
Гео и язык канала: США, Английский
Категория: Новости и СМИ

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Гео и язык канала
США, Английский
Новости и СМИ
Фильтр публикаций

Have you changed in any way in the past 6 months? What has that entailed, for you?

512 0 2 35 23

Do you know a battered male? A male dominated by the woman he chose? Stories welcomed in the comments!
  •   Yes
  •   No
201 голосов

Did you know the Allies and the Russians in WWII both fought with five-sided stars on most of their vehicles?

If you are not growing, you are stagnating.

Have you worked out today? What did you do?

666 0 0 17 20

Do you guys like my fall fit?

There isn't politics anymore.

All of the controlled opposition is in place to spread the appropriate "Trump memes" to dispel MAGA once and for all.

All it takes is one successful hit job. They just need to get desperate enough to use a non-patsy.

Have you or anyone you've known had thyroid issues?
  •   Yes
  •   No
219 голосов

I lost my Kindle for approximately 16 hours just now. This was catastrophic. Just drank 3 coffees and am furiously reading as fast as possible to make up for the time lost.

837 0 12 4 53

If you're not RTRing at least sometimes, in today's day and age, it's honestly becoming more difficult to see how you're not just slowly becoming an NPC who is losing their language like everyone else.

The Internet has never felt so empty of people breaking new ground or making actual progress.

782 0 2 10 35

Репост из: Franssen
"To let people persist in error is murderous. It's cold beyond words to not correct people. It's self-protective to correct people because then you can find the people that can't be corrected."

Forever vindicated on loving Creed while most of the rest of my Oregon classmates were into degenerate crap.

906 0 13 3 81
Показано 20 последних публикаций.