Jon Herold

Гео и язык канала: США, Английский
Категория: Новости и СМИ

Devolution can no longer be considered a theory. Find out why here:

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США, Английский
Новости и СМИ
Фильтр публикаций

Репост из: Badlands Media
🔥 This afternoon on Badlands 🔥

Devolution Recap Series - Part 12 - Playbook

Join Jon Herold as he provides commentary on the original Devolution Series, as read by Patrick Gunnels.

Show starts at 1pm ET

Репост из: StormyPatriotJoe ️️️ Channel
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Nice Tattoo Teacher!!!
Badlandia Shout Out
At Trump Rally 🔥🔥

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Репост из: Very Reasonable Information
Trump posted this for a second time. The first was on 9/7.

Репост из: Just Human ️️️
"the new realities of cyber warfare... Turning everyday electronics that include wireless connectivity into improvised explosive devices may seem like dystopian science fiction, but it really isn’t that far-fetched.

Considering everyone reading this likely has just such a device in their pocket or hand, and considering the potential vulnerabilities of hardware created overseas, often by possible future adversaries, as well as the software that controls these devices, the alarm bells couldn’t ring any louder, even if this event proves to be something else. We interact every day with examples of networked technology — from the cars we drive to the computer hardware we use to make a living — that also have power packs with large amounts of stored potential energy. So targeting such devices for nefarious kinetic purposes is darkly logical.

When you think about it in that light, the explosive/incendiary charges are already distributed all over the globe by the billions. The possible ability to connect to and trigger those charges is, at least in theory, already built in. Now targeting the right devices and making them actually ignite is another thing, but for some devices, that could be more of a software challenge above anything else. Being able to remotely target individuals via their unique device, which has their electronic fingerprint attached to it, is also an unprecedented concept to comprehend.

A potential kinetic attack opportunity like this has never existed in human history..."


Репост из: Very Reasonable Information
Merrick Garland tells the DOJ that the American people need to spend more time honoring them.

Репост из: Very Reasonable Information
Donna Brazile be like "they gave ME the questions and I gave them to David Muir and that chick that wants to be related to Lenny Kravitz."

Репост из: Badlands Media
🔥 This afternoon on Badlands 🔥

Devolution Recap Series - Addendum 2 - COGCON

Join Jon Herold as he provides commentary on the original Devolution Series, as read by Patrick Gunnels.

Show starts at 1:05pm ET

Показано 20 последних публикаций.