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Репост из: Race Realism Channel
In Germany, Italy, and Spain, North Africans commit significantly more crime than Sub-Saharan Africans, who in turn commit significantly more crime than national citizens.

Репост из: Autism Central

Borzoi, the ankle-biting gimp from TRS, is still mad about me after all these years. His great "own" is alleging that I didn't read Kaczynski or Linkola because... *drum roll* ... they both wrote some things I disagree with. Ridiculous.

I liked BAP since joining Twitter in 2019 but began to dislike him when his entourage promoted Latinx immigration, among other reasons. This is all water under the bridge, we're on good terms now.

I briefly liked America First 2020-2021 (last reposted Fuentes on telegram August '21 iirc) when I mistakenly believed AF was about optics and sneaking White nationalism into mainstream politics.

I realized it was a grotesque freak show when Fuentes defended AF people who said the White girls injured at Waukesha "deserved it" because they would "grow up to be coalburners."

Since then, AF has devolved into a browner version of TRS/NJP.

Adding to this post: I don't believe "Holocaust guilt" is the lynchpin of Western self-immolation.

Compare Ngram results for "Holocaust" to dates that racial immigration laws were revoked and "civil rights" acts passed throughout the Anglosphere. The average date is 1972 but at that point, the term "Holocaust" was relatively fringe.

I haven't found any evidence that these acts were brought about by the Holocaust. If you know of any, DM me on Twitter.

It seems that "Holocaust guilt" arose in tandem with other libtard agendas, see the second Ngram graph.

(After the British Empire collapsed, the UK passed various laws to limit non-White immigration from former colonies, but I don't know the precise law that overturned these restrictions - something in the 1990s or 2000s).

"Humanitarian aid" causes starvation in Africa.

We give them free resources, their population expands beyond carrying capacity, they starve and beg for more free resources. Repeat until population collapses.

If you want less Africans to starve, stop sending them resources and let their populations decline to a natural level.

If you want billions of Africans to starve in the future, when the Bank of Whitey is empty and incapable of providing for them, keep sending them free resources.



Репост из: Survive the Jive: All-feed
The study also finds that while EEF women sometimes bred with WSH men, WSH women usually only paired up with their own men thereby maintaining the purity of their genepool for long periods, especially in the North. The males with WSH ancestry in the collective grave seem to have been raised in the local EEF culture and not that of the absent Corded Ware father, who may have belonged to a Männerbunde

Репост из: Race Realism Channel
In 2016, migrants in the US sent 138 billion dollars back to their home countries.

Репост из: Survive the Jive: All-feed
Necterusmaculos on X tried to model modern peoples on vahaduo.

Can’t speak for its accuracy but I think he is using the right source populations.

Within the British isles the source of Italo-Celtic is the Celtic migrants around 1000 BC, insular means pre-Celtic Beaker folk of Bronze age British Isles, Germanic means Anglo-Saxon. As you can see even the Welsh and Cornish have more ancestry from Germanic invaders than Celtic ones

Репост из: Race Realism Channel
Average grip strength by race and ethnicity.

Compare Indian and Pakistan men to Polish women in the second figure.

Source: Prognostic value of grip strength: findings from the Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology (PURE) study (2015)

Репост из: Race Realism Channel
Map of Germanic settlements throughout history. Some regions are missing but it's pretty accurate.

Policy proposals from Britain's Reform party include:
- freezing immigration
- deporting illegals back to France
- reducing welfare
- leaving the European Court of Human Rights
- patriotic education in schools

(Tweet source)

"Wow, you look GREAT with 12-year-old-boy hair!"

Women are obsessively sabotage each other like this. It's in the same vein as telling other women that they aren't fat, they're beautiful and they should keep eating. A despicable sexual strategy rarely seen among men.

Elon has filled my For You tab with American Black vs. African Black civil war content.

Репост из: Thuletide
Boston, Chicago, Detroit, and San Francisco in the early 20th century.

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