4⃣️最后恢复帐号登录后,在公开群组里发信息时,提示无法发送,再点more info,在机器人里,申诉一遍,可以Google翻译提前写一下封号过程,以及你并无违规行为的说明,一起提交就好了
▍邮件标题Please recover my Telegram account (后面接你的账户手机号码)
▍邮件内容Dear Telegram Support Team: I am writing this letter in response to a recent wall cabinet issue with my Telegram account. I understand that my Telegram account is blocked due to a terms of service violation, but I would like to explain what is going on regarding this situation.
I can assure you that my actions were not intentional or malicious. It is important for me to abide by the rules and regulations set by Telegram and I deeply regret any actions that may have resulted in my Telegram account being banned.
I would be grateful if you would consider canceling communication on my Telegram account. I have a strong passion for using Telegram and have been using it to communicate with friends and family for years. Not being able to access my Telegram account has had a major impact on my daily life.
Thank you for taking the time to consider my appeal. I look forward to your reply and hope that my telegram will be restored.
My Telegram phonenumber (这里接你的账户手机号)
user name (这里接你的账户用户名)
#教程 #TG小妙招 #账号解封