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The Bill of Rights:

Ten simple articles of law that, contrary to what most believe, was actually put in place to COUNTER the Constitution! It is our law, the people's law. No government or interpretation of law can come against it, lest it be sedition.

But unfortunately the enemy found their loophole, and that is through the UCC, also the 14th amendment, but largely the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). This is why corporations seem to be running the show. This is why when some snowflake fag gets offended by someone wearing a t-shirt or not wearing their covid face diaper, they turn, not to the courts to issue a formal claim of damages or rights violated, but to a corporation in which said offense may occur.


Someone wears a t-shirt on an American Airlines flight, and some busy body fag notices and makes a complaint to the stewardess and captain. What are THEY supposed to do?

But it goes back to the UCC, which corporations act under which are seen as above our law! So common law has been replaced with corporate law, merchant law, JEWISH LAW!

And this is why these corporations get away with literal murder.

Just a thought.

Репост из: Straight Arm Media
To those considering attending the upcoming White Lives Matter Rally,
I give the following opinion and advice:
Viewing the promotion of the White Lives Matter event(s) I can see no clear leadership directing said events. No group or groups are claiming organizational authority. This means for better or worse none are claiming responsibility for anything that may occur. It seems as though a third party through propaganda is initiating this event(s) for an unknown purpose. I believe there are good Pro White individuals and groups jumping on this as an opportunity to demonstrate for Our people in mass. However I can't help but wonder if there are ulterior forces at work. If one "event" goes ary, we will all pay. Regardless of whom the perpetrator is in reality. Case and point Jan 6. Not to mention the potential for the aforementioned good Pro-Whites to get targeted directly regardless of their location at the time. IE something goes bad in Portland, Oregon and ZOG in WA, ID, MT and CA decide to act as those in Portland are also in other states. Treat them accordingly. Regardless of actual involvement. This sounds like a means for a mass round up and crackdown on Pro-Whites. Many groups, legitimate or otherwise have already made clear: they are nit involved and will not be involved. With all this in mind it is my advice to all those who care to hear it: DO NOT GO TO WHITE LIVES MATTER RALLIES. The time for the "mass movement" strategy is over. These type of demonstrations in the current pre-revolution climate will only draw the noose tighter as we try to organize and put in work building the White Resistance. These events will take away from the loyal, when we need every true fighter we can get. ZOG and the puppet society they have created will not stand with us. Therefore they are against us. We must focus Our assets. Consolidate Our forces. War is upon us. Our actions must be towards to Our enemies directly, not rallying the weak. Imagine if the same energy was put forth to attacking and disrupting antifa/RED events. We must destroy Our enemies. We do not need any more Martyrs or POWs.Especially without just cause. I believe Our elders would advise against this. I would add my humble thoughts. To those who do attend. Do so safely. Link up with legitimate Pro-Whites. Keep your identity masked. Be aware of the laws and follow them. Do not let antifa, etc provoke you into foolish actions. When in doubt remember the 5 words. "I have nothing to say." 14/88
Kynan Dutton

I agree fully.

Репост из: Boomers IRL
Q followers are getting increasingly impatient with "the plan".

These poor pitiful souls

Репост из: Crickets bowling alley 3///0

I usually don't put much stock into Masons controlling things, however, hehehehehehehehe

Репост из: White Lives Matter Texas
Arlington, Texas - 31-year-old Jordan Hightower, who was working at an E-Z Mart convenience store when he was shot and killed behind the counter on January 21, 2001 by black male Dorian Woodard.
Surveillance footage captured the gunman entering the store in the 100 block of East Bardin Road, near Matlock Road, about 3:30 a.m. Sunday. He waited for customers to clear out and then opened fire on the clerk without warning, police said.
After killing Jordan the suspect couldn't even get the register open.
He was caught through crime stoppers with one anonymous tipster reporting that Woodard was “telling people he shot the store clerk at the Arlington E-Z Mart and stole tobacco and snacks,” according to the affidavit....
Killed for "tobacco and snacks"... WTF?
Jordan Hightower's life mattered.

Репост из: Shitpost Legion
Hey retards whining the timing isn't right to have kids, that life is hard, that you aren't in the right place: Our enemies are having children. Lots and lots of them.
I'm not arguing to act like niggers, but if you are in a relationship you know what lights all the instincts to get into a position you find suitable for raising kids? Having one. Do it faggots.

This fucking THING actually Procreated? Wtf?

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