Other side of Me

Гео и язык канала: не указан, не указан
Категория: не указана

Rebel meroyan broken extreme. jiwa harus kental dalam melawan depresi. Maaf aku tak sempurna.
Any question : @othersideofme_bot

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I just am tired of everything. i don't deserve to live. i think im just a paper or a mask that needs to leave. I'm just a film, needed to ended its life. just a dirt, who needs to be stepped. i am useless. and just make everything worst. doesn’t even matter, and just needs to thirst. everything is impossible. but if someone that's not you can do it. i am just a piece of ghost. who doesn’t need to be seen. i just scare people. and make them feel lonely. again. i just add insult to the injury. doesn't matter, useless, and doesn't need to live...


I will no longer allow my haters and the negative things in my life to spoil all of the good things i have.

I choose to be happy and do what i like to do. Let the people who don't like you see what you do. I'll be myself and just be yourself. Do i care what do you think about me? My answer is no and never!


Aku left banyak channel hari nie. Yelah kita nak join channel tu sebab nak tengok penulisan. Isi dalam setiap nukilan.

Tapi. Ada tapi. Iklan je memanjang. Semak lah. Follow nak baca iklan je ke? Kitaorang nak tengok isi penulisan. Nak baca bukan nak tengok iklan je memanjang. Baik takyah buat channel. Baik kau buat channel iklan je macam tu. Bosan!

Ada lagi satu, buat list asp. Tapi asyik promote channel dia je. Yang channel lain cuma sebagai sandaran je. Backup channel dia. Adil oky. Biarpun kau yang buat list tu. At least channel lain pun layak juga dapat semua tu. Sekali sekala promote lah juga. Letak kat bawah tu.

Nie ada lagi. Selain daripada iklan, asyik forward dari channel lain je. Baik kau buat channel untuk forward penulisan dari channel lain. So untuk apa channel kau tu diwujudkan jika tiada sebarang isi berguna.

Oky done aku menyatakan ketidakpuasan isi hati. Hahaha. Tapi, ada tapi lagi. Bukan semua channel oky. Tak semua! Hadamkan.



Patahnya sebelah sayap
Setelah cinta itu pergi
Kini kau kembali lagi
Menagih kasih penuh harap.

Cukup sekali aku dikhianati
Bak merobek raga acap kali
Pasti tiada peluang lagi.

Tapi, kau hebat mustika
Godaan, desahanmu
Ahh melemahkanku
Saat bibir bersatu lagi
Jasadku kalah bertarung nafsu.

Ku kutuk bayang diri
Angkara rindu kian nyalang
Oleh desahmu di atas ranjang.
Lalu peluang pun terbuka
Ketika hebat berdayung di laut asmara.


Aku sejenis manusia yang kuat makan. Tapi jangan risau lah. Aku tak "makan" kawan aku. Walau aku lapar nak mampus sekalipun. Hanya "bitches" je yang akan makan kawan dia.


Selagi aku belum mention nama kau dalam setiap status aku, kau jangan perasan apa yang aku tulis tu adalah tentang kau.


Apa hal lah korang semua broken kat channel nie. Lahai...


Dan di saat kau bercerita perihal dia, walau cuma sedikit. Aku tahu, kau tersangat merindui dirinya. Kau bahagia, kau ketawa. Aku senyum. Walau hati terasa luka. Apalah sangat dengan luka ini. Jika dibanding dengan senyumanmu. Tak sikit tapi aku semakin menyedari. Diri hanya pengganti dan menumpang kasihnya, kasihmu seketika.


Cuma aku yang "terhegeh-hegeh" dalam membahagiakan kau selama ini. Pelbagai cara aku guna. Asal kau tersenyum sedikit. Itu sudah cukup buat aku berpuas hati.

Cuma airmata sebagai pengganti bicara. Apabila bibir tak mampu menjelaskan betapa terlukanya hati kau.

I feel sad, i feel sad without any reasons, I don’t know where is the end of happiness. I don’t know who love me in these lonely days. I became a worst person. please keep me out of here.


i know i shouldnt be saying and feeling this. but this is the way i am. i dont know if all im talking makes sense. i just want to say something that's been haunting my mind for the last few day's. i cant explain my self anymore. I want to be angry with you because you made me feel something i shouldn't feel. You drive me here. you should take responsibility but i know i have my own share of shiz! Im always crying. i always remember you first thing in the morning!! Before i sleep and i don't want to feel this anymore. I'll be okay soon. just give me time and pls dont despise me as far as i know, i didn't do anything wrong on you and i want to think that cause you're doing this because you care even a little bit.!


If you're listening to this!.. i still miss you. missin the way we were. And every detail of you is still on my mind. i just can't help but to still care for you!.. even if you're so harsh on me. I can't help but to still understand you.


Girl: Do u even want to be with me forever?
Boy: No
Girl: Do u even like me?
Boy: No
Girl: Would u cry if i walked away?
Boy: No

She heard enough and was hurt... She walked away with tears in her eyes.
The boy grabbed her arm;

Boy: Your not pretty...you're beautiful
Boy: I don't want to be with u forever...I need to be with u forever
Boy: I don't like u...I love u
Boy: I wouldn't cry if u walked away... I would die if u walked away.
Boy Whispers: Plz stay with me
Girl: I will...

Aku penat nak hadap manusia yang bermuka-muka.

Depan acah baik. Tapi belakang, tikam sampai luka parah.


Zaman sekarang nie, muka secantik bidadari sekalipun. Mulut semanis gula sekalipun. Tetap tak mencerminkan peribadi seseorang itu.

Belajar membaca melalui mata dan menilai hati. Kerana lidah seringkali berkata dusta.



Oky lah tu. Dari dia cakap bahasa tamil. Aku takde lagi tesaurus bahasa tamil nie. Haha...

Dia tak reti cakap melayu ke. Dah lah aku bingai sikit. Terpaksalah copy and translate google. Kah ! Haha...

Its 03:00 a.m now. So Good night from NY with love.

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