🛡️ Durov Cleans Up Telegram with AI and New Security Measures!
🚫 Yesterday, our beloved @durov delivered some big news! His team has cracked down on bots and channels abusing Telegram's search function, making sure the platform stays secure and user-friendly.
🔥 And here’s the kicker: IP addresses and phone numbers of abusers can now be passed to authorities upon legitimate requests.
⚡️ Taking action has never been easier—use the new @SearchReport bot for search complaints!
⛓️ @unchainedweb3 ⛓️
🚫 Yesterday, our beloved @durov delivered some big news! His team has cracked down on bots and channels abusing Telegram's search function, making sure the platform stays secure and user-friendly.
🔥 And here’s the kicker: IP addresses and phone numbers of abusers can now be passed to authorities upon legitimate requests.
⚡️ Taking action has never been easier—use the new @SearchReport bot for search complaints!
⛓️ @unchainedweb3 ⛓️