Parents With Questions

Гео и язык канала: Весь мир, Английский
Категория: Политика

As parents, we all love our kids and want to protect them from harm.

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Весь мир, Английский
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Reminder, it’s happening tonight!
I unlock my inner zoo keeper and release the secret to raising lions in an uncertain world!

I hope you can make it!

🙏🏻 My wish is for every child in Australia to know who they are and be confident in themselves to make decisions that carry them through challenges with a smile on their face!

To raise a lion in an uncertain world who will be resilient and strong, independant and confident and would love to have other pareents join me so that we can raise a pack of Lions together!!

We are almost at capacity for tonight with a few spots left, if you haven't reigstered to join our live webinar, click the link below now.

📆 Wednesday 7th Feb 2024
⏰ 7:00pm AEDT
🔗 Register for free here

For more info visit

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Happening tonight 👇🏻
Are you ready to learn how to become a Lion Trainer with us?

📆 Wednesday 7th Feb 2024
⏰ 7:00pm AEDT
🔗 Register for free here

We all know how the narrative can be fine one minute and the next it takes us completely by surprise with roadblocks that cause us to stumble… Well, I don’t want that for my kids!

I Want to train them with the tools in life so that they grow up strong, with great confidence, fearless, to think critically, with skills, values and philosophies sorely lacking in today's world and certainly in the government education system.

What have you got to lose by doing the same? See you tonight! ~ Adam Gibson

For more info visit

Do your kids display these qualities? Would you like to learn how to help them discover how they can elevate their abilities!

Join me in discovering just how you can too, Raise your kids as resilient Lions.

📆 Wednesday 7th Feb 2024
⏰ 7:00pm AEDT
🔗 Register for free here

For more info visit

🫨 Our kids are facing a different and difficult world - with many modern challenges - we simply did not have to face, wouldn't you agree?

🤔 Out of these 10 challenges our kids face daily, have you considered how it will affect your kids growing up?

1. Cyberbullying
2. Social media addiction
3. Sexual harassment
4. Climate change hysteria
5. Academic pressure: leading to academic burnout, anxiety, and stress.
6. Online privacy risks
7. Environmental degradation
8. Economic inequality
9. Fake global pandemics
10. Social polarization: segregation & discrimination.

Well, I am taking a stand and intend on gathering the right life skills and lessons to pass onto my kids. This means becoming a Lion Trainer - Raising Lions, not Sheep!

Register at no cost & lock in your spot for Lion Training 🦁

📆 Wednesday 7th Feb 2024
⏰ 7:00pm AEDT
🔗 Register for free here

For more info, visit

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Do you want to raise Lion Cubs with me? In case you missed it, I have decided that no matter what my children face in life they will have the right tools to tackle their challenges with!

We all know how the narrative can be fine one minute and the next it takes us completely by surprise with roadblocks that cause us to stumble… Well, I don’t want that for my kids!

I Want to train them with the tools in life so that they grow up strong, with great confidence, fearless, to think critically, with skills, values and philosophies sorely lacking in today's world and certainly in the government education system.

I see this as the greatest gift I can leave my kids for life - (not money or real estate).

So if this idea appeals to you… I would like to invite you (if this concerns you) to join me:

📆 Wednesday 7th Feb 2024
⏰ 7:00pm AEDT
🔗 Register for free here

For more info visit

2.2k 0 12 10 33

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Join me in discovering just how you can too, Raise your kids as resilient Lions.

📆 Wednesday 7th Feb 2024
⏰ 7:00pm AEDT
🔗 Register for free here

For more info visit

🦁 You wont believe this “I am becoming a Lion Trainer” ~ Adam Gibson.

Progressively over the course of last year I knew that something had to change with what I saw occurring right in front of my eyes...We tackled the push from the government to Vaccinate our Kids... but I've noticed the uncertainty and challenges that arise against our young people hasn't just stopped - in fact it only seems to keep escalating with issues that we as parents never faced in our day!

My question as a parent is “How do I prepare and empower my kids to thrive in this environment and create the future they deserve?” I decided I needed to find the answer… and use the PWQ platform yet again, to not only identify what these issues are, but help parents find answers to work with their kids to help them grow up with the skills they need to effectively (not become sheep that grow up afraid of their futures), but learn to gain confidence, resilience and courage to handle anything the world throws at them long after we are gone,and in so doing BECOME PROUD LIONS.

Join me in discovering just how you can too, Raise your kids as resilient Lions.

📆 Wednesday 7th Feb 2024
⏰ 7:00pm AEDT
🔗 Register for free here

For more info visit

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Launching - Tomorrow 🦁👀🗣️

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New Year | Big Announcement 👁️👁️

We missed you, Keep your eyes wide open on Friday for the Launch of something Wonderful 🔥🦁🧰


Репост из: Stand-Up Australia

Australian and New Zealand lawyers Julian Gillespie, Peter Fam, and Katie Ashby-Koppens have been working with a group of Australian doctors and scientists for creating proposed Terms of Reference for the Royal Commission, to ensure the Commission is properly empowered and given clear instructions about what needs to be examined and investigated.

Answers from a Royal Commission created by the Australian People – and not the public servants it is meant to investigate – is what is needed. And is long overdue!

Please listen to the podcast, then visit the Terms of Reference created for the Australian People, review the m, and show your support by becoming a Co-Signatory.


If you don't sign-up to send Canberra the message with our numbers, they will do it again.🔥🔥🔥

#StandUpNow #Covid19RoyalCommission #TermsOfReference

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The Australian People finally have an opportunity to get some answers.
Leaders and public health officials the world over chose to ignore the Great Barrington Declaration advising against Covid lockdown measures, only to observe its evidence-based predictions come to pass.
Australia's major parties were no different and continue to remain silent about their refusal to follow our own pandemic planning, where they instead opted for lockdown measures that turned Australia back into a penal colony.
This has resulted in untold detriment to millions of Australians that was unneeded.
Why decades of science was ignored continues to remain largely unanswered.
In Australia there is a proposal for a Royal Commission into Covid-19, a court style tribunal of inquiry that could greatly assist the Australian public understand the reasons behind the denial of science when dealing with Covid in our country.
This Royal Commission requires even greater support than the Great Barrington Declaration received, if the truth is to see the light of day.
Australian and New Zealand lawyers Julian Gillespie, Peter Fam, and Katie Ashby-Koppens have been working with a group of Australian doctors and scientists for creating proposed Terms of Reference for the Royal Commission, to ensure the Commission is properly empowered and given clear instructions about what needs to be examined and investigated.
Answers from a Royal Commission created by the Australian People – and not the public servants it is meant to investigate – is what is needed. And is long overdue.
Please visit the Terms of Reference created for the Australian People, review the Terms of Reference, and show your support by becoming a Co-Signatory.
If you don't sign-up to send Canberra the message with our numbers, they will do it again.

5k 1 64 11 42

Репост из: Stand-Up Australia
💥 Hello PHILIPPINES, We see you!!
💣 They dropped a bombshell today

5pm AEDT is when we will be shipping the People’s Letter off to Geneva with a big fat NO from Aussies, this is your last call to action an urgent call to share amongst your circle..

Congratulations to New Zealand, Estonia, Slovakia and now Philippines - we stand in awe thanks for leading by example

Sign the #PeoplesLetter here:

4.5k 0 53 132 103

Репост из: Stand-Up Australia
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New report from Spotlight on China, said that the COVID linked children pneumonia from China can spread into other countries as in the US has reported an increase of incidents.


There is a War coming and it’s directed to our Children, it’s coming thick & fast and we all remember how this started almost 3 years ago! We have held off on posting but now it’s reaching mainstream sites see next post for article!


Even more crucial to REJECT the W.H.O Amendments. Today is the last day to sign The People’s Letter

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Our friends at Stand Up Australia have just released “The People’s Letter!” Make sure you have a read and sign it to protect all families across Australia 🇦🇺

We only have 1 Day left to get this right and REJECT the W.H.O.'s 2022 Amendments and as you’ve seen, if NZ, Estonia and Slovakia can say NO then so can we!

⚠️Instead of waiting for the Australian Government to do something about this, we have taken action yet again and are following New Zealand's @voicesforfreedom_nz lead and have created an Australian People's Letter.

Most of our Members of parliament have made it clear they’re not willing to listen, they’re not willing to represent us. We’re taking things into our own hands, we’re representing ourselves!

❗️We’ve included heaps of background information for you on our website as well. It's damn easy.

So get ready, get set, SIGN & SHARE NOW the Peoples Letter form 📝👇🏻


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A pill is easy to take, a vaccine is easy to have but it is a band-aid and without putting in the work and changing the way you eat, move, think and do, you will likely be on that band-aid medicine for the rest of your life.

And guys, we weren't designed to be on all those chronic medicines! Chronic medicines, frequent headaches, GI distress, acne, behavior disorders, obesity, weight gain, lethargy.... this ISN'T NORMAL!

You can support Big Pharma and help them profit.....OR.... you can take back your health, your life, your family!

Changing the foods we eat - switching to more real 1 ingredient foods and cooking at home is the best medicine you can ever take!

Moving your body, walking, lifting, bike riding is the best medicine you can take. Getting outside, skipping the sunscreen, breathing in the fresh air and nature is the best medicine you can take.

Friends, let's put the chronic pill & yearly shots aside - put big pharma out of business! If you don't do it for you, do it for your kids!

Were the Two Factors identified…

1️⃣. The World Health Organization
2️⃣. Australian Government or MSM?

Just Asking for a friend….

Репост из: Vaccine Choice Australia
Like the US, Our Aussie kids are on the decline for the Childhood Immunisation Schedule as well!

While the stats aren’t hugely different - let’s celebrate the small wins with the decrease in numbers 🇦🇺↙️👨‍👨‍👧‍👧

You can find more information here:

💭 Do you have Questions about the Childhood Immunisation Schedule that perhaps haven’t been answered before? Drop them in our comments!

📣 #InformMe is launching soon, where we want to help get to the bottom of all the unanswered questions that come with making decisions to follow through with the current Australian schedule

3k 0 14 52 48

Репост из: Stand-Up Australia
It’s a NO from us!

NEW - Billionaire Bill Gates buying up land, threatening small farms under guise of saving planet, author claims.

Full Article:


Stand Up Australia together with AMPS and AusExits (The W.H.O) have just launched

Your voice Matters, so let’s speak up and speak out to protect our country from this man and his plans!

Hot off the MSM press 🔥

While the government wants to ignore a petition put forward by Australia Exits the W.H.O, signed by 55,697 people as reported by us today 🖕, it appears they could no longer ignore the feedback they received on their controversial Combatting Misinformation & Disinformation Bill, often criticized for its potential infringement on free speech.

As stated by the MSM media (Guardian) yesterday, any revised version of the bill is expected to face a delay until next year. What adds to our success is that the media attributes this reconsideration and postponement directly to your dedicated efforts. The government received over 20,000 responses including 3,000 submissions, many of which were critical of the bill. 🔥🔥🔥

The fight for our freedom of speech is far from over yet but if they responded to this, let’s make them notice our desire to reject the proposed W.H.O amendments even more. Let’s keep the pressure up, join the campaign…have your say now.

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