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Real pleasure to see my good friend Mr Keeperman on Charlie Kirk plugging my upcoming book with Passage Press.

There is a direct link between semen quality (the ability of a man's sperm to swim properly) and mortality. Men with higher semen quality can expect to live two or three years longer than men with lower semen quality.

In a hundred or a thousand years' time, historians will be unable to say for certain what JD Vance actually looked like.

Statistically, this is more or less impossible. It should be treated as abuse, of course.

From righteous warrior against injustice to disgruntled gooner.

Incredible. I'm the subject of yet another academic article.

Revolt against the modern world.

The Latin root of the word “bellum” (war) is “duellum,” duel, reminding us of the fact that all combat is, ultimately, an extension of the struggle between two individual foes.

Poem from Baudelaire, “Flowers of Evil.”

Miss him right now.

This, however, does get old.

This never gets old.

They don't tell you this, but you can literally get stronger by imagining being stronger.

So gross.

Показано 20 последних публикаций.