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G20 Hamburg – Anticapitalist March Attacked Before it Began - "Welcome to Hell": #NoG20 Autonomous Anti-Capitalist Action [Twitter Archive, July 6, 2017]: https://unicornriot.ninja/2017/g20-hamburg-anticapitalist-march-attacked-began/

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G20 Hamburg – Anticapitalist March Attacked Before it Began - "Welcome to Hell": #NoG20 Autonomous Anti-Capitalist Action [Archive, July 6, 2017]: https://unicornriot.ninja/2017/g20-hamburg-anticapitalist-march-attacked-began/

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G20 Protests in Hamburg, Germany: Demo Rave & Snatch Squads [Livestream Archive, July 5, 2017]: https://unicornriot.ninja/2017/g20-hamburg-demo-rave-snatch-squads/

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G20 Hamburg – Demo Rave & Polizei Snatch Squads [Archive, July 5, 2017]: https://unicornriot.ninja/2017/g20-hamburg-demo-rave-snatch-squads/

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“We’ve Got No Choice”: Interview with Elise Gerhart of Camp White Pine [Archive, July 4, 2017]: https://unicornriot.ninja/2017/weve-got-no-choice-interview-elise-gerhart-camp-white-pine/

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G20 Protests in Hamburg, Germany "YesWeCamp" at Wohlers Park [Livestream Archive, July 4, 2017]: https://unicornriot.ninja/2017/g20-summit-police-state-descends-hamburg/

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G20 Hamburg: German Police Begin Crackdown on Demonstrations & Social Gatherings [Archive, July 4, 2017]: https://unicornriot.ninja/2017/g20-summit-police-state-descends-hamburg/

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German Police Raid New Protest Camp Ahead of the G20 in Hamburg [Archive, July 4, 2017]: https://unicornriot.ninja/2017/g20-summit-police-state-descends-hamburg/

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Greece: ADYE, Exarcheia’s Free Self-Organized Healthcare Clinic [Archive, July 3, 2017]: https://unicornriot.ninja/2017/greece-adye-exarcheias-free-self-organized-healthcare-clinic/

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Philadelhia, PA: Pro-Trump Alt-Right Rally & Counter-Protest End With Fights, Blood, Arrests [Twitter Archive, July 2, 2017]: https://unicornriot.ninja/2017/anti-pro-trump-rallies-philly-end-fights-blood-arrests/

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Greece: Anarchists Defend Exarcheia's Autonomous Zone From Police [Archive, June 29, 2017]: https://unicornriot.ninja/2017/greece-anarchists-defend-exarcheias-autonomous-zone-police/

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Anti-Racist Coalition Rallies Against Fascism and State Repression (#J20 case) at DC Police HQ: https://unicornriot.ninja/2017/speakout-fascism-state-repression-washington-dc-police-hq/

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Hundreds of Refugees in Athens, Greece Say Hands Off Squats [Archive, June 24, 2017]: https://unicornriot.ninja/2017/greece-action-solidarity-squats-evictions/

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Climate Action Shuts Down Amsterdam Coal Port [Livestream Archive, June 24, 2017]: https://unicornriot.ninja/2017/amsterdam-climate-camp-action-coderood/

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Climate Action Shuts Down Amsterdam Coal Port [Archive, June 24, 2017]

Amsterdam, Netherlands – Activists from the ‘Climate Camp’ took direct action at the port of Amsterdam, the biggest gasoline port and the second biggest coal port in Europe.

Climate activists used the hashtag #CodeRood, aka Code Red, to indicate that they are responding to the imminent emergency posed by the threats of runaway climate change from continuing fossil fuel use and development: https://unicornriot.ninja/2017/amsterdam-climate-camp-action-coderood/

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#J20 Defendant Speaks Out About Felonies Pressed Against Trump Inauguration Protesters [Archive, June 21, 2017]: https://unicornriot.ninja/2017/protesters-face-80-years-us-attorney-brings-unprecedented-mass-felony-charges/

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