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📚 How to swap $wNOT to $NOT:
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35.8k 2 19 314 562

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Swap $wNOT to $NOT now!

Visit, go to the Notcoin Pre-Market pool, and swap your $wNOT tokens to $NOT.

Check out the detailed guide here:

Remember, the exchange rate is 1000 wNOT = 1 NOT, and it’s done through a smart contract.

Keep in mind there’s a small blockchain gas fee (~0.1 TON). Make sure you have a bit more in your balance.

No rush! You don’t have to exchange your tokens right away. The exchange will be open for several days or until all $wNOT tokens are swapped for $NOT.

Due to high demand, there might be some delays. We appreciate your patience and are working to resolve any issues quickly!

39.8k 3 191 372 271

When will the pool be closed and the wNOT -> NOT exchange start?

Today at 18:00 (GMT), our pool will stop exchanging NFT vouchers into wNOT and vice versa. If you haven't done this yet, now's the time!

On May 16 at ~12:00 (GMT), the wNOT -> NOT token exchange will begin directly on the website. There won't be any extra fees, just the blockchain fee (~0.1 ton).

Please be warned, some delays may occur because of the high demand. Be pantient, we will be on duty working to resolve the issues.

Warm regards, @shardify

39.9k 6 252 536 377

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Tomorrow 🥳💎

44.3k 2 138 326 925

Fastest access to on-chain NOT using wNOT pre-market

wNOT -> NOT conversion will be fastest 1-click solution to get on-chain $NOT on the listing day.

Exchange your vouchers for wNOT now — at

Vouchers wNOT exchange pool will be stopped before the listing.

All vouchers locked in the pool will be burned.

New smart contract with $NOT will be released, allowing wNOT to $NOT instant conversion.

Stay tuned for further updates with @shardify

62.6k 40 352 1.4k 817

Репост из: Meri Journ
Weekly Digest

Hello everyone, this is Meridian DAO, and we have decided to launch our own news journal. Without further ado, let's recall the most important events that happened in the TON blockchain this week:

🤑 Today, $TON is showing impressive growth, momentarily reaching $7.17, while $MRDN rises to $0.01284, and $BTC falls from $63.4K to $60.4K.

📎 Notcoin Airdrop
The OKX crypto exchange announces an airdrop of Notcoin. Participants are offered the opportunity to receive a share from a pool of 1,283,990,271 $NOT. To participate, you need to register on OKX, pass verification, and stake up to 4000 TON on the exchange between May 13 and 16. The distribution of coins will take place among all participants of the Jumpstart program.

📎 Binance Getting Closer
Binance announced the farming of the Notcoin on its Binance Launchpool platform! Farming will be carried out by staking BNB and FDUSD.

📎 Beware of SCAM!
Last week, there were widespread cases of NFT fraud, where pseudo-projects sent users fake NFTs or promised them something in return. It's important to remember that real NFTs from good projects have value and are not given away for free. If you receive a suspicious NFT, it is recommended to ignore it and not follow any links in the description.

📎 Notcoin and Tonkeeper
On May 16, the Notcoin token will be listed on exchanges. After listing on exchanges, users will be able to withdraw tokens to their secure Tonkeeper wallet. It is notable that the wallet developers plan to add the ability to use Notcoin for all types of transactions in TON.

There's a lot of news this week, so read on for more in the next post!

50.4k 2 32 221 266

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91.3k 2 82 330 714

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104.5k 3 78 206 707

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105.6k 3 44 168 633

May the force be with you!

101.8k 2 41 265 870

Beware of scammers creating fake websites and NFTs!

Here is the list of official links to our resources:

❄️ (Get wNOT)
🙏 (Trade wNOT)
FAQ (How to Swap & Trade)
💬 Chat
🤖 @shardify_bot
🐦 Twitter

Be careful! Avoid clicking on unknown links, connecting wallets to unfamiliar sites, sending tokens, or buying NFT vouchers from strangers. If unsure, seek advice in the chat to avoid potential loss. Stay updated in @shardify and @notcoin channels for accurate information on Notcoin-related activities. Don't fall for scams, stay alert!

113.2k 2 80 223 393

136.7k 4 173 394 1.9k

Prizes in $wNOT 💸

UPD: The contest is over

147.5k 0 44 230 478

$wNOT? Why NOT?
Wanna have some activities? ⬛️🐈

134.4k 0 19 531 1.4k

50k subs👀

144.3k 0 7 103 724


We are updating the infrastructure to withstand load during the wNOT -> NOT exchange commence. website might be unavailable during this period.

Your funds are SAFU with smart contracts in the meantime.

UPD: updates and tests are finished, thank you for your patience!

211.9k 1 131 1.3k 1.5k

And just some statistics for those of you how are unaware of it:

* 126000 NFTs on Shardify, which means that 16% of NFTs supply are locked on Shardify
* With over $2M in liquidity available on, which means that users can trade thousands of dollars with the minimal price impact.
* Trading volume per each day of the last week was roughly $2M on average. This means that there is quite some traction happening there.

208.9k 0 64 557 983

On wNOT NOT conversion

Good news!

You would be able to exchange wNOT to $NOT directly on Shardify on the listing date.

Notcoin is going to drop three zeroes from the number you see now. Value of wNOT will remain the same.

10M wNOT -> 10,000 $NOT

Stay tuned for next updates at @shardify

4.2m 48 9.9k 1.2k 1.2k

CoinGecko team, if you are reading this then you have received our application. Please approve it. Regards, Shardify⬛️
Our request ID: CL1104240142

163.4k 0 19 184 441

What a day! Hope you’ve seen the post at Trade Notcoin channel.

We will collaborate with Notcoin team to provide an easy option to exchange wNOT directly to NOT after the minting starts.

This, along with the official task in Notcoin caused a huge load of traffic, so now we are about to get featured in Tonkeeper browser.

Thank you for you patience, keep fractionalizing NFTs, frens!

191.5k 0 121 1.1k 1.3k
Показано 20 последних публикаций.