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White+Strike is the official platform for announcements of Practical Activism involving the White Working Class.

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White+Strike Episode 1 - [The Film]

This work is 47:00 long, and is meant to be viewed as an experience.
We reduced file size in order to accommodate mobile viewing.

Full Resolution Episode available here:


Standard Links:

Full Episodes
PROMOS and Clips
Collaboration (Chat)

1st Episode coming very soon...


(Goolag can't block us if they don't own us.)

There has been a lot of thought behind this, and a long time sketching-out the aforementioned approach, so as part and parcel of that, there will be a private discussion forum for those who want to get more involved - but we stress privacy and security as being paramount, and if a particular action announcement puts your identity at risk, nobody would know enough about you to judge you for not participating anyway.

This channel, where you are right now, will be the outlet where our regular episodic videos are released. The first Episode, "White+Strike [The Film]" will be an introduction to what we are up against - as if you needed any reminder. Subsequent Episodes - specifically those with the term "Action-Announcement" in the title - will serve to illustrate a specific issue or general area around an issue, and suggest a distributed course of action at the end.

"Distributed Activism" will be a key-phrase in this endeavor.

We have to start somewhere, and we have to all be involved at the same time. It's the only way the threshold for public pressure can ever be reached to indicate to those who presume to rule us that we are to be taken seriously, and that we are actively taking measures.

Remember, they only prosper with our consent. White+Strike is how we will revoke that from them. We all have to be in this together, because the anti-white agenda affects all of us regardless of our ideological persuasion - and the content of White+Strike itself is how we will relay that message to those who are still uncertain whether "it's ok to be white."

We are here to inform them that it's not only ok, but also necessary to defend - because the enemy's vector of attack is, has been, and will continue to be, our White+Identity itself. It's the only way they can dismantle the ideals of personal sovereignty that are associated with "whiteness," and also have become anathema to their plans. The battle-lines have been drawn by them, and it's time for us as a community to admit that to ourselves. AND RETURN FIRE.

Join us in this Call to Service.

What is "White+Strike" and why are you here?

White+Strike is, first and foremost, content with a purpose. We create to entertain and inform, but also to draw the attention of those who might be on the fringes of our political perimeter. People who know something is wrong, but they don't know what to call it, and yet still feel compelled to do something to effect change. We are here to provide that avenue.

Through ongoing installments, White+Strike will deliver content that describes the various problems we are facing, where that positions us as members of the White+American community, and more critically, promises to provide something we can do about it. This will start with more long-term campaigns that everyone can participate in anonymously (and ideally, for free - or even profitably), and will gradually narrow in scope to specific "targets" at specific times. Take for example a pandering corporation that went a little too far with the anti-white rhetoric that month. We will produce a piece of content about it, distribute it through our network of affiliates (that's you helping to disseminate), and there will be a message at the end instructing all who view with a course of action for that particular "target."

The necessity of this approach is that in order to effect any real world change, we have to all act in a synchronized fashion. That's how the other side gets their work done. These cowardly corporations, school boards, and media outlets ONLY respond to public pressure - and we have as yet been willing or able to organize any type of bulwark against their accelerating insanity. In short, we've allowed them to believe that we don't exist as an interest-group, and in doing so, have therefore been permitting them to continue abusing us.

This stops TODAY, and it stops with White+Strike. Our campaigns will range anywhere from spreading messages of boycott and short-squeeze/short-sell signals around any social media we have access to (as well as eachother, and always under an assumed name) against any company who embraces anti-white rhetoric, to messaging and call-bombing particular media stations at specific times who report on such things as anti-white violence without ever naming the race of the perpetrator.

We're going to ask them questions like "why do you only care about race when the victim is black?" It's our job, from now on, to normalize White+Identity consciousness - and White+Strike is here to facilitate those coordinated campaigns.

Those behind the scenes of this operation have engaged in several such one-man contact campaigns ourselves, and we can tell you from personal experience, that it is extremely satisfying. The cog on the other end of the phone usually doesn't even know what to say! And believe it or not, we have scant been met with flippant accusations like "racist" for asking such questions - because those inside the mechanisms of information control in this country wouldn't even know to ask in the first place.

The corporate weaklings need to know that we are noticing, and more importantly, that we are TALKING about it - and White+Strike will be the public-facing organ which demonstrates that we are not afraid for them to know that.

The benefit of our approach is that it does not expose you to personal discovery. There is no obligation on your part to participate or reveal your identity, either to us or to them - W+Strike was constructed with these safeguards specifically in mind. You can watch these propaganda pieces and video "action-announcements," and simply pass them along to somebody whom you feel would be both motivated and in a position to do something. But the activism itself will be tailored to remain as close to being anonymous and costless for as long as possible, and we will never require your e-mail address (or any other identifying information) for the purposes of participating in base-level, publicly-announced activities.

That's how you know we are not here to honey-pot you - but you should always assume that's a possibility, no matter whom you're interacting with.

Показано 5 последних публикаций.


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