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Nice list of OSINT tools

Репост из: Privacy & Security Goys
We all know we are operating on borrowed time here on Telegram. It is unfortunate, as it is a hell of an app. SimpleX isn't usable when disseminating to tens of thousands of people. We are looking at alternatives (restart the ol' .onion?) which won't be as convenient, but is far safer than trusting in Durov. Besides, the majority of you made the move to SimpleX, which I applaud.

Ultimately, we don't want any of our admins or subscribers to wind up in federal prison over ironically being part of a "terror group." We are not part of any "collective," and do not endorse terrorism or any criminal activity. Imagine if we were on the CIA payroll! After years of running these channels, we don't even have 1 TON from advertising revenue to show for it. It has truly been a labor of love. ❤️

Ultimately, with no publicly available criteria to determine guilt or association, the juice is not worth the squeeze. It doesn't make any sense to maintain a presence where the enemy has the advantage.

Stay tuned.

Репост из: End Time Report
The Israeli website "Ynet" reported that Israel is planning to establish two zones of influence in Syria

The first is 15 kilometers deep, with a permanent Israeli military presence, and the second is 60 kilometers deep, up to Damascus, and under the control of Israeli intelligence.

Boost 👁️ @ETReport - End Time Report

Репост из: /pol/ 4chan
📝 316 replies



Репост из: /pol/ 4chan
📝 302 replies

Can someone smarter than me educate me, what is this whole Greenland debate about?
Do you think the US actually wants to acquire Greenland? If yes, why? If not, what are the reasons this is being brought to the publics attention?


Репост из: Indian Hate
The most fragile butthurt demographic on the internet

Репост из: Day of the Flush
Sneaky-jit using A.I to put the face of Chinese as the main problem with the backlog when everyone knows the visa backlog is mostly due to endian subhuman scamming parasites.

Репост из: Indian Hate
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Репост из: Chudjak - Polchud - /pol/ Archive
Oh Canada! 🇨🇦

Репост из: Noticer News
Apple has fired as many as 185 Indian workers from its Cupertino headquarters for taking part in a massive donations scam.


Follow: @NoticerNews

Репост из: Indian Hate
Probably the most delusional ethnicity in the world

Репост из: Indian Hate

Репост из: #TakeBackOurTech
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⚡️Tools Law Enforcement Uses To Access iPhone, Android

In this clip from Above’s ‘Hidden Signs Your Phone is Compromised’ webinar, I discuss the importance of keeping your phone locked at all times and how Cellebrite tools can be used by law enforcement to capture and compromise all of your personal data once the phone is in their hands.

Sign up FREE to watch more webinar clips here.

Follow 🫶 @takebackourtech

Репост из: #TakeBackOurTech
Currently watching the internet melt down over Elon boldly lying about being good at video games. Pretty damning evidence here on one of his live streams that he's been having someone play Diablo 3 for him so he can pretend to be one of the best in the world.

I find it really hilarious that out of the all of the questionable things he's said over the years, acting like he knows everything about politics, science, and software - it takes him lying about a video game to be exposed.

Could a guy who's unafraid to lie about something as stupid as this also be lying about his other accomplishments?


Репост из: No BS kNews
Bay Area hit with second 3.7 magnitude earthquake in three days

Репост из: /pol/ 4chan
📝 303 replies

California police conducting training on "Involuntary Celibate Extremism" this week

They're coming for you chuds.


Репост из: /pol/ 4chan
📝 303 replies

Americans should accept that the good days are over

and adjust their spending to reflect their new incomes.
so says Rakesh Krishnan Simha.


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