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In Ireland the local Arabs and their white girlfriends chased the antifa (all white twinks) out of the pro-Palestinian demonstration.

All in order. 💥


Baptism in the zone


Репост из: ⚡️13 ШО РУСИЧИ⚡️
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Работа в окопах 💪🏼✊🏼👍🏼🤙🏻

The evolution of the soyjack is the NAFO-tard.


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Multifunctional complex for detection and destruction of small-sized targets “Rapira-2” ("Рапира-2") based on the armored vehicle АМН-590951 «Спартак».

#Derivation #SAM

Anti-aircraft combat module with 4 x 7.62mm PKTs

#Derivation #SAM

The large scale tests also included:, the stationary/mobile 12.7mm anti-aircraft machine gun module "Анклав"

Against the backdrop of massive enemy raids on our rear arsenals, batteries and divisions of similar anti-aircraft machine guns and anti-aircraft artillery weapons are capable of making an invaluable contribution to the formation of a close air defense barrier. Mobile hunter-groups should also be formed on the basis of this systems.

The greatest interest is in the start of deliveries to the air defense units of the Derivatsiya, for its main weapon, the 2A90 gun, the specialists from the Cientific and Production Association "Pribor" (part of Techmash) have been developing 30mmshells with remotely controlled laser-beam fuses.

The effective interception range of large kamikaze UAVs of the Lyuty type with such projectiles (in combination with the ballistics of the 2A90 guns) can reach 4000-5000 m, and for smaller jet-powered Palyanitsa 3000-2000 m.

#Derivation #SAM

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A demonstration to Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev at the Kapustin Yar training range of various means to combat UAVs, including the 2S38 Derivation ("Деривация").

This is very positive news, after all, he is a public figure who is now one of the main decision-makers at the MIC. He wants to take credit and the usual photos for the work done.
As with Shoigu and the Arena-M, these photographs probably mean that these systems are ready and contracts for delivery to the troops will soon be signed (if they have not already been signed).

#Derivation #SAM

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The remotely controlled platform Zubilo ("Зубило") that was previously shown at the Army-2023 forum with the ZU-23-2 installed:


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Anti FPV fences equipped in this Chinese 155/52mm Type 05 (PLZ05) self-propelled howitzers during PLA exercises


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An FPV kamikaze operator from the 56th Airborne Assault Regiment of the Airborne Forces hits an AFU German Leopard 2A6 tank in the Kursk border area.

#Leopard #FPV

Most of the station is quite old, moreover the base of it are Soviet modules, Russia simply does not want to commit to maintain them (the most expensive parts) even before 2022.
As said in the channel, the Russian plan is simply to leave the ISS at the end of the decade and create their own orbital station, as well as collaborate with the Chinese on the Moon.


American space officials are reluctant to talk about the risks of flying astronauts to the aging International Space Station, elements of which have been in place for more than a quarter century.

Still, a new report confirms that NASA managers responsible for station operations are deeply concerned about a small Russian portion of the station — essentially a tunnel that connects a larger module to the docking port — that is leaking. Russian and U.S. officials have known that the small PRK module, located between the Progress spacecraft’s airlock and the Zvezda module, has been leaking since September 2019. A new report released Thursday by NASA’s inspector general provides previously undisclosed details that highlight the severity of the problem.

For example, in February of this year, NASA recorded an increase in the leak rate from less than 1 pound of atmosphere per day to 2.4 pounds per day, and in April, this figure rose to 3.7 pounds per day. Despite years of investigation, neither Russian nor American experts have been able to determine the exact cause of the leak.

"While the root cause of the leak remains unknown, both parties have narrowed the search to internal and external welds," said the report, signed by Deputy Inspector General George A. Scott.

The plan to reduce the risk is to keep the hatch on the Zvezda module that leads to the PrK tunnel closed. Eventually, if the leak gets worse, that hatch could be permanently closed, reducing the number of docking ports on the Russian side of the station from four to three.

Publicly, NASA has sought to minimize concerns about the problem, since the cracks are currently confined to the PR tunnel and have not spread to other parts of the station. However, the crack problem has reached the highest level of concern on NASA's 5x5 "risk matrix," which classifies the likelihood and consequences of risks to spaceflight. The Russian leaks are now classified as a "5" for both high likelihood and high consequence.

At the time, NASA did not comment or confirm the agency's concerns about the risk matrix ranking. However, the new report confirms those concerns.

“In May and June 2024, representatives from the ISS program and Roscosmos met to discuss increased concerns related to the increasing leak rate,” the inspector general’s report said. “The ISS program subsequently increased the risk of a leak in the service module transfer tunnel to the highest level in its risk management system. According to NASA, Roscosmos was confident that it could control the situation and close the hatch to the service module before the leak rate reached a critical level. However, NASA and Roscosmos did not reach agreement on at what point the leak rate would become unacceptable.”



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Today in Stary Oskol, Belgorod region, a gang of Gypsies and other family men were detained who decided to deceive local residents by posing as military personnel, emphasising their service in the "Akhmat" special forces.

The gang solicited money from the population and sold stolen items under the pretext of lack of money from the command near the city's shopping centres, on the highways and in the private sector.

They were tracked down by volunteers, after which they called the real special forces "Akhmat" from Belgorod. As a result, 7 people were detained and 7 cars were confiscated. The detainees and the confiscated property were handed over to Rosgvardia officers.


2.3k 0 22 9 103

Репост из: OstFront Podcast
This article asserts that not only is the hero Romanov serving on the front lines of the SMO a decendent of Alexander I. If this is true he is also a relative of Napoleon Bonapart as well. Потомок Николая I и Наполеона участвует в СВО и нашел себе жену в Донбассе: зачем французу всё это — история Гавриила Дорошина - 16 ноября 2022 - V1.ру

Показано 17 последних публикаций.