Репост из: injoon | CLOSE TODAY 🙀
A pretty username is perfect for your account. Therefore, we will introduce a very beautiful username. This username is based on Injoon korean name Renjun who is from the group NCTD. This username is being sell using the OFFER SYSTEM!
💭 @Injojn 💭 @Injojn
💭 @injojn 💭 @injojn
˚˖ ▹ Pergantian huruf O ke J
˚˖ ▹ Offer will start from 3 April - 8 April & close at 19:00 WIB
˚˖ ▹ Offer start form 10.000 with kb 2.000, feel free to jumpbid.
˚˖ ▹ Drop offer = have a budget.
˚˖ ▹ Only for serious buyers & BIG NO HNR.
˚˖ ▹ Payments can be made all E-Waller
˚˖ ▹ Contact person : @Jinbwooks
💭 @Injojn 💭 @Injojn
💭 @injojn 💭 @injojn
˚˖ ▹ Pergantian huruf O ke J
˚˖ ▹ Offer will start from 3 April - 8 April & close at 19:00 WIB
˚˖ ▹ Offer start form 10.000 with kb 2.000, feel free to jumpbid.
˚˖ ▹ Drop offer = have a budget.
˚˖ ▹ Only for serious buyers & BIG NO HNR.
˚˖ ▹ Payments can be made all E-Waller
˚˖ ▹ Contact person : @Jinbwooks