Репост из: 𝐌 — 98
🗳 [ HFW ] The cheers of joy were heard throughout the archipelago. We would like to invite you to establish a good mutualism with us ; @RobyJenne and my lovely friend @Jenhdeuqi as a way to find out about each other.
Looking for someone suitable & interested, put your ID below here! Merci perfectly. If you RPRL area, RA, PA, BA, CA, CBA, PBA, lazy diving / give feedback / fill board, admin upsubs, side account, store / lpm channel, DNI.
- këja @iMadameKJ
- Amilly Jaime A. @bluffrescued
- S/IA. Brihanna Rosélie
- dèx, kinan @WonderzWoman
- Cartwright Höubleare @KhmJyennie
👥 5 people have voted so far.
📖 Personal Participation
Looking for someone suitable & interested, put your ID below here! Merci perfectly. If you RPRL area, RA, PA, BA, CA, CBA, PBA, lazy diving / give feedback / fill board, admin upsubs, side account, store / lpm channel, DNI.
- këja @iMadameKJ
- Amilly Jaime A. @bluffrescued
- S/IA. Brihanna Rosélie
- dèx, kinan @WonderzWoman
- Cartwright Höubleare @KhmJyennie
👥 5 people have voted so far.
📖 Personal Participation