RattleTrap 1776 🇺🇸

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the New York Times, on May 31, 2022, would not have an article called the Opinion by: Joseph R. Biden Jr. and immediately below is "Joe Biden is the President of the United States" as if this was the Tajikistan Press. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/31/opinion/biden-ukraine-strategy.html 

Because they couldn’t just title it:

Opinion: by President Biden.

Why does a “President” need an Opinion piece… how about a Press Conference LOL

It’s that easy yet so stupid.

And so, so, so much more all in my Google Documents. 

You’re witnessing the greatest Covert Operation in World History.

But you must understand the United States of America’s Origin, Foundation, and History in order to comprehend what is taking place right in front of you. The war is real, the news is fake.

All Americans can know this. It happened via Law and Order right in front of you.

The quicker Americans learn Law and Order, the quicker this can be over. It's a giant wake-up call as we can never reach this point of laziness, complacency, and ignorance of our simple Foundation, Origin, and Government again.

I can help you understand what took place right in front of your eyes, but you have to want to read, study, and learn. The 4 Documents I wrote cost you nothing to sign up and read. They explain everything in chronological order and tie everything in for you.

Do yourself a favor and listen to Jordan Maxwell explain Words that have a different meaning, Maritime Admiralty, the Corporation, the BAR meaning, etc. Listen closely and then read and re-read this post.

Admiralty Law explained:

Maritime Law:

Nothing Operates like you think it does

The Vatican: 

United States Corporation: 

They will benefit you, tremendously, if you listen and learn.

As he says in one of the videos... "99% of people I run into don't care as long as the beer is cold and football is on, they don't care."

Same in my case. I hear "have you taken your meds today?" Along with all kinds of other ignorant and condescending comments that really deserve a good strong, swift kick in your saddle joints.

Being in the Military or a Veteran does not make one know Law and Order. Knowing Law and Order makes one know Law and Order.

If you want to read the 4 Google Documents, send me a message with your email and I’ll add you to them.

They have links to every speech, Executive Order, Law, Regulation, and Optics with a lot of pictures.

There's no cost and never will be. My service time may be done, but my Oath never expires.  
"There's a storm coming, wait for it." What storm are you referring to Mr. President? "You'll see." - October 2017.

You're in the middle of the storm.

No guts, no glory!

"Biden" cannot revoke Executive Order 13848, 13919, 13958, and 13959, amongst many others because in order to do so, "he" and the evil cronies (Bush, Clintons, Obama, and many, many more) would have to explain to the American people, BY LAW, what took place for those to be signed and become automatic Law and Order versus through the normal Congressional process of legislation through the House and Senate.

Which is why "Biden" EXTENDED Executive Order 13848 on September 7, 2021...

Which proves 99% of Americans have no idea what's going on…

Because if you did, you would have to explain why in the world "he" would EXTEND the VERY Executive Order that outlines those 4 major events (above) which brought about the National Quantum Initiative, which includes all of the 19 agencies, including all branches of Military, NASA, and the Space Force tracking votes all over the world... the VERY Executive Order which will DAMN "Biden's" whole "Presidency" and "Administration."

To make those National Emergencies and Presidential Emergencies from 2017 to 2021 go away... "Biden" and "Congress" would have to ADDRESS the Nation on WHY those were issued.

Which would mean what actually took place PRIOR to those being EMERGENCIES to the National Security and Threat to the American People.

They would have to explain their "Nuclear Option" they boasted about through 2019… was actually to release a Biochemical Weapon to the World, an evil disguise, as they never dreamt the Military Generals would form an alliance and via a President take down the Corporation all over the world.

All of which would reveal to 99% of the world who thinks Putin and Russia are bad guys aren't.

All of which would reveal who has been funding Ukraine since 2005.

All of which would reveal Ukraine has not filed Border Registration since 1991, broke their Treaty in 2018 with Russia, all of which means they're still legally Russian Territory.

All of which would reveal what Administration had a Vice President for 8 years making MULTIPLE trips to Ukraine, 7 trips in 7 months in 2014 alone.   

All of which would reveal Ukraine never had a Presidential Election in 2014.

The Department of Defense came clean June 13, 2022, as they revealed there's 46 U.S. Funded Biochemical Laboratories in Ukraine.

All funded by the Obama Administration back to 2005 ("Dubya").

All of which Russia is bombing... not Ukraine Forces; only the Ukraine Forces protecting, guarding and working for the Biochemical Labs.

"Biden's" Under Secretary Victoria Nuland, confirmed on March 8, 2022, there were Biochemical Labs in Ukraine.

Simultaneously, RINO Mitt Romney (whose son works for Ukrainian Oil Company) accused former Democrat Representative Tulsi Gabbard of "spreading ‘treasonous lies’ for simply talking about the US-funded biolabs in Ukraine” and also the mainstream media for reporting the same day there were no such things.

Oh yeah, Victoria, served as the Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs at the United States Department of State from 2013 to 2017 and US Permanent Representative to NATO from 2005 to 2008. She was the lead U.S. point person for the Revolution of Dignity, establishing loan guarantees to Ukraine, including a $1 billion loan guarantee in 2014, and the provisions of non-lethal assistance to the Ukrainian military and border guard. 

And why in the world did "Biden" have campaign speeches, speeches, and press write ups about how "he" was going to shut down Guantanamo Bay, in February 2021 and September 2021, yet the New York Times wrote on December 29, 2021, that President Trump and the Pentagon are EXPANDING Gitmo with a Secret Courthouse by $500 million that will host the 2023 Military Tribunals... the article said EXPANDING in present and future tense. Not past tense.

"IF" "Biden" was actually President... "He" could shut down Gitmo, revoke ALL Executive Orders, appoint ANYONE "he" chose, and do ANYTHING "he" wanted with the current set up.

"IF" "Biden" were actually President...

IF the "Biden Admin" were real, and I didn't know Military Operations, Law and Order, do you really believe "Biden" and "Admin" could balance the budget of the Military, but cannot fix inflation, taxes, stock market, and economics that would allow gas companies to lower the cost of gas as well as everything else?

On January 26th, 2021, there was a particular 4-Star General named Commander of Pacific Theatre. The Pacific Theatre includes: China, Russia, Australia, Japan, North Korea, and Taiwan. Who is this General?

First, allow me to tell you who his full blood brother is. His full blood brother is none other than the 4-Star General whistleblower on the Obama Administration...

Only, the 4-Star General whom they stripped of his clearance, shamed, humiliated, and slandered he and his family for a couple years before President Trump pardoned him in December 2020...

Yeah, I'm talking about 4-Star General Michael Flynn who on January 26th, 2021, "Biden" appointed his full blood brother 4-Star General Charles Flynn to the commanding General of the Pacific Theatre.

Who was the Vice President for the 8 year Obama Administration? Do you really believe that "Joe Biden" would name the full blood brother to the Commanding position of those key areas after putting his brother and his family through hell? Get outttttaaaa here.

And here's the best one yet. Fresh off the press. President Trump just released a 12 page presser, June 13, 2022. A lot of optics in the document. Read here: https://cdn.nucleusfiles.com/e7/e746fae9-7a5f-462d-a0dd-dd9a11895451/statement-by-president-donald-j.-trump.pdf 

"It is all on live tape produced by the government."

He is referring to the mules who hauled hundreds of thousands of fraudulent ballots.

The government he is referring to is his Law and Order via the National Quantum Initiative (his 14 page Executive Order) which has the 17 Military Agencies (total of 19 agencies involved) that includes all Military Branches, NASA, and Space Force, as you read the Generals quote that day as well, plus his Executive Order 13848 where he wrote in 2018 what was going to happen in 2020... brilliant.

"The Establishment is holding on as tightly as they can to their power as they watch it slip from their grasp."

"The Establishment"

= the Corporation
= the Deep State
= the Swamp

"The Democrats know that I would correct all of this, and they are doing everything in their power to stop me - but we can't be stopped."

"Know" = present tense
“Doing” = present tense
"To stop me" = live action & present tense.
"Can't be stopped" = definite, live, & present tense

If President Trump isn't a threat, why is he still their target?

Better yet..if nothing I know via Military Law, Military Regulations, Military Operations, Military Optics, Military Code Language, Military Symbolism, the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, Executive Orders, U.S. Codes via the Constitution, Articles of the Constitution, Powers of the President = Presidential Emergencies, Presidential Acts, National Emergencies, that everyone witnessed from January 20, 2017, to January 20, 2021, is valid and true...

"IF" "Joe Biden" was real and actually President... here's the current set up:

Democrats have control of the House of Representatives
50-50 Tie in the Senate (since January 2021, no less than 5 "Republicans" have voted with Democrats)
Veto Power
Executive Orders

"IF" "Biden" was actually President... there's NOTHING he cannot do.

He could revoke ALL of President Trump's Orders. He could shut down Gitmo as he promised. He could do ANYTHING he wanted.

"He" can't. "He" can't because "he" is not President.

"He" is not President because of every single Military Law, Law and Order from January 20, 2017, to January 20, 2021.

I've heard comments like "please tell me this is true." I don't have to tell you it's true. It's straight up Law and Order from our Origin and Foundation of the United States of America, the Republic to which she stands and from January 2017 to 2021.

" because of his LAW and ORDER from 2017 to that present day, and his code language from Nov. 3, 2020 to that day.

The Military and Trump are in charge of this Nation. You're watching is a delayed script while the corporation and media have to play out their treason, fraud, and crimes against humanity violations of the Constitution and U.S. Codes.

Here's how you can rest assured, be calm, and at peace, the good guys are in control:

After November 3, 2020, the Military (White Hat Generals and Operatives) and Commander-in-Chief Trump took control of our Nation. Everything from that date forward via congress and media are ALL Optics. Via the Uniform Code of Military Justice aka Military Law, Military Regulations, Military Optics, Military Symbolizations, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, Presidential Emergency powers (PEADs), Presidential Acts, and Executive Orders from January 20, 2017, to November 3, 2020, and the invoking of the Insurrection Act of 1807, activating the National Guard to Federal Duty, Marine Law of 1834... ALL of those EXTENDED President Trump's powers as President according to Articles of the Constitution. "Biden" is a puppet, while President Trump is in exile leading the Nation behind the scenes as the 3rd WarTime President and Commander-in-Chief in U.S. History which is the mirror of the Commonwealth Act Number 671 (December 16, 1941; remember Franklin D. Roosevelt; no coincidence).

It was President Trump who received the full Constitutional and Military Regulated Inauguration at 12:01 PM EST... As he received 21 gun salutes by the 3rd Infantry Division aka The Old Guard, red carpet rollout, with 17 Gold-Fringe Flags in background, and as he boarded and left on Air Force One #29000 call sign 92-9000, with the nuclear codes. Note: no President has ever left office on Air Force One.

"Biden" flew into D.C. on a regular aircraft and held a planned and scripted "inauguration," with a 16 gun salute by a color guard (uniforms weren't even regulation), in which the ceremony was held at 10:00 AM EST, as the Constitution specifically says at Noon.

The mainstream media chose what side they were to be on from January 20, 2017, to November 3, 2020. Everything you've witnessed since that date are distractions while the Military cleans up the world.

Ever since January 2021, there's been NO LESS than 300 military aircraft in the sky daily, all around the world, running missions and operations including the Doomsday Plane (Nuclear Protection), The Nightwatch Plane (Nuclear), the Joint STARS Plane, the P-3 Orion Plane (Maritime Law Plane) and so many more.

I have multiple screenshots of flight logs in the Documents; those are not secret, all aircraft are trackable via public flight sites; it's up to them to block their flight.

Air Force One #29000 has been inactive since June 2021, and Air Force One #28000 flight logs are blocked (as they've both been decommissioned due to President Trump's new deal with Boeing in 2017).

I've got optics for days.
In May, the mainstream 'media' told you Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin traveled to Ukraine. The last foreign trip by the Secretary of Defense documented since 1948... via history.defense.gov/ is December 2020... by Christopher Miller. 

On April 16, 2021, "press secretary" Psaki is on live presser making a comment: "Wow, there is a plane right overhead." As reported by Bloomberg and other mainstream news, two F-22 Raptors flew over the White House. Via Federal Aviation Administration Regulations (www.faa.gov)... D.C. has a 33 mile no-fly zone RADIUS... NOT just the White House... The District of Columbia has a 33 mile no-fly zone RADIUS.

In case you forgot.... "Biden" did not inherit a bad economy...

The Doomsday Plane alone costs $163,000 per hour to operate...

When the United States was sold back to England in the Treaty of 1871, signed by President Ulysses S. Grant, (Stoutenburgh v. Hennick, 129 U.S. 141), the District of Columbia aka "D.C." became a Foreign Territory.

The Military recognizes D.C. as a Foreign Territory. Not a state, not a city, but a foreign country. When National Guard Troops leave their states and went to D.C., it was a deployment, as it reads in the Insurrection Act of 1807.

There's only ONE person who can activate the National Guard to Federal Duty... that's the President of the United States. On April 30, 2020, President Trump signed Executive Order 13919 that gave the Secretary of Defense authorization to make approvals to activate Reserve Components of the Military.

On January 6, Defense Secretary Christopher Miller approved up to 6,200 National Guard troops to support civil authorities in the District of Columbia for up to 31 days under Title 32, 502(f) authority.

If they were there for the "inauguration" then why did they stay up until March? LOL   

The activation of the National Guard to Federal Duty signified the invoking of the Insurrection Act of 1807.

The Act empowers the President of the United States to deploy U.S. Military and federalize National Guard troops within the United States in particular circumstances, such as to suppress civil disorder, insurrection, or rebellion.

Interesting.... the soldiers did not arrive in D.C. until January 17, 2021.

The President also has full and direct control of the United States Marines, via Marine Law of 1834, as it reads: "can be used for other duties as the President may direct..."

Which is why a mass majority of Americans and many Veterans look LAZY and FOOLISH to believe Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi when she said on mainstream news in January 2021, after the FBI setup "insurrection," she was putting National Guard troops in D.C. for the 'protection of the "Inauguration."

Since when does the Speaker of the House hold Military rank? Do you really believe Generals take orders from a Senator? LOL

Not ONLY was it an FBI setup which will ALL be revealed soon and in the 2023 Military Tribunals... but she also revealed on national news, that hers and 15 other laptops were taken. Yuppp, Special Forces have been blending in and running operations for years inside Antifa and BLM, tracking every single move, meeting, leaders, etc. 

Remember, the Military knows everything. For the Veterans who do not know this, you should really be ashamed.

But unfortunately, service ain't "service" anymore to a large percentage of soldiers... There's way too many great benefits (medical, dental, college, housing) and salary motivations, thanks to you the taxpayers.

By U.S. Law, "Biden" had to visually be seen by the public illegally accepting the nomination as "President," and most importantly visually be seen by the public illegally being "inaugurated" in which was AFTER January 6th, the Constitutional process, which completed Treason, Fraud, and Crimes Against Humanity via the Constitution via U.S. Codes 18 US Code 115, 18 US Code 2385, 3 US Code 15, and 52 US Code 20511. 

On January 20th, 2021, the mainstream media told you "Trump stepped down." He did no such thing. The mainstream media completely avoided Law and Order from January 20, 2017, to Nov 3, 2020.

So, by November 4, 2020, all media who had reported illegal propaganda are being held by the Military to complete their Treason, Fraud and Crimes Against Humanity, and still are to this date, have to continue visually being seen by American public violating the Constitution via U.S. Codes 18 US Code 115, 18 US Code 2385, 3 US Code 15, and 52 US Code 20511, which also apply to them and 2023 Military Tribunals will show their crimes. 

Do you know the reason former Presidents attend the Inauguration? To hand over a little box. Do you know what's in that box? Nuclear Keys aka Codes.

Where was President Donald Trump on January 20th? He dang sure wasn't at an optical "inauguration.

Well, how 'bout them record gas prices? How 'bout the shortages? How 'bout the food distribution centers being destroyed? How 'bout inflation? How 'bout all the violence? How 'bout the wars President Trump never started? 

President Trump told you the people all throughout 2020 campaign, “they’re coming for your guns, gas will be $5 to $7 a gallon, they’re going to rebuild other countries, start wars.”

Almost as if this was “planned.” 😂☠️🔥

But for those who weren't paying attention, and for those won't listen to people and Vets like me, then every single aspect of your lives will be forced to reach a point where each, multiple, or all of those words by definition, affect your livelihood and wake you up.

The only way to have a true awakening is to be shook and shaken. 

It's the same principle as doing something for someone, without them ever taking responsibility and doing it themselves.

America is an idea that's only prospered for those of us who understand her origin, fight for it, and pass it forward.

But it's always been a small minority fighting for the majority. 

When Paul Revere rode into town yelling "The British are coming! The British are coming!" Many people hid in their houses. Not all fought.

The same as many of you read one or two slides and quit. You call us 'crazy.' The Bible says everyone thought Noah was crazy, until it started to rain. 

“In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.” - Mark Twain

The other January 6, the January 6th the mainstream media focused on and 99% of you did as well, aka "J6 Committee"... The one they're still telling you were 'Trump supporters'... was an actual FBI setup and a part of the corporation as the corporation is on its last stand.

Majority of Americans never cared to question or notice how the "Capitol Police" did not make any attempts to stop the "mob."

Everything from November 3, 2020, to present day are ALL Optics. Had that been a true President "Trump" or "conservative" crowd... they'd be cleared by something we call the "Declaration of Independence"...

Just in case you've never heard of it... it reads: "Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

Imagine that... the same way our Founders broke from the British Parliament... They threw a Boston Tea Party and started the Revolutionary War that lasted 9 years (1774 to 1783). Then the British revolted in 1812... ended in 1814, as we kicked their butts again.

January 6 was not President Trump versus "Biden." January 6 is a Constitutional process established by our Founders as another step to confirm the President unless there was a threat to National Security in which the President has certain powers to use to protect the people according to the Articles of the Constitution.

DUE to Law and Order from January 20, 2017, the activation of those 4 bullets in Executive Order 13848 with the key bullet: Maritime Law, on November 3, 2020, and the PEAD signed that day, NO President was legally confirmed on January 6th, 2021, because everything from Nov. 3, 2020, to that point started the final installation of the Covert Operation via the Constitution and President Trump's 1776 Commission (activated March 2, 2021; not a coincidence 2 days before the original Inauguration date, March 4).

President Trump laid down code language through symbolism throughout the 2016 campaign to January 2021.

He said, "We have it all. We've caught them all. The crimes and evidence will be displayed to the public in full accordance to the LAW." He also said, and I paraphrase, "Never again will we announce to our enemies our Military Operations and Strategies, if you want to know, you can join."

However, based on the Law and Order from 2017 up to that date along with Military Regulations and Operations... A Veteran or person like myself can tell you what's in that Document based on those up to that day.

Such as this, November 3, 2020, 4-Star General Nakasone tweeted: "as tens of millions of people head to the polls, @US_CyberCom and @NSAgov teams around the world are fully engaged, working hard with our partners to defend our elections. We took what we learned from 2018, and brought it to an entirely new level for #elections2020." 

US_CyberCom = United States Cyber Command
NSA = National Security Agency

"Took" = past tense for that present day.
Who was the President in 2018?
When was the Space Force established?
When was the Quantum Information System established?
What did we learn from 2018? 

The media did not start "debunking" Voter Fraud until December 2020... So, what might the 4-Star General be talking about?

Ohhhh perhaps the fact the Military always has known everything? Perhaps Hillary did not dump enough votes as "Biden" dumped too many?

Americans sureee wanna brag about our Military as the most elite military in the world. Well, how do you think we became that? You think we're that elite without Intelligence aka Intel? 

And just for more fun and optics, Army Veteran Clint Eastwood released his movie, "The Mule" in 2018, long before "2000 Mules." 

President Trump signed a 14 page Executive Order called the National Quantum Initiative in August 2019... in which 17 of the 19 agencies are associated with or are Military Organizations.

He ended the Air Force military space program and established the Independent Space Force in December 2019. The media and "fact checkers" had to start calling us "conspiracy theorists" as Vets and people like me are putting the pieces together for y'all via LAW and ORDER.

So, if I'm a "conspiracy theorist," why is there a Government website with President Trump's Executive Order 13958 displayed in the About Section called Quantum.gov?

And if I'm a "conspiracy theorist" then why's the number 17 and "Q" symbols and codes in every key posts by operatives? 

You've got to learn who the operatives are and how to recognize the optics. Time to catch up from January 20, 2017... you're way behind. 

After November 3, 2020, did you notice it was the mainstream media who started reporting "elections were safe" and "Biden clearly won a safe election?" The mainstream media were given a chance to report the truth from January 20, 2017, to November 3, 2020, hence where President Trump coined the slogan "Fake News."

It was not a 'cool slogan' for conservatives or "Trumpers"... everything has meaning and symbolism. The media corporations (especially their owners, 99% liberals) who did not comply via Law and Order will also be tried for Treason, Fraud, and Crimes Against Humanity for violating the Constitution via U.S. Codes and will be held accountable at the 2023 Military Tribunals.

I don't have time to explain Military Tribunals. My easy read 4 Part Google Documents do. 

The majority of you tell Veterans like myself, "I don't know what to believe anymore" and "I don't know who to trust anymore."

Well, you dangggg sure don't trust any media over a Veteran, but especially Law and Order that helped your livelihood. In the Military, did you know we learn how to communicate to and with the media? But in real time, we don't talk to them LOL.

Everything I'm telling you is straight-up what happened from 2017 to 2021 via Law and Order. You have to open your eyes and see what happened via LAW and ORDER from January 20, 2017, to January 20, 2021, was different than any other time period in U.S. History outside of the Revolution where she started. 

A key speech happened on January 6, 2021, by 4 Star General Michael Flynn:

"The American people are going to have to experience fear, panic, terror, anxiety, stress, and regret BEFORE they ever appreciate what is ABOUT to take place." Burnnnnnnn.

That’s how President Trump was able to take on the “swamp” which is the Corporation… which consists of global elitists (which includes families with mega money for years that have always dominated the world), RINOS of congress, and mainstream media, because he has U.S. and World Generals backing him along with their commands. 

The Military Generals (White Hat Operatives) have been knowing who the corporation is and was for years.

They already knew about election fraud. They already knew about vote dumping on many levels throughout all states. They already knew Hillary dumped votes, but not enough.

They already knew Biden would dump too many.

We aren’t the most elite and badass Military for nothing.

Every single speech, interview, law and order from 2016 campaign trail, the days between November 2016 and January 20, 2017, and January 20, 2017, to January 20, 2021, were laced and loaded with Optics via Code Language and Symbolism surrounding all of the monumental and historical Laws being written, passed, and enacted simultaneously.

The corporation is dead. It died in November 2016. You witnessed the rats forced out of the holes and tunnels during that time period.

Everything from November 3, 2020, to this present day... is a brilliant script being controlled and scripted.

If y'all would have been paying attention... instead of "Let's Go Brandon"... you would know it's still "Let's go America" and "Military" and "President Trump."

Because the MILITARY is in FULL Control of our Nation.

Here's President Trump's monumental Executive Order 13848 signed in 2018.

Inside the Order, 4 events were outlined:

1. Declared a National Emergency. By Federal Law, National Emergencies must be addressed by that President and that Congress. It was not addressed. He also specifically wrote the date of November 3, 2020, as the activation date of Maritime Law in 2018. If there's no such thing as Voter Fraud, which first became a topic in the 'news' in December 2020, then how did Trump know to write the specific date of November 3, 2020, inside the 2018 Executive Order?

2. Maritime Law. Wonder why there's shortages everywhere? Maritime Law equals the law of the water. Maritime Law means no foreign goods to enter the United States, hence why the ships are guarded at the port cities and have not moved nor anything been removed from them for delivery.

Think there's shortages now? Just wait 'til the distribution centers with bulk inventory start depleting...

Speaking of which, while most of you were enamored with the Johnny Depp trial, multiple food distribution centers were destroyed by fire.

Maritime Law also displays the Gold-Fringed Flag. The Gold-Fringed Flag started making her every-single-day news appearances starting January 6, 2021, behind whom? On January 11, they were very visual behind President Donald Trump in his live press conference that day.

It has been seen in EVERY SINGLE CAMERA SHOT AND ANGLE with Congress, "Biden," sporting events, etc. to this present day.

You will not find the Flag in the Constitution, it's a Military Regulated Flag.

3 and 4. The Election Fraud Committee and Secretary of State. Inside the 2018 Order... President Trump specifically put the dates of activation in which they would report. 60 days after November 3, 2020, which was January 2, 2021, and 60 days after that... which is March 3, 2021.

No coincidence January 2nd was before the Federal activation of Troops to D.C. and the original Inauguration date in United States History was March 4 which changed in 1933 with Franklin D. Roosevelt who served THREE terms and was the second and last WarTime President in History. No coincidence.

President Trump and FEMA declared two more National Emergencies in 2020 that also were never addressed by that Congress. Which is why on November 3, 2020, President Trump issued a Presidential Emergency, known as a PEAD, which is a Presidential Emergency Active Document. The only people who can know what's in that Document is the President and Military Generals (Pentagon).

it would be in your best interest to listen. Do not thank us for our service, if you aren't going to listen when it matters.

I will briefly show you how the Military is in control according to LAW. Military Law is greater than Civilian Law; And for all of you focused on outcomes in the Courts... You are clearly overlooking the fact it's Congress who decides who's President.

.. not the Courts. That's Constitutional.

First thing you need to know is this: "We the people" are the most powerful words in our Foundation.

However, "we the people" cannot do too much of anything when 68% cannot name the 3 branches of government and 70% know nothing about the Constitution.

There's good and evil in this world. Crazy to know one has to type that out to remind people.

Who runs the Government? People. Who runs the Military? People.

Therefore you must trust 'people' who demonstrate they have what? Your best interest. I can dang sure vouch that the Military as a whole has more of your best interest before anyone else.

I'm not selling any books. Monetizing any videos. Once again, simply my service beyond my service. There's a LOT of great people involved in this Covert Operation to not only restore the Republic, but also liberate many parts of the world that have been enslaved to this Corporation for hundreds of years.

There’s quite a few on Telegram who have no less than 10,000 followers and they could tell you this, but don’t. Why?

It’s STRAIGHT up Law and Order from January 2017 to January 2021 that is the BLUEPRINT to this brilliant, monumental, historical, and Biblical operation. It isn’t and wasn’t a secret.

Be careful who you follow. If they aren’t showing you Law and Order (the Blueprint) that set this up… they’re just dragging you a long, throwing a crumb here and there.

Second thing you need to know: The Generals have been planning this since the 1940s.

Friday, June 10, I went to a family outing and met a friend of my family, an 84 year old Marine. They sat us together, and he had not been paying attention to laws and orders due to retirement and his age. As I revealed to him what had taken place via Executive Orders (with dates, languages, and actions in those), Presidential Emergencies (dates and actions surrounding), National Emergencies (dates and actions surrounding), Military Symbolism (Gold-Fringed Flag), Military Operations (invoking of the Insurrection Act in January 2021 and missions all over world via optics), Optics, Code Language, and Symbolisms via President Trump and his operatives, the people watching our conversation realized that Military is actually a Law and it does not matter how old you are and how long you've known one another to know who served for the right reasons.

As I laid out the blueprint, he began firing away what it means to the people who were listening.

In one of his first comments, he said, "we've been planning this takeover since 1948." He was referring to the portion where I revealed what President Trump said on his 2016 campaign trail where he responded to a question Jeb Bush (corporation swamp rat) asked who would support and back him.

If you do not know about "conspiracy theories"... President Trump's response has been a "conspiracy theory" since the 1960s. "I have over 200 Generals backing me right now." And as the Marine noted to those sitting around listening. "When people hear 200 Generals, the average person hears 200 individuals. When he says 200 Generals, that means, 200 Generals and their divisions / commands (all the soldiers under them)."

The Military Generals found their chance to step in with their alliance and strength in numbers and President Trump is the frontman on the mission. The mission is still underway as the Military is in complete control with around 800 Generals backing.

Nobody with any level of clearance has to violate anything to show you via Law and Order what took place.

That's why it's sad for the "United" States to have Americans who do not know our Foundation, Origin, Revolutionary History, and the simplicities of government, because everything that's taken place from January 20, 2017, to present day is simply LAW and ORDER.

Every single law and order through January 20, 2017 to January 19, 2021, was different than all the other years of government combined.

There's a blueprint to what's taking place. You, the American Citizen need to listen to those of us who can piece everything together from those dates because you're witnessing the most monumental and historical Covert Operation in World History.

I wrote 4 Google Documents that layout this blueprint straight off what took place via Law and Order from 2017 to 2021.

It's being shared across the country at no cost. It's just my service beyond my service. This is for America, it does not help me, if I cannot help you. 435 members of Congress work for you.

If you do not know how to speak the language of government, all of your complaining, whining, and fussing is nothing but air.

Our Founders had a motto before the Revolutionary War: "No taxation without representation." Our Founders created a system. Those Founders made the Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, and Bill of Rights easy for everyone to read.

Unfortunately, the United States became a Corporation by U.S. Law in 1871 (Stoutenburgh v. Hennick, 129 U.S. 141; Treaty of 1871). The Treaty of 1871 sold the United States of America back to Britain where we'd gained our independence less than 100 years before. This treaty made the District of Columbia, a foreign territory, and that's how it's recognized by the Military.

“The BAR” was established in the 1870s, where lawyers and attorneys had to be registered through the British Accreditation Registry, hence why laws, lawyers, rinos, and administrations have never been consistent with the Foundation of our Nation and the Constitution.

The corporation is composed of democrats and republicans who became known as RINOS.

Their motto was "create a problem there's already a solution to." Build, destroy, rebuild.

Chaos and Division = power acquisition.

You're in a country with the Foundation that came from the Revolutionary War. If you don't like it... tough. There's still enough of us left that do. There's 195 recognized countries in the world. If you don't like the origin and foundation, there's 194 other options for you.

True life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness does not have anything to do with dividing a nation based on social issues. The Military and Veterans are the best at showing how we live and let live, but Freedom comes at a price. You're only as free as your surroundings allow you to be.

It's a VERY sad day when "citizens" make and ask negative and condescending comments and questions about our ranks, where we served, and how long we served in a manner to twist their narrative of one of their family members who serves or served who did not tell or has not told them about this and other asinine narratives. One, rank does not matter, how long one served, or if someone went to Iraq 527 times... NONE of those have ANYTHING to do with knowing Military, History, Government, Law and Order.

If you have someone in your family who is currently serving Active Duty, National Guard, or Reserves, they CANNOT tell you what's going on. They're under an Oath and the NSA.

Anything they say during this wartime period and operation is a threat to National Security and they can face punishment with their Unit and Courts Martial for violating the security and oath to our Nation.

Less than 1% of America currently serves in all Armed Forces branches. That's decimal point 97%. Of that small percentage... What percent do you believe attains Top Secret clearance?

So, when a Veteran does have any clearance, and can tell you what's going on via Military Regs and Operations, Law and Order...

I have been a member of Facebook since 2005. Facebook didn’t become a traded company until 2012 aka “going public.”

I had to be approved by the small group running it, and even spoke to ZuckerTurd way back then. To be a member you had to be enrolled at college with a verifiable EDU email address from that college.

And for simply putting 😂 faces on certain left wing news articles on the “Newsfeed”… I just got out of FB Jail after serving a 21 day suspension of Facebook.

I can't keep my mouth shut. No... I WON'T keep my mouth shut.

Country Music is a PRIVILEGE. It comes way down the list of things in my life. God comes first, my Family second, my Country third, then Country Music. There's THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of young soldiers who NEVER got to live their full lives where you can live yours. It won't hurt you to read on their behalf.

June 14 was a PERFECT day to do this. The United States Army's birthday, June 14, 1775, and also Flag Day.

The reason that's important to know outside of looking cool for knowing such... is the Revolutionary War started in 1774. The Founders fought a whole year before establishing the Nation's first Branch of Military as they stated, "we need a swift army on the ground and army on the water."

Hence why the Navy was founded October 13, 1775, then the Marines, November 10, 1775. The Uniform Code of Military Justice = Military Law was passed on June 30, 1775, with 69 Articles of War to govern the conduct of the Continental Army.

There's absolutely NO COINCIDENCE the Flag was sworn into Congress, June 14, 1777. The Flag's first flight came at the Battle of Oriskany, which ended up being the bloodiest battle of the Revolutionary War.

The Flag represented Military first... it's important to get that straight. The Military came first before the Declaration of Independence and 12 years before the Constitution. Military Law > Federal Law. The Military Generals can act with or without Congress.

Those are not up for debate. That's the Origin, Foundation, and why you are in the United States of America today. However, the United States became a Corporation with the passing of the 14th Amendment in 1868 and in 1871 with the signing of the Treaty of 1871, all in U.S. Law but not Constitutional.

The simple and honest answer is... Americans only care about government when it affects their paychecks and livelihoods. Then, that's when everyone wants a 5 or 10 minute solution to a 150 year old problem.

For the past 4 years, I have been breaking down and trying to show everyone all of the Military Law, Operations, Code Language, Symbolism, Constitution, Executive Orders, Presidential Emergencies issued, Presidential Acts signed, National Emergencies issued, the Insurrection Act invoked, U.S. Codes violated, that happened right in front of everyone.

We can never let our country reach the depths of laziness, complacency, and ignorance again. It's pretty bad when citizens question a Veteran with TS clearance for simply trying to show how to navigate calmly and peacefully through this storm as shortages, gas prices, inflation, and taxes reach astronomical heights. If you'll take the time to, you'll see how awesome what's taking place is.

Americans need to rise up the correct and right way. This is not some power trip knowledge that is only for certain people to know, although some of us do know more than others, and are capable of multitasking and handling loads of information.

Someone I considered a friend said, "if you're such a hot shot and hold Top Secret clearance, what are you doing talking to me? Have you taken your meds today?"

Andddd that is why America looks the way it does. A Veteran trying to tell a friend what's going on via Military Law, Military Operations,

Data shows on average, 70% of Americans (234 million out of 335 million) do not know anything about the Constitution and 68% of Americans (228 million out of 335 million) cannot simply name the 3 Branches of Government.

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