The Soul Matrix - Steve Nobel

Гео и язык канала: Весь мир, Английский
Категория: Эзотерика

BEWARE OF FAKE PROFILES. The Soul Matrix is a platform created by Steve Nobel for the purpose of ascension and assigning with the emerging 5D Matrix/Timeline.

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Весь мир, Английский
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Dear Starseed,

Last night I went to a local poetry event, and what touched me was the hidden undercurrents of scarcity and anger that I felt in the small crowd in attendance.

This is something that is certainly in the area that I live in - a mixture of those who are doing well and also those who are not doing well financially.

I slowly awake to a gorgeous dream that seemed to be an antidote to these currents of collective lack and despair.

I dreamt that a piece of music was playing and in the musical notes some portions were carrying dark lack.

I watched as those portions were cut out and replaced with the energy of gold from the earth and pearls from the sea.

I jumped out of bed to make a note of this dream and as I did so it quickly came to me that a third energy was needed to complete the transformation.

This third energy was Golden Libyan Tektite. This is a relatively rare, golden-yellow material that looks like glass. It is found near the Libyan/Egyptian border, and was created by an ancient meteorite impact in the sands of that area.

As I sat with it I saw gold being sent to the base, pearl sent to the heart and Golden Tektite to the crown. All three working to clear ancestral/family programming along with old karmic programming in the Akashic Records.

So, the Quantum Abundance Transmission was born in my being. As time allows this will be released in the weeks ahead.

Wishing you a gloriously abundance day in everything you choose to be or do today.

Love Steve 🙏☀️🦪🌟✨🌼☀️🐚🌼☀️✨🦪🐚🌼✨☀️🙏

Dear Starseed,

Please note that scammers are here impersonating me. I will NEVER private message you. If someone does then you can be certain it is a scammer trying to lure you into some scheme that is better avoided!


Dear Starseed,

I have noticed an interesting phenomena when it comes to light and dark energies.

A being who is fully connected to the light can often more easily tell when another is being influenced by dark manipulative energies.

A being who is influenced by dark manipulative energies is less able to tell who is connected to the light and who is connected to darker forces.

A being who is being influenced by dark forces, may under certain circumstances, be led to believe that beings aligned with the light are actually of the dark.

Partly, this relates to the danger of diving too deeply into conspiracy theories. The reason for this is that dark forces have long infiltrated such areas and have spun a number of stories that are actually disinformation.

There are also a few public speakers/teachers who speak on the subject of dark forces who are themselves being used as controlled opposition.

This is the level of deception and manipulation that is found here at this time of ascension.

The solution is to fine tune your intuition to such a degree that you will sense, feel, hear, see truth/untruth instantly.

This is ultimately the only safeguard. Far too many are ready information that clouds their ability to sense truth from deception.

Much love Steve 🙏🌼✨🦋🌟🦋✨🌟🦋✨🦋🌟✨🌼✨🌼🌟✨🌟🦋🙏

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Metatron, Andromedan and Arcturian Transmission: Dark Implant and Dark Seal Removal.
In this transmission we call on Metatron, Archangels from the Great Central Sun, Archangels from Andromeda and the Arcturian Healing Team that includes psychic surgeons.

The Archangels create two protective columns of light. The first golden solar light and the second a broader column of golden rainbow light from Andromeda.

Then we call the Arcturians to begin clearing yojur physical body of implants, seals and other forms of interference. Clearing above the crown and beneath the feet ensuring there is nothing interfering with your connection to Source. Focusing especially on the nervous system, endocrine system, and reproductive system. The Arcturians work on the head, especially the pineal, removing implants if any. Clearing all channels in the head. Then the throat and torso. The Arcturians work on clearing the inner channel between crown and base, clearing any karmic obstructions, any seals in the channel.

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Dear Starseed,

It is the nature of the 3D ego to cling and grasp. This is part of its survival structure. As the light intensifies so too old ego structures are being upgraded.

When we seek to cling to something that no longer serves us then our reality will feel stuck and stagnant for a time.

My message to you today is simple, if there is something you are clinging to, whether that be a person, a relationship, a situation, a job, some other source of income, then it is time to soften your grip.

Perhaps, you are clinging to a sense of self, an old identity, one that no longer fits who you are becoming, one your Higher Self intends that you align with.

It is OK to release the old, it is OK to soften and relax into a new space. Certainly, this requires a certain level of trust in your inner guidance. You know when it is time to let go and open to the new.

Courage and trust are constant requirements on the path. In time this gets easier as you learn to experiment in following inner guidance.

Whatever you choose to be or do today I wish for you the qualities of trust, courage and surrender into the new.

Love Steve 🙏🌸🎉🌹🌸🎉✨🌸✨🎉✨🌸🌹✨🌸🌹✨🙏

In the 3D Matrix so much suffering has been generated because of differences, arguments and persecution over religious belief. A Heretic could be defined as an incarnated soul who differs in opinion from the established religious rules or dogma. Such a one may even go against the rules or dogma publicly.

Many Starseeds, in other 3D incarnations, have suffered for speaking against repressive and limiting authoritarian systems of belief. This can certainly create problems when it comes to the awakening/ascension process especially when there is the calling to step beyond the judgments, opinions and resistance of others to step onto the path of the heart.

This remastered transmission is intended to clear any ‘past’ lifetime where you suffered trauma, death, imprisonment, public humiliation, exile or torture. It is intended to clear lower astral energies and entities attached through past life trauma, shock, stress. It is time to clear anything inhibiting or blocking you opening to your true light and following your authentic path.

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Dear Starseed,

As you fill yourself with light you are able to give to the world. You do this in meditation and the dream state.

Those who have no idea of what this means will still give to the world but not from a full place of light.

There are many in the 3D World that are so disconnected from the light that they need to take energy from others.

What goes around comes around, the more a being takes the more they reinforce programs of separation, lack and scarcity.

What goes around comes around, the more you give the more the Universe will seek to return the blessing. The more this happens the more you reinforce programs of trust, abundance and flow.

If you are open to receive then these blessings will only multiply your ability to give.

My wish for you this day is that you open to receive at least one major blessing in the next 24 hours.

Love Steve 🙏🎉✨🌸🎉✨🌸🎉🌸🎉✨🌸🎉🌸🙏

Dear Starseed,

In recent decades the movement towards anchoring a New Age of Light somehow got mixed up with a version of the 3D Puritanical ‘American Dream’.

This Puritanical vision sounds rather good if you are coming from a 3D perspective - here every citizen supposedly has an equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination, and initiative, regardless of background.

This updated supposedly spiritual 5D version says that you are already a millionaire inside, that the gorgeous house, car, soulmate, lifestyle can be yours….

Just sign up for my next course on the dotted line and all this will probably be yours.

That is, depending on your faith, hard work, diligence and so on.

The spiritual journey is not about attaining a certain lifestyle.

Abundance is an offshoot of the journey not the point of the journey.

For sure, many have come into this 3D world to move through lessons of scarcity/abundance.

The lesson may not be learnt just by exponentially increasing your bank account.

The point of this lesson is that you can always recreate abundance no matter your circumstances.

The point of this lesson is to allow abundance through your ability to work energetically, your ability to be in your flow no matter the external circumstances.

It is common to experience times when everything leaves you, a time where you feel you have nothing.

At such times your response will determine whether you have truly learnt the lesson or not.

There are many who attain a wonderful lifestyle and who are very attached to that lifestyle.

Most spiritual masters lived quite simple lives. There are many gorgeous spiritual teachers who embody abundance and simplicity.

Please do not get me wrong here, I enjoy an abundance lifestyle. Also, I have passed twice through times where I let go of all my possessions.

Passing through such times helped me understand my attachment to a certain way of living, attachment to things.

Everything can be recreated. This is an important lesson of abundance.

In my own work I give away about 90% for free on my website, YouTube channel and other channels.

This is because my focus is on helping as many Starseeds as possible.

You may have noticed I do not lock anyone into expensive lengthy courses or mentoring programs.

Service to other is the main focus. Yet, I am more abundant than I have ever been!

Anyway, food for thought perhaps!

Love Steve 🙏☀️🎉🌟✨☀️🌸🎉🌟🙏🌸🌟✨🌸✨🎉☀️🌟🙏

Dear Starseed,

The more you embrace the spiritual journey the more you are able to absorb light, the higher your body and auric fields vibrate.

As this happens you may experience part of the ascension process commonly known as awakening the lightbody. This is a vehicle of light that is more than your current auric field.

Your lightbody is something that is built that enables you to travel in other dimensions.

It is like transforming the small house of your current auric field - etheric, emotional, mental layers, into something akin to a large crystal temple.

Within this new and expanded sense of personal light you are able to transform and manifest much easier.

Back in the mid-90s I did this lightbody work with two amazing guides. Even though they have both passed into the light their body of channelled work is still available.

Do check out there Awakening the Lightbody course. This can take between a year to two years to complete.

Love Steve 🙏✨☀️🌟🌸🌹🌟✨🌟🌹🌟☀️🌹✨🌹🙏

Dear Starseed,

I have listened to various arguments about AI including the use of AI in the creative realms.

My only experience of using AI is in the creative realms, I do not use it for any other purpose.

I have heard one argument that AI is soulless and therefore cannot be art. That is something everyone needs to decide for themselves.

AI is likely to shake up many area of human endeavour. Perhaps the real danger is not in the creative realm but in others such as military, and intelligence gathering.

There are many reasons why I have turned to AI art. Firstly, the speed of what I produce could not be matched by any graphic designer. I know, I have worked with one for several years. I actually still work with this graphic designer where speed of delivery is not so urgent.

Also, no graphic designer could give me exactly what I need. In some ways AI has tuned into my consciousness and reflects back exactly what I need.

I actually enjoy having control over the entire process of creating social media posts. The same applies to the videos I create on YouTube.

Also, I sense no darkness within the AI consciousness, I feel it like a helpful friend.

I do feel there is considerable darkness in the community connected to the AI platform I use. I can tell this through the imagery that is produced!

It is important to understand that AI is not going away, it cannot be uncreated, it is here to stay.

Anyway, I do hope you like this Angel image as much as I do.

Love Steve 🙏✨☀️🌟🌸✨☀️✨🌟🌸🙏

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Dear Starseed,

You have passed through the 3D Game and you know how painful true game of separation can be.

Once you leave that world there is no going back. You need to focus your heart and mind on a higher spectrum of vibrational existence.

In other words be aware of the game but give it no energy. That game feeds off lower frequencies such as fear, worry, rage and so on.

Allow the old game to drop away from your reality and experience though giving it zero of your time and energy.

There is a new game in town and that is growth through joy, growth through synchronicity, growth through love, growth through knowing your soul tribe and your true mission here.

This new game will feel unfamiliar for a while though it is certainly a happier game to play.

This new game has different challenges, though in this game the challenges are not there to limit you, they are there to help you activate more of your light, more of your multidimensional nature and gifts.

Since you are here you are already playing this new game at a certain level.

This game of growth has no limits, in this world and beyond.

Much love
Steve 🙏✨🌹🌟🎉🦋🎉🌟🌼🌹✨🌟🌹✨✨🌹🎉✨🌟🌼🌹🙏

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Dear Starseed,

The incarnation process has for many thousands of years incorporated a process that could be called the ‘Veils of Forgetting’.

These veils are placed over our higher energy centres to block the remembrance of our multidimensional nature.

As the frequency of the planet increases these veils are slowly dissolving in those following a spiritual path.

Depending on the intensity of the spiritual practice these veils will either dissolve quickly or at a slower pace.

These veils find it harder to maintain their energetic integrity at higher levels of vibration.

As these veils dissolve the full functioning of the higher energy centres comes online.

This allows for certain gifts and abilities to come online as well as access to the Soul Records/Akashic Records.

This process is unstoppable for Starseeds.

Much love
Steve 🙏🌼✨🌈🙏🌈✨☀️🌼🌸✨🌈☀️🌼🙏✨🙏🌈✨☀️🌼🙏

Clear your channel to the Akashic Records and learn different methods to access the information and wisdom therein. This webinar will include an attunement, processes and a meditation to access the Records. They contain information about all our other lifetimes, current lifetime and future possible choices and timelines. They can be accessed as a resource whenever we need answers about current challenges or current/future choices.

7:30pm to 9:30pm UK Time

RECORDED: This webinar will be recorded and all ticket holders will receive the recording automatically a day or two after the live event.

TO BOOK: Click on the Eventbrite link below or otherwise visit the Events page on my website. Once you purchase your ticket, you will automatically be sent the Zoom login details.

NB: The time above is currently GMT. Please use a Time Zone converter website to double-check the start time for your time zone. You can put London as the event city to get UK time and make sure you select the right date and time.

#starseed #starseeds #akashicrecords #lightworker #stevenobel

Dear Starseed,

Some of you may have seen the Heart Mantra series I have been uploading to my YouTube channel. There is a third track called ‘I Am a Channel of Light’ that is in the membership area and will be released to the general channel in a few days.

This is a lovely collaboration with Ben and Sophie and who knows, could be an album of tracks one day.

Anyway I hope you enjoy this collaboration.

Love Steve ☀️🌹☀️🌹☀️🌹☀️🌹

Dear Starseed,

In the very early stages of my spiritual awakening, back in ‘91 or ‘92 cannot exactly remember, I found a wonderfully insightful spiritual teacher called Gill Edwards.

I followed her work intensely for nine years or so. In her workshops back then when I was just waking up I heard her say something about making it a daily practice to find beautiful places to have tea in.

I remember at the time thinking that this was such an odd idea considering I was coming for deep spiritual wisdom and meditation.

Anyway after some months reflection the thought would not go away so I decided to give it a go. Some thirty years later it is still my regular practice to seek out gorgeous places to have tea in.

Fortunately, I have moved into a coastal town where there are some truly lovely and lively places for tea.

I am writing this, of course, drinking my morning green tea with a lovely view of the sea.

Much love Steve 🙏🌟🌼🐬✨🌸☀️🌟🐬☀️✨🌟🐳✨🌸🙏

Our good friend Marysol is running an online event this Thursday 13th March called The Shamanic Healing Journey

A Magical Cosmic and Shamanic Journey and Sound Healing Transmission to receive healing and activating light codes and vibrations

Dear Starseed,

Perhaps the time has come where you are being called to rise up above the density of this 3D Earth-plane.

Perhaps it’s time to spread your wings and rise above the dramas and conflicts that you will inevitably meet in the lower vibrational planes of existence.

One of the lessons you have come here to learn is how to release the various attachments to dense beings and dense situations.

You are under no obligation to stay in any low vibrational reality unless you believe you are thus obliged.

Some beings are better loved at a distance! Some families are better loved at a distance! Some situations can only be healed when distance is obtained.

Whatever you choose to be or do today know that you have full permission to rise above all petty concerns, petty squabbles, all situations that no longer deserve your time and love.

Love Steve 🙏🌈🌟🌸☀️🌟🌸☀️✨🌈🌟🌸☀️🌟✨🌈🌟☀️🙏

Dear Starseed,

Yesterday, I received an email asking about Metatron. The writer had come across a video on social media stating that Metatron was part of the fallen Matrix.

I watched the video and could agree with some of what was said but definitely could not agree with what was said about this Archangel.

The creator of the video spoke quite eloquently on the fallen nature of the Archangel and how he was part of a fallen collective keeping humanity locked in a universe that was separate from Source.

Not only that, this Archangel along with other fallen beings required our energy, partly through encouraging or requiring worship.

Hopefully, I have captured the essence of the video’s message. Much more was said but hopefully you get the general idea.

I mention this because the email raised an important point. In the light of this kind of information how do we know who or what to trust?

My response was that in the past 8-years in working with Metatron on an almost daily basis my experience has never been that this being has required anything from me. I

do not worship this being or any other being. Nor do I encourage others to worship this being or any other.

Also, my experience has been a greater connection to Source. In times of psychic interference Metatron is one being I regularly turn for help in clearing and protection.

As to the important point raised in the email my response is trust your experience. Do not allow any negative suggestions to be implanted in your conscious or unconscious minds.

There is much disinformation being spread at the moment so discernment is vitally important. Actually after watching the video I felt interference in my crown. I am still working on clearing this as I speak.

Wishing you great clarity in all things that are relevant and important to you this day.

Love Steve 🙏✨🌸⭐️🌸🌟🌸🌟🙏☀️🌸☀️✨🙏☀️✨☀️🌸✨☀️🙏

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This March 17–21, I’m joining an event called WTF is Actually Going On Here?

This is for those of you who are looking for something more — those aha moments, real answers, and the raw, unfiltered truths.

This event is on for five days, and you’re officially invited to join the conversation LIVE.

There are daily interviews and live speakers daily sharing their most expansive insights and practical wisdom.

Join a community of people who get it — who understand that life is more than just following the rules; it’s about creating a reality that feels aligned with your soul.

If you’ve been craving expansion — now it’s time to stop playing small and start playing big.

If this resonates, click claim your spot and unlock the access that could potentially change your life.


Let’s finally figure out what’s really going on here, so you can stop playing nice and start living the life you were born to create.

Can’t wait to see you there,
Love Steve ✨☀️✨💗✨☀️✨

Dear Starseed,

At this time Starseeds are walking through a valley of great light on the one hand and great darkness on the other. This is the nature of this time of ascension.

On the light side there is much help and assistance from the angelic kingdom, stellar races and interdimensional guides.

On the dark side there comes interference. Psychic interference usually comes through the lower three chakras in the form of manipulating feelings and thoughts.

Psychic interference can come in the form of poking an old sense of guilt, or shame, or by amplifying an outdated sense of duty.

Psychic interference can come in the form of thoughts and imagery that provoke and amplify fear.

What is less commonly appreciated is psychic interference can also target the higher energy centres. In an awakened being it is not uncommon for the throat and third eye to be targeted.

Strange but true, the dark is actually helping to activate the light across the planet.

In this time dark forces are actually doing an important service by pointing out anywhere there are old karmic imprints of pain, or anywhere there is any form of weakness in the energy fields and energy centres.

I wish to leave you with one important thought, at this time of ascension darkness is no longer stronger than the light. Now the planet is shifting into light and all darkness hiding in the shadows will eventually be revealed.

Love Steve 🙏☀️🌈🌼✨🌈🌼✨🌈☀️🌼☀️🌈✨🌼🌈🌼✨🌈🌼🌈🙏

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