invoke you in the banishment of those of us who chose the path of the hero in a lost world. Fill the sword that polishes my destiny with the sting of war, enflaming for a thousand years the silhouette of those of us who inherit the curse of rejection, a pain of remembrances that we never experience
Guerrero que lustras tu espíritu a través de tu sangre, te invoco en el destierro de quienes escogimos el camino del héroe en un mundo perdido.
Llena con el escozor de la guerra la espada que lustra mi destino, enardeciendo por mil años la silueta de los que heredamos la maldición del rechazo, un dolor de remembranzas que nunca vivimos.


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