Репост из: ORTHERN (soon mb commision)
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To all the good partners who are here, is it okay to spread this message? Much obliged.
A warm welcome, equal happiness, with us, would like to invite or inform that we open opportunities for partners who wish to invite reciprocal relationships. This business channel is to establish relationships between fellow business people in the sense that they are mutually beneficial to one another and not detrimental. Follow immediately; t.me/ortthern for the channel. To get feedback please contact @ortthernbot and channel your business to us so you can receive good feedback. Thank you for being willing to have a mutual relationship with our shop, I hope we become a good mutual.
A warm welcome, equal happiness, with us, would like to invite or inform that we open opportunities for partners who wish to invite reciprocal relationships. This business channel is to establish relationships between fellow business people in the sense that they are mutually beneficial to one another and not detrimental. Follow immediately; t.me/ortthern for the channel. To get feedback please contact @ortthernbot and channel your business to us so you can receive good feedback. Thank you for being willing to have a mutual relationship with our shop, I hope we become a good mutual.