Avoiding IRL relationship while failing to save (my characters) virginity
Main cast:
Game Master as **GM**
Me as **me**
That Person as **this person**
^This ^is ^no ^finger ^pointing, ^I ^am ^at ^much ^fault ^as ^anyone ^in ^this ^turning ^into ^a ^rpghorrorstory
Played in a group for over a year and had fun playing the [sarcastic asshole mercenary](https://wikiofthrones.com/static/uploads/2017/08/bronndickon-compressed.jpg) who only moves a finger if any money is involved. Group was full of fun people, even hung out outside of game and went to conventions together.
**GM** invites a somewhat (personal gut feeling) unsettling person to the group who inexplicably really liked **me** (as player) and paid my character to jump into bed with them on the very first meeting. We haven’t done sex stuff in game before as none of us are proud having to make that tick on their nerd bucket list... *buuuuut* at least it was with an actual player/character of the opposite gender so that evens it out. This never happened again though because my gut said *not your type, stay on distance*
Several sessions and weeks later we all went to some medieval convention and **this person** asked the fortune teller if we both are a thing in the future within earshot of group outside the tent.
The next week I retire mercenary and change character to a noble who adamantly treasures virginity before marriage but it continues with **this person** who starts to obviously text **me** while we are playing together at the table. I see **GM** grow more sad with every passing session.
Group is very uncomfortable suddenly. No longer enjoy playing together or hanging out. Something stupid happens, my character gets forced to sleep with a npc and lose virginity or be forever badmouthed within circles of nobles.
Don’t feel like playing anymore. throw a temper tantrum on WhatsApp about how my character of nobility got tricked (sry, story for another time) and ultimately get thrown out of the group-
*... and feel refreshed.*
**GM** and **this person** enter relationship soon after that for a year, then broke up recently.
**GM** says „**this person** has mental problems and being together was a full time job“ - While **this person** texts me saying **GM** „is an absolute control freak with anger issues who can’t be trusted“
Both invite **me** to hang out. I say „no thanks“ then sit down at computer and write rpghorrorstory on mobile, cursing myself how far I made it on the tiny touchscreen with a running computer in front of me
tldr you lazy bastards:
**this person** liked **me** though I don’t like **this person** while **GM** loved **this person** - ingame things happen, I throw temper tantrum for being forced into sex and get kicked. Receive news a year later how I dodged the proverbial bullet.
Main cast:
Game Master as **GM**
Me as **me**
That Person as **this person**
^This ^is ^no ^finger ^pointing, ^I ^am ^at ^much ^fault ^as ^anyone ^in ^this ^turning ^into ^a ^rpghorrorstory
Played in a group for over a year and had fun playing the [sarcastic asshole mercenary](https://wikiofthrones.com/static/uploads/2017/08/bronndickon-compressed.jpg) who only moves a finger if any money is involved. Group was full of fun people, even hung out outside of game and went to conventions together.
**GM** invites a somewhat (personal gut feeling) unsettling person to the group who inexplicably really liked **me** (as player) and paid my character to jump into bed with them on the very first meeting. We haven’t done sex stuff in game before as none of us are proud having to make that tick on their nerd bucket list... *buuuuut* at least it was with an actual player/character of the opposite gender so that evens it out. This never happened again though because my gut said *not your type, stay on distance*
Several sessions and weeks later we all went to some medieval convention and **this person** asked the fortune teller if we both are a thing in the future within earshot of group outside the tent.
The next week I retire mercenary and change character to a noble who adamantly treasures virginity before marriage but it continues with **this person** who starts to obviously text **me** while we are playing together at the table. I see **GM** grow more sad with every passing session.
Group is very uncomfortable suddenly. No longer enjoy playing together or hanging out. Something stupid happens, my character gets forced to sleep with a npc and lose virginity or be forever badmouthed within circles of nobles.
Don’t feel like playing anymore. throw a temper tantrum on WhatsApp about how my character of nobility got tricked (sry, story for another time) and ultimately get thrown out of the group-
*... and feel refreshed.*
**GM** and **this person** enter relationship soon after that for a year, then broke up recently.
**GM** says „**this person** has mental problems and being together was a full time job“ - While **this person** texts me saying **GM** „is an absolute control freak with anger issues who can’t be trusted“
Both invite **me** to hang out. I say „no thanks“ then sit down at computer and write rpghorrorstory on mobile, cursing myself how far I made it on the tiny touchscreen with a running computer in front of me
tldr you lazy bastards:
**this person** liked **me** though I don’t like **this person** while **GM** loved **this person** - ingame things happen, I throw temper tantrum for being forced into sex and get kicked. Receive news a year later how I dodged the proverbial bullet.