Фильтр публикаций

Currently, the image uploading stopped working because Telegraph X app is based on Telegra.ph API that is supported by the Telegram team.
Yesterday, Pavel Durov announced disabling new media uploads for this platform:
✂️ We’ve also disabled new media uploads to Telegraph, our standalone blogging tool, which seems to have been misused by anonymous actors.

Since the Telegraph X closely depends on Telegra.ph API the image uploading will be removed from the app as well soon.

Alternatively, you can still paste image links to your telegraph posts.

Version 2.4.4 in live:
- fix opening app settings crashes for some devices to add supported links in Android 12+
- support new languages: Ukrainian 🚀

Version 2.4.3 in live:
- fix for supported links in Android 12+
- support new languages: Spanish 🚀

Version 2.4.2 in live:
- ui and navigation redesign 🔥
- support new languages: German, Hebrew, Turkish 🚀
- fixes and overall improvements

Version 2.3.4 in live:
- fixes & overall improvements

Version 2.3.3 in Google Play:
- fixed network connection error

Thanks Telegram team for helping🚀

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Hi all!
I'm glad to say that Telegraph X is an open-source project now!🔥


Welcome to contribution if you are a developer and you want to improve the app / add a new feature or if you are a student and you want to get a development experience.

Feel free to ask me if you will have a problem with the project setup.

Hi, dear users!
I just want to share important statistics of using my app in the 2019 year:
32,000 articles were created and
66,000 articles were edited.

I'm glad that Telegraph X is a helpful tool for many of you.

And in honor of the upcoming Christmas and New Year you can download Telegraph X Pro with a 30% discount until the end of this year!🎄🎄🎄 🎉

Hi, all! 🖐
Version 2.3.1 is available:
- critical bug fixes

Hi, everyone! 🖖
Version 2.2.2 is available for Telegra.ph X Pro:
- design improvements
- crashes & critical bugs fixes

Hi, all! 🖐
Version 2.2.1 is available:
- critical bug fixes
- fixed issues related with connection and images uploading

Meet Telegra.ph X Pro

Why do you need Pro? What are the differences?

1. Extra features for super users (admins of telegram channels, bloggers and etc.):
- Support multiple accounts at the same time.
- Added the ability to see the statistics of viewing articles for the selected month and year.
- Now you can upload multiple images to the article at the same time.

2. Get the latest features and fixes first. Pro version will getting all new features and bug fixes first.

3. Support and thanks developer of the app.

Unfortunately, Telegram has a bug and instant view for your article isn't updating after editing. So please use bot @WebpageBot to refresh your instant view and link preview.

Hi all, especially admins of Telegram channels!

Would you like such a feature as article viewing stats by hours, days, months, years on some diagram?

Hi everyone 👋 What are next features you most want?
  •   Use multi accounts
  •   Photo batch loading
  •   Hide unwanted articles from list
  •   Pin or rearrange articles in list
440 голосов

Version 2.1.0 in Google Play:
- Added night mode!
- Added loading unlimited number of articles (before you could load only max 50 articles).
- Added Russian language.
- Fixed critical errors.

Hi everybody!
Version 2.0.1 in Google Play:
- Fixed crashes and critical errors.
- Reduced app size.

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