Verif Hub - Open!

Гео и язык канала: не указан, не указан
Категория: не указана

Sedia Nokos / Verif All APK (kecuali E-wallet).
Pemesanan : @pawramount / @verifhubbot
Testi @testiverifhub
Pembayaran :
√ Rekber resmi
√ Spay
√ Dana
√ Qris (rate)

Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
не указан, не указан
не указана
Фильтр публикаций

Репост из: dOminie ! TOMORROW
{ untuk seluruh mutual BA ku @dominiecx , can you forward this massage, so everyone can see the announcement. thankyou so much all^^ }

halo semuaaa! apa kabarr? semoga baik baik aja yaa, oh iya besok jam 12.00 wib @dominiecx pertama kali akan OPEN! pada tanggal 19 juli 2021. jangan ketinggalan ya!
pembayaran bisa dilakukan melalui GOPAY, QRIS, SPAY, DAN DANA ♡

mau orderr?? jangan lupa buat check tnc nya yaa, bisa lihat katalognya di @haayatto ! kirim formatnya ke @littlebotflowwy

Репост из: hello springs, OPEN 1st BATCH
[ to my dearest mutuals BA or everyone who see this, can you guys forward this message to your channel? thanks in advance🌷]

kindly read the terms and
first before u guys fill the form.

and told me the icons that you want through :
🏜 @hellospringsbot!

Note : we are open unlimited
slots for our 7th batch. so don't missed this out dude-!

Репост из: Verif Hub - Open!

[ Good day to all moots, could you forward this massage to your channel? It'd be very help for us. Thank you so much. ]

Finally, We're open!!

We're gladly inform you that VERIF HUB is finally open. We store specialize in all application verification, First Hand! One of PacarDF's partner. We open payment with Dana, Spay, Qris, Phone Credit (Tsel/Isat,Tri). Worry not there's some proofs for our transactions, take a peek @testiverifhub.

So, what are you waiting for, let's find your need here

ㅤㅤ × Nokos Non Ress
ㅤㅤ × Nokos Ress
ㅤㅤ × Verif All Apk

and fill the form here. For further information please contact our customer service here :

Store : @verifhub
CS : @verifhubbot / @pawramount
Proofs : @testiverifhub

VERIFHUB The Trusted
ㅤㅤㅤOne You Deserve

Репост из: 𝐃affodil 𝐀rt’s : 17 JULY !!!
Hello, daffos. We’re finally open! let’s order and send your form to @daffodilrobot yaaA. Enjoy frensss

Репост из: Fatal Romance : July 18th, 4 PM.
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[ 📣: To our fellow Business Account mutuals who somehow stumbled upon this letter, would you like to help us forward this to your channel? Thank you, a heap! ♡ ]

Frabjous eventide, dearest ones! Fatal Romance will be opening its own first batch of girlfriend/boyfriend rent at July 18th, 04.00 PM. We are here to provide the ephemeral yet unforgettable tale of love for you. Here is the link to our offerings:

If our letter rings the bell to your heart, kindly take a look at our lovely dukes and duchesses and send your form to our assistant: @FRomance. Much love!

Репост из: LØEY $TORE
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[ Untuk semua mutual BA kami. Jika anda melihat ini, bolehkah untuk membantu kamu meneruskan pesan ini ke business channel kalian. Kami akan sangat berterimakasih bagi siapapun yang membantu kami! ]

ϟ 𝖀nder the bright 𝖘𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐰 of 𝗺𝗶𝗱𝗻𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 saga, all the bats came out from their hiding place. Searching for a 𝗳𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗵 𝗯𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗱 to fullfil their 𝓭𝗲𝘀𝗶𝗿𝗲𝘀. Flying around freely with fishy smelling blood in their mouth. Looking for another 𝖕𝐫𝐞𝐲 to catch. Youre not gonna be one of them right? Please be 𝐬𝐚𝐟𝐞 and come to a safer place in @LOEY_STORE!

𝙑𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙛𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙉𝙪𝙢𝙗𝙚𝙧
𝙐𝙥 𝙎𝙪𝙗𝙨𝙘𝙧𝙞𝙗𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙍𝙚𝙜
𝙐𝙥 𝙑𝙞𝙚𝙬𝙨
𝙐𝙥 𝙎𝙪𝙗𝙨𝙧𝙞𝙗𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙢𝙖𝙞𝙣 𝙖𝙘𝙘
𝙐𝙥𝙛𝙤𝙡𝙡 𝙄𝙂 𝙍𝙋 & 𝙍𝙇
𝙁𝙚𝙚𝙙𝙨 𝙄𝙂 & 𝙋𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙛𝙣𝙚𝙚𝙙𝙨
𝘼𝙥𝙡𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙋𝙧𝙚𝙢𝙞𝙪𝙢
𝘽𝙤𝙮𝙛𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙 𝙍𝙚𝙣𝙩

𝕯atang lah ke tempat 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐲𝐢 nan aman untuk 𝖕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐮𝐧𝐲𝐢𝐚𝐧 dari dunia dan alam malam yang kelam @assistanloeybot. ☾

Репост из: 𝓗eorystic · tommorow!!!
[ Kepada semua mutual BA saya atau siapapun yang melihat ini. jika anda tidak keberatan, mau kah anda membantu kami untuk menyebarkan pesan ini ke ch mu? Sebelumnya terimakasih banyak! ♡ ]

Wangi yang sangat manis menarik perhatian dari sudut kiri, yaitu Heorystic. Toko kue yang menyediakan banyak macam sekarang berada pas di depan kalian. Akhirnya, @heorystic resmi open pada 18 Juli 2021, 12.00! Mencari setup ataupun icons yang lucu untuk memperbagus store ataupun ava kalian? Yippie, you can found it here. Heorystic adalah tempat yang sangat pas untuk membeli apa yang anda butuhkan, kami menyediakan berbagai macam icons & setup! Sebelum order jangan lupa untuk cek TnC dulu, dan liat catalog kami disini. Dan pick up your ticket to @heorysticrobot. See you, happy shopping! ♡___♡

Репост из: FORTUNIES
[To all of our BA mutuals, may we ask for your help by forwarding this message to your channel? It would be such an honor for us. Thank you!]

EMLOOOO, FORTUNERS!!! Gimana kabarnya hari ini? Asik nih besok udah weekend lagi! Tapi pas lagi weekend enaknya habisin waktu bareng orang yang bakal kasih kamu afeksi gak, sih? 🤔

Eh gak perlu khawatir kalau belum nemu! Karena besok mulai Sabtu, 17 Juli 2021 Fortunies akan kembali membuka layanan! Yuk dibaca benefits yang bakal kamu peroleh dan menu yang tersedia! Eits gak perlu ragu, karena di @Fortuneis ada banyak bukti nyata dari hasil pelayanan kami. Yuk buruan diisi formnya lalu kirim ke @FortuniesBot. Inget, baca TnC-nya juga! Kami tunggu kehadirannya besok di jam 15.00 WIB! 🤎

Репост из: Saku.
Want To Sell this Username

b.o Yoshinori Kanemoto
@JlANKiM b.o Jian Kim Lightsum
@lChowon b.o Chowon
@ohowon b.o Chowon
@yujsong b.o Yujeong
@ChoZnoa b.o Cho Zoa
@JaehanW b.o Jaehan Omega X
@LDawon b.o Dawon SF9 & WJSN
@vYounghoonKim b.o Younghoon Kim

☎️ : @Hyunjinabot

[ for our dearest mutuals, could you please help us to forward this message to your channel? Thank you, beautiful souls ♡ ]

༉‧₊˚✧ @KiosVirtual is 𝖌𝖔𝖎𝖓𝖌 to open for services at 15 juli ! After a long time waiting, we are going to make our debut, 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐲𝐚 kalian sudah menunggu hal tersebut sejak lama, bukan? Dan kami yakin, kalian akan menyesal jika tidak mengunjungi peta kami 𝗱𝗶𝗯𝗮𝘄𝗮𝗵 ini :

                    𖤐 TnC

I am sure, 𝖐𝖆𝖑𝖎𝖆𝖓 sudah menunggu hari ini untuk tiba dan kami yakin kalian tidak ingin menyesal tidak membeli, bukan? So I am sure that you need to 𝙫𝙞𝙨𝙞𝙩 us now, since I am sure that you don't want to be late for our first grand opening! Selamat berbelanja, dan 𝐬𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐠𝐚 kalian menikmati jasa yang kami sediakan! 📂 ⋆

Репост из: OFC MS 13 | HIRING ADMIN
[For mutual BA please forward it to your channel, thank you]

Halo semua finally @STORERANYA mulai open untuk pertama kalinya pada tanggal 16 juli 2021 dan banyak sekali promo menarik

• 1,7k no mintake { all e wallet , qris tidak terkena rate } only telegram
• 2,5k no mintake { vipul isat & tsel tidak terkena rate } only telegram

• 200 subs : 5k
• 400 subs : 10k
N. Berlaku kelipatan
Vipul kena rate 2k

nama + id pemesan :
jumlah nomor yg diorder :
payment :

nama + id pemesan :
username ch :
subs / memb awal :
subs / memb yg di order :
payment :

Payment :
Testi : @testiranyastore

☎️ send ke : @sstfubitchjj / @storeranya_bot

Репост из: ♡̸ Nalogie : Tomorrow!
(To my beloved business mutuals and anyone who see this. Can you help me forward this massage to you channel? Thanks a lot!♡)

Warms greetings for everyone! Short announcement, Finally @Nalogie is open for second batch on Sunday, 18th June at 10.00 WIB. So, grab it fast! dont forget to read our regulations and check our catalogue. Thankyou so much!

With love, Nalogie ♡

Репост из: Mengbagi nokos!
[ Dear my beloved BA mutuals and everyone who seeing this message, please forward this message to ur channel. Thankyou!♡ ]

Cheers, tele-lings!🙆‍♀ this is lavien speaking. finally @lacunatrelle akan segera buka untuk “JULY BATCH” pada Sabtu, 17 July 2021 pukul 13.00 WITA. kami menyediakan manipulation edit dengan payment via Dana, Gopay, OVO, QRIS only. Mari singgah dan siapkan formatmu, karena open kali ini hanya limited slot dan bakal close dadakan. So tunggu apa lagi? hurry up order! Eitss, read the regulations first!!💘

Репост из: Charleston.
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[to all mutual BA, help fw this please?]


welcome to @eyjastip, a shop that provides services to help spread ur wares. we guarantee, here will not zonk.

我々が提供します :jastip && jasa nawarin orang wtb.



untuk pertama kalinya @eyjastip open, kami mengadakan promo grand opening.

check promonya yuk!


tunggu apa lagi? jangan sampe ketinggalan, slot bisa berkurang sewaktu waktu ya.


Репост из: FANT♡SiA : UFS PINNED

Without Marga :

♡. @Jawkson bo Jackson Got7 Booked
♡. @Chaeydon bo Chaeyeon DIA / IZONE
♡. @.Eutseo bo Eunseo WJSN Booked
♡. @Rowton bo Rowoon SF9
♡. @.Skerom bo Saerom Fromis_9 Sold
♡. @ChengxiKao bo Chengxiao WJSN
♡. @yucyeom bo Yugyeom Got7
♡. @changkUyun bo real name I'M Monsta X
♡. @somssoml bo somssomi

With Marga :

♡. @HwatgYeji bo Yeji ITZY
♡. @KimJiBwoo bo Chuu real name
♡. @josoominB bo real name Min Seolah

☎️ If you interest or maybe mau tanya tanya, contact me in @iEunseorobot

Репост из: PiER♡︎UETTE . OPEN
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Untuk semua mutual ba & siapapun yang membaca pesan ini, mohon bantuannya untuk menyebarkan pesan ini ke channel kalian, terima kasih!

Haloo! Apa kamu sedang mencari icons dengan harga yang pas dengan saldomu?? Ayo coba cek di @pierouette! Pada hari jum'at, 16 juli 2021 tepatnya pukul 18.00 kami akan membuka gerbang untuk pertama kalinya loh! Kami tunggu kedatanganmu

Репост из: ✦ 𝓐MOURETHIC 🪐 ⊹
[to my beloved moots, can you help me fw this message to your channel? thank you so much! 💗]

Amourethic open untuk kelima kalinya! 16 JULI 16.00 WIB!, Amourethic menyediakan handraw icons, detailed icons, doodle icons dengan harga 4-10k!, jangan lupa mampir ke Catalog. Sebelum order sebaiknya baca TnC dulu yaa Amouries, happy shopping ( 。>﹏

Репост из: List FH
✧. Channel : @iinidan
✧. Seller : @pawramount

[ Good day to all moots, could you forward this massage to your channel? It'd be very help for us. Thank you so much. ]

Finally, We're open!!

We're gladly inform you that VERIF HUB is finally open. We store specialize in all application verification, First Hand! One of PacarDF's partner. We open payment with Dana, Spay, Qris, Phone Credit (Tsel/Isat,Tri). Worry not there's some proofs for our transactions, take a peek @testiverifhub.

So, what are you waiting for, let's find your need here

ㅤㅤ × Nokos Non Ress
ㅤㅤ × Nokos Ress
ㅤㅤ × Verif All Apk

and fill the form here. For further information please contact our customer service here :

Store : @verifhub
CS : @verifhubbot / @pawramount
Proofs : @testiverifhub

VERIFHUB The Trusted
ㅤㅤㅤOne You Deserve

Order Dan's Verif bulan Juni

Via @warungodysha
√ 50 Nokos ress a.n. Nn
√ 35 Nokos ress a.n. Jm
√ 36 Nokos ress a.n. Nr

Via personal
❓ 101 nokos a.n. dr / strl lebih dari 1x24 jam batas perjanjian)
√ 102 nokos a.n. hj & bi (join) via rekber rpjb

Note :
striketrough is done
Question mark is hnr

Показано 20 последних публикаций.


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