Teens For Christ!❤

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We make it our top priority to hype Him in this present generation with everyday Jesus messages and so much more!

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I love this new energy!



Репост из: God's Hauz

Репост из: God's Hauz

Репост из: God's Hauz

Yeah 💪

School and all but we're back!😌💃🏾

We're very sorry😂💔

It's been a while🤧💔

Good morning🤗



Репост из: INFLUENCE ◆ ❤?
When you see a man selling handkerchiefs and still sweating profusely in traffic, it tells you that possession is not the same as ownership! Your life belongs to God; you are only having it but you don't own it. So, be careful what you do with your life before the owner asks for it.
The last wishes of Alexander the Great.........
On his death bed, Alexander summoned his army generals and told them his three ultimate wishes:

1. The best doctors should carry his coffin ...

2. The wealth he has accumulated (money, gold, precious stones) should be scattered along the procession to the cemetery ...

3. His hands should be let loose, so they hang outside the coffin for all to see !!

One of his generals who was surprised by these unusual requests asked Alexander to explain .
Here is what Alexander the Great had to say :

1. "I want the best doctors to carry my coffin to demonstrate that in the face of death , even the best doctors in the world have no power to heal .."

2. "I want the road to be covered with my treasure so that everybody sees that material wealth acquired on earth , will stay on earth.."

3. I want my hands to swing in the wind, so that people understand that we come to this world empty handed and we leave this world empty handed after the most precious treasure of all is exhausted, and that is : TIME.

We do not take to our grave any material wealth. TIME is our most precious treasure because it is LIMITED. We can produce more wealth, but we cannot produce more time.

When we give someone our time, we actually give a portion of our life that we will never take back . Our time is our life !.

The best present that you can give to your family is your time and to God is ur life..

May God grant YOU plenty of TIME, to share this important message with all your contacts.
We all forward jokes and other messages...pls forward this message to all your friends and request them to forward it to their friends too.

Pls every living person should read this

Репост из: Jessica O🤣🥳
Assuming after dancing and rejoicing in your new mansion last night, you woke up this morning to rush and catch up with your daily activities as you are doing right now, and you saw your body still lying helplessly on the bed. You were shocked, You tried to pick up your iphone 6 to call your (Rev) pastor or relatives and you couldn't pick it up. You tried opening your wardrobe to pick some money you hid there and couldn't. You started crying but no one heard you. You try touching the gate to go out, but u just went right through it. You went outside and your house mates were chatting, but you were not recognised. After some minutes, you saw your house neighbours coming out of your room with a severe cry, hitting their hands on your brand new Range Rover Jeep.

All you could hear them saying is *"HE IS GONE"* or *"SHE IS GONE"* You stood there watching them cry their hearts out in pain. So you asked yourself *WHERE EXACTLY AM I GOING?*
Your spirit started crying bitterly, because you were not prepared to start that journey so soon. BRETHREN where exactly do you think you are going if you stop breathing right now?. *Are you aware of your final destination?*
Remember your creator now because we have a place to go. So start preparing. Share to a group. I choose you to prompt every one for eternity and the only Lord
and Saviour- *JESUS CHRIST.*HE alone can take you home (HEAVEN). Forward this message to help save a life!

*Please Note:* this message is compulsory to share,pls share because you might not be able to go round evangelising.

Репост из: INFLUENCE ◆ ❤?
🗑🚰 *Beware of the Leaking Bucket*

1. You make people believe you are righteous but secretly you are devil's agent. *(A leaking bucket).*

2. You pray all the time but you have no strong faith at all. *(A leaking bucket).*

3. You're very kind to people and speak with them gently but with your family you're always harsh. *(A leaking bucket).*

4.. You honour and treat your guests well but when they leave, you gossip about them and talk about their flaws. *(A leaking bucket).*

5. You give a lot of charity to the poor but you humiliate them and hurt them. *(A leaking bucket).*

6. You stand up to pray at night, fast and read The Holy Book everyday but you cut your family ties. *(A leaking bucket).*

7. You joke with friends openly but behind them you swear, insult, curse and blackmail them. *(A leaking bucket).*

8. You help others but you're doing it to gain something from them and not doing those acts of kindness for the sake of Almighty God's Glory. *(A leaking bucket).*

9. You post reminders and have thousands of followers on facebook, twitter and instagram but you're doing it for the fame, not to spread the gospel. *(A leaking bucket).*

10. You read this beautiful post and you gain from it but deliberately refuse to share with others. *(A leaking bucket).*

May the Almighty God have mercy on us not to become Leaking Buckets.🗑🚰


@influence360x 🌹🌹

The Saved For Grace series have been reposted for those who never got to read it @teensforChristgh

Let us know what you think
God bless you🤗

Saved By Grace❤️🙌🏾

Episode 3💃🏽:
The sky was dark and the clouds were grey. Alexis turned around and saw no one but a hideous beast with horns. Behind him was a blazing fire, filled with crying souls...'Alexis, Alexis!!'
Alexis woke up with a start and looked around. Her parents and Andrea had circled around her, with worried faces. She took a look at herself. She was trembling and sweating she had been soaked in a barrel of water.
'What happened?' were the words that uttered out of her mouth.
'Alexis, you were shouting and crying in your sleep, screaming with terror. Now it's my turn to ask, what happened?'☹️ Andrea replied.
Alexis clearly wasn't in the mood to talk about her nightmare. Her mind was zooming with concepts she couldn't explain. 'I can't remember', she lied 'I'm sure I'll be able to think better during the day'
They agreed and prayed with her and went back to sleep. Alexis on the other hand couldn't sleep. How could one sleep after witnessing such a bizarre scene? Also, she was scared she would go back to the dream if she slept. She stayed awake for three solid hours and was grateful when the alarm rang when it was usually the annoying part of the day for her.
What was happening to her?

* * * * *

'I know right!, the party was totally off the hook, wasn't it Alexis?, Jade looked over to her best friend,hoping for her to pipe in so it wouldn't look like she was lying but Alexis had totally zoned out. She had been acting weird ever since the party on Saturday night and it was totally unlike her.
'Alexis?',Jade tried again, giving her a little shake. This time she just looked up and sarcastically replied, 'Yeah, it was good I guess' Everyone was clearly surprised at her answer and she was getting uneasy.
'Look Jade, I have to use the bathroom, and then I'll go to class, I'll catch up with you later' she quickly made an excuse and left without waiting for a reply.
On her way to the bathroom, she saw Andrea, taking out her books from her locker. Since she was the 'Godly' type, Alexis planned on telling her about her dream,hoping to get an explanation.
She was a few inches away when an older guy walked over to her sister. From where she was standing, she couldn't help to overhear them.
'Hello, could you please show me where the principal's office is?' the man asked her.
'Of course, follow me' Andrea, being a goody two shoes,replied.
Alexis sighed and almost gave up when she saw what she saw.
The man had turned into a seven headed beast,walking with his sister and heading towards the principal's office. Before she could think,she ran towards the man and pushed him, 'Enough of your schemes and lies, you've tried and you've failed, leave my family alone!'
Everything had turned back to normal now, and he was now a helpless man lying on the floor. A crowd had started gathering around them. The principal appeared and exclaimed, 'Alexis, what is wrong with you, he's only applying for a teacher's assistant and I asked him to see me in my office, I'm sorry Mr. Jones, but I'm afraid this lady has some issues. Alexis, apologise and see me in my office!'
She was so embarrassed and looked over to her sister, who was apologising for her and helping him up. She had no choice but to face the consequences. The principal, being an atheist would never believe her side of the story,but how couldn't anyone else see what she had been seeing?
What was happening to her?

Saved by Grace❤️🙌🏾

Episode 2:
Alexis stood glued to the spot watching in shock as the driver passed by, smirking at her and in the blink of an eye he vanished. The truck. The man. Poof. Just disappeared in thin air. She turned to look at her sister and the angel was nowhere to be found either.
'Are you okay?'🤔Andrea asked her sister who was looking around like a child at the zoo.
'Am I okay? You should be asking yourself that' Alexis replied,surprised at how cooly Andrea was taking this.
'Yh I'm okay, I just tripped and fell, I didn't get hurt so don't worry' Andrea explained
'Wait, are you trying to tell me you didn't see the angel push you and the devil with the truck aiming at you?'😳💔
'Angel? Devil? What are you talking about you? And stop teasing me about my guardian angel. Everyone has one. I just imagine mine as a female I can talk to' Andrea snorted.
'No, seriously, I saw her. She saved you from the devil. He was going to... '
'You're drunk again aren't you Alexis?' Andrea cut her off 'Do we have to send you to rehab again?'☹️
'No Andrea please believe me, I swear I'm not drunk this time and what I'm telling you is true... ' Alexis wailed.
'That's what you said the last time Alexis. You stay right here and I'll go tell Jade we're leaving. We're going home'
Alexis gave up trying to prove her point. No one was going to believe her now.

* * * * *

The drive home from Club 99 was long and quiet. It was usually Alexis who always started a convo for everyone to pipe in but she was in shock at the moment, replaying the scene she had just witnessed in her head. She didn't understand anything that had happened but she could swear that she wasn't hallucinating.
Alexis and Andrea dropped off at their house and Andrea went home immediately to tell on her sister. Alexis sighed as she entered, awaiting her punishment.
She entered to meet her parents in front of her with looks of disdain.
She opened her mouth to explain but she was cut off by her dad. 'I'm so disappointed in you Alexis, go to your room now'
Her explanation would be pointless because she couldn't explain what she had seen.
The next day was Sunday and Alexis was determined to speak to the head pastor, Pastor James, who could help her.
Right after the sermon, She rushed to his office without even knocking, forgetting her manners.
'Hello Alexis, your parents aren't around at the moment, they had to visit a sister whose house had collapsed' Pastor James told her.
'That won't be a problem at all because I'm here to talk to you' Alexis informed me.
He was stunned because he knew her history and once thought she was a witch due to the way she acted😹
'Oh okay, please come in and take a seat' he replied.
Andrea on the other hand was looking for her parents to ask for permission to stay after church to help the Sunday school teacher prepare lesson notes. She was about to knock when she heard her sister's voice and decided to listen.
'Pastor James, I know this might sound weird coming from me but I think I saw an angel...and the devil, He was aiming at Andrea with a truck but an angel saved her. I told her but she thought I was drunk, no one believed me.' Alexis explained.
'Hmm, you have a very special gift Alexis, the gift of sight, God has opened your eyes to see what no ordinary man can see and He's got a plan for you' Pastor James told her, and he couldn't believe it was her and not Andrea God chose but He knew he couldn't question God.
On hearing this, Andrea stormed out of the church, crying and shouting, angry at God 'Why God, why?! I love You and I read your Word, I do good and do everything you tell me to so why did you choose Alexis instead?! She hasn't even opened her Bible before.God,why?!' With this, she ran off, forgetting all what God had done for her and forgetting that God had a great reward in store for the righteous.

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