Репост из: Overpromise, Overdeliver
One of the worst corrolaries of a Trump win will be how utterly intolerable the Charlie Kirks and Sean Hannitys become.
Until now this has been meh, compared to Trump's ineffectiveness as a swamp drainer or the horrific bias of anti-White media and Big Tech, both known quantities. The gullible herd of judeo-christians who've been terminally Foxtarded is where the real betrayal lies.
Trump's smaller cabal of media accolytes is sickening enough already, but the Ziocuckery intensity of his most ardent throne-sniffing advocates during a second Trump term will reach levels that shouldn't be possible.
Until now this has been meh, compared to Trump's ineffectiveness as a swamp drainer or the horrific bias of anti-White media and Big Tech, both known quantities. The gullible herd of judeo-christians who've been terminally Foxtarded is where the real betrayal lies.
Trump's smaller cabal of media accolytes is sickening enough already, but the Ziocuckery intensity of his most ardent throne-sniffing advocates during a second Trump term will reach levels that shouldn't be possible.