Warren Crump

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candian Patriot kicked off FB for life for having to much truth on my page.
living on Vancouver Island

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Репост из: Terri Dahl, Canadian Patriot🇨🇦🙏🏼🇺🇸
This is a HUGE Red Pill!
But This Explains Why Child Crimes Don't Matter To Them!!
[They] Are Not Human!
How Can Anyone With Empathy Hurt A Child, Especially a Baby!!!!
They Do Not Have A Soul!!!!
This is a War For Humanity!!!

They Use Their False Flags To Control us!
They Use Their Scientists and Doctors to Control us!
They Flood us 24/7 With Propaganda!

They Will Crash a Plane To kill 1 Person!!!

They Use Bribery and Black Mail to control Us!!!
They Tried to Nuke us 4 Times that People Know of and
Even More that People Don't Know!!!

They Will Stop at Nothing!!
They Have Infiltrated Us, as in humans!!!

They Worship S A T A N!!!
And Now They Are Showing The World!!!
We Have Been Lied to About Everything!!!!

Keep an Open Mind.....
Cuz Things Go Deeper than ReptALEINS!!!!
Disclosure is coming! ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Репост из: America’s Frontline Doctors
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‘Vaccine Passports’ are a coercive tool to force social compliance and a China-like social credit score upon the public.

This coercion is abuse, violates the law, and America’s Frontline Doctors will not be silent and allow our healthcare rights to evaporate.

Репост из: Patrick Byrne
🚨 $160 Billion Class Action Lawsuit AGAINST Dominion Voting Systems

Share everywhere to help spread the word! 🇺🇸

Dominion Voting Systems has violated our civil rights! If you are a registered voter, you can join the $160 Billion Class Action Lawsuit against Dominion, Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook, Elected Officials, and others. This is the largest civil rights class action lawsuit in history and the first of its kind! 💥

Join the Lawsuit ➡️ https://DominionClassAction.com/

Watch the Video ▶️ https://youtu.be/GP1ZQ54MDco

Read the Article ➡️ https://100percentfedup.com/breaking-you-can-join-the-160-billion-class-action-lawsuit-against-dominion-zuckerberg-facebook-elected-officials-others-first-of-its-kind/

Репост из: DismantlingTheCabal
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Shocking !!!! share !!!!

@RedPillPharmacy 💊

Репост из: Terri Dahl, Canadian Patriot🇨🇦🙏🏼🇺🇸
Dominion Is Canadian Owned!!!!
Justin Stole 2 Elections From Us!!!

The Election Fraud in USA TOTALLY Matters To Canadians!!!

Репост из: Freedom Warriors
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Canadian Nurse Whistleblower 🇨🇦

Репост из: Terri Dahl, Canadian Patriot🇨🇦🙏🏼🇺🇸
Drake In the News Is GREAT News For Canada!!!
Things Are Happening!
There are Many Things at Play:
His Owl Company Connections
He is Buddies with John Tory and that Bish Kathleen Wynn!
He is in the Pedo Award Club
And Is a See Eye Eh Assett!
aka Hit man!!!

Just ask John Tory, David Perry, Thomas Carrick, Jason Fraser
There is a Long List!!!

Even Ask Your MP!!!!
They ALL Know!!!

Time Stamp is Notable, too!
6:47 = 6:11 = Mirror = 9:11 = 911
Yes, Q is in Canada!!!!


Репост из: CanadianPatriots
And That Didnt Take long.. now did it??

Репост из: Terri Dahl, Canadian Patriot🇨🇦🙏🏼🇺🇸
Please Check my Comments Here
For some TCH and Drake, Russell Williams Stuff!

Drake is a See Eye Eh Assassin!!! 💯
Along With Russell Wears a Dress Williams 😆
Who is Prince Philip's Biological Son 🤯

There's Lots of Great Stuff and If you Want More
Please Check @Agent_A1 YT Channel!!!

Tons of Canadian Truth Bombs There!!!

McAllister, Blue Apple

Matthew From Heaven YT

All With Great Canadian Info!!!!

Share Share Share👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

Репост из: Disclose.tv
NEW - Swedish Space Corporation (SSC) has canceled a Bill Gates-funded controversial geoengineering project "SCoPEx" to blot out the sun to fight climate change. @disclosetv @disclosetv_chat

Репост из: ✞ Dr C 17 ✞
Searchable database of ALL child porn / trafficking arrests.
Link should take you to this year so far. WOW 👇🏼

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So people dont hate on the police here... this officer was amazking. He even asked when my next live with David Rodriguez would be! ;D so guys #backtheblue we need each other.

Показано 19 последних публикаций.


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