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Being European is not something anyone can be.

To belong to our people is a gift handed down by blood and soul.

Be proud to be who you are.

We are what stands between oblivion and glory.

"Omnium Rerum principia parva sunt"

The genocide of the Boer people, children of europe, has been conveniently ignored by the western world - which has been decaying for a while.

Our brothers deserve their right to self-determination. They are european by jus sanguinis, a people born our of the great Europa, with an unique culture, language and traditions.

The situation in South Africa has been accelerating exponentially week by week in the last couple of years and has Boers face extermination of their people by a populous that's is openly racist against whites. We must stand with our brothers against the darkness of the abyss.

Our brothers deserve that we echo their message. The world must learn of the atrocities commited against them for no reason other than the colour of their skin.
In a world that openly hates native Europeans openly we must stand, fight back and say: "Enough. We have the right to exist, we have to right to self-determine the future of our nations, people and communities, we have the right to keep our people alive, our culture and traditions, we have the right to defend the future of our white children - just like any other people in the planet do."

We stand with the Boers. And remember brothers:
"I dont know how im going to win. I just know im not going to lose." - Gokham Saki

The degeneration of our values has allways been a part of a machiavellian plan to subjugate us.

Today we face the abyss, and a choice must be made. Do we choose the abyss, modernity and all its false gods or do we choose the green planes that we have behind us and behond the abyss? Our culture and tradition.

Which way Western man?

Subjugating oneself to weaker beings is a crime against the natural order.

Kneeling before invaders is forgetting all the power we inherited from our ancestors

We do not apologize for our greatness. We say: "You're welcome"

Art is the flame that keeps the soul of a people warm.
It is what defines the genetic code of a culture.
We are what we make, and what we make is an echo of ourselves.
Beauty is an ideal that we have a sacred duty to defend.

What is beautiful is ours, and what is ours is beautiful.

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Rome is the Empire that built the foundation of Western Civilization, in your opinion what are the attributes of ancient Rome we should incorporate in today's society

Показано 18 последних публикаций.


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