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The Fitnah of Wahhabis

After the battle of Hunayn while the Prophet ﷺ was distributing charity to a few people whose hearts needed to be reconciled, there came a man with a thick beard, prominent cheek bones, deep sunken eyes, protruding forehead and shaven head.

He exclaimed:
Fear Allah, O Muhammad!

The Prophet ﷺ responded:
‘Who will obey Allah if I were to disobey him?
Am I not [sent as the] most trustworthy person on earth; and yet you trust me not?’

The man then turned back, whereupon one of those present asked for permission to kill him.

But the Prophet ﷺ said:
‘Verily, from the progeny (di’di) of this [man] shall come a people who will recite the Qur’an but it won’t pass beyond their throats.
They will slay the followers of Islam and would spare the people of idolatry.
They will pierce through the religion just like an arrow which goes clean through a prey.’


*Note keeping in mind the warning from the Prophet ﷺ about the tribulations that will come from Najd it is also important to note Ibn Abdul Wahhab Najdi Tamimi is from the same tribe the Banu Tamim as Dhul Khuwaisra who is the one mentioned in the hadith above and whos offspring the Prophet ﷺ is warning about.

The al-Saud are originally from the village of ad-Diriyah, located in Najd, in eastern Arabia situated near modern day Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia.

Ibn Abdul Wahhab (1703 - 1792) was born in Uyayna village in the Najd Desert, and was from the Banu Tamim tribe.

Dhul Khuwaisra – the man who showed so much disrespect to the Prophet ﷺ was from the tribe of Bani
Tamim (a Prominent Tribe of Najd).
The Prophet ﷺ foretold that the
Wahhabi group who will cause much
fitna, will be the off-springs of the above.

Allama Ahmad Ibn Zayni Dahlan, the great Sunni Scholar and celebrated
Historian writes:

“Dhul Khuwaisra was of
the Banu Tamim tribe and so was Ibn Abdul Wahhab Najdi.”

[Addarus Sunniah, pp/51]

The Mufti of Makkah Exposes Wahhabis

The Mufti of Makkah Ahmad Ibn Zayni Dahlan already authored a book called "The Fitnah of Wahhabis" and he exposed some of what he saw and wittnessed from the Wahhabi extreme and terrorist acts and crimes besides their radical beliefs and misguidance in aqeedah.

Read his book "The Fitnah of Wahhabis"

مفتي الشافعية في مكة الشيخ أحمد بن زيني دحلان، كشف في كتابه "فتنة الوهابية" عن بعض ارهاب وتطرف الوهابية المجسمة واستحلال دماء المسلمين وقتلهم وسرقهم ونهبهم باسم الدين بعد ذكر بعض عقائدهم الفاسدة التكفيرية المنحرفة عن الكتاب والسنة والسلف الصالح.

اقرأ كتاب: فتنة الوهابية

Imam Ahmad Ibn Zayni Dahlan al Makki al Shafi'i رَحِمَهُ ٱللّٰهُ [who passed away in 1304 Hijri] wrote in his ' Khulasat- ul-Kalam fi Umara'-il-Balad-il- Haram; (the history of the rulers of Makkah) 'the Story of the People of al-Taif and what they Encountered from al-Wahhabiyyah [p297]

Then he said: and when they
[al- Wahhabiyyah] came into al-Taif, they killed people indiscriminately including the elderly, the children, the subjects and the princes, the high ranked and the poor. They [al- Wahhabiyyah] slaughtered infants at their mothers chests.
They climbed into houses and kicked out those who were hiding killing them all. They found a group of people studying the Qur'an, so they killed every single one of them and anyone who was in a house. After that they attacked the shops and mosques killing anyone that was in, even the men who were in sujud praying, till they wiped out all creatures there.
Surely [al- Wahhabiyyah] will face the severe punishment of the One Who subjugated the heavens and earths.

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