Wales, 1980's. Free service

Гео и язык канала: не указан, не указан
Категория: не указана

ㅤㅤ﹙☆﹚a smile can build an entire
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤkingdom, all the heirs' dreams
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤhad been buried ⍰
heir-apparent @izanal
bot order @wrailesbot
mutuals purpose @rnyinyobot
testimonials @walres

Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
не указан, не указан
не указана
Фильтр публикаций

Slot habis ya, terima kasih banyak yang udah send form. Yang dapet slot nanti akan langsung di chat ke rc kamu!

Send lagi yuk, masih banyak slotnya

Send sekarang yukkk

Siap-siap buat send form di jam 09.00 yuk

ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝜗𝜚.. RP. 7000
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ FEMALE.

Greetings, I am [ name + @ ]. Enthusiastically seeking to a [ link ] and eager to complete the transaction by paying via DANA.

ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤsend to @marvicn

Sent besok ya jam 9

Temen-temen jangan lupa ikut free service Wales besok!!

ㅤㅤ “An exquisite day for a new start.”ㅤㅤ
ㅤㅤ 19.05.24ㅤ|ㅤPenned by, WALES, 19

On this joyous occasion, it's important to celebrate properly, following the rules in place. These rules include:
— Make sure you've subscribed to @wrailes before sending the form
— Please keep the wording to 175 characters; additional media requests are not accepted
— You are obligated to provide an honest review for the admin who handled your order after the WTB (Want To Buy) period has ended.


Name + username :
Package : Windsor
Divisi :
Durasi pemesanan : 1 day, 10.00 - 18.00
Wording :
Account from : Seller
Done sub @wrailes? :

ㅤ┃To receive this free service, just
ㅤ┃reach out to @rnyinyobot by
ㅤ┃completing the form attached.

Morning!! Yuk yuk di orderr, kita sudah opengg nichh🤔🤭 kapan lagi order di wales yang kece ini kann🤩🤩🫵🏻🫵🏻

Malam, hirmin nya udah close. Akan dijoinin besok pagi, jangan ganti username dan buka privasi group nya biar gampang nanti pas di invite. Terima kasih banyak yang udah berpartisipasi dalam hirmin wales! Selamat malam dan selamat beristirahat.

Nanti malem hirmin close yeah, buat calmin tolong banget untuk ga ganti username & ga pasang private group biar bisa dijoinkan, kalau ganti username bisa konfirmasi aja ke bot. Yang belum send form hirmin buruan send biar ga ketinggalan karna wales gatau kapan lagi mau hirmin 🤩😱

OI OI NANDE NANDEE🫵🏻🫵🏻😫😫🫣🫣🫣 (ikutan hirmin!!!) kita wales wrailes openg nichh ?!!!!!! *kaciwww** yuk di order jasa wtb serv nya, omaga omaga janlup buat seee wording ready and fake loc kita yupss♥️🤩💋

Yuhuuuyyy, kita opengg nihh!!! Jangan lupa untuk ikutan hirminn lohh, nanti close korang menyesal 🤩🤩🤩😰😰😰

woi woii buruan joinnnn atau luhk pada bakalan nyesel kaga joinn disini🫵🏻😫🫵🏻😫🫵🏻😫🫵🏻😫 anywayssssss kita openn nichhhh ada wtb serv, wording ridi dan fake lov ehh.... fake loc🤭🤭🤩🤩 ayo gercep orderr tcyuu♥️😰😎

  “Greetings, you whose hearts are boundless
  and open, salutation from our collective
  notion, an invitation extended, our unity
  the token, to accompany us on this voyage,
  our mutual devotion..”

ⓘ .. (Step in, you who are amiable and inclined, recognition from us, your aims intertwined, proposition offered in goodwill, not confined, be a part of our mission, your fate designed.)

I. Before submitting the format, it is mandatory to subscribe to @wrailes so as not to miss the next information.
  II. Forward this message to your channel, group, or bot, and send the proof along with the registration format.
  III. The criteria set, at least have experience in the field taken.
  IV. Not in a busy period, and can divide time between work and real-life.
  V. Registration using the first account, not the second account or RP account.
  VI. Responsible for all trust and responsibilities that have been given.
  VII. Have testimonials.
  VIII. Ready to be interviewed for one (1) day.

Advance, you whose spirits are unrestricted and unconfined, hearty welcome from us, in our chronicle you'll find, an appeal:

  ✠ ( FORMAT )

Send to : @rnyinyobot
▸ Hello, Wales! I've interested with your offer, I am capable in this WTB SERVICE, and ready to take responsibility for my choices. I have read and implemented the provisions. I'm (name + username) and testimonials (@username)!

Stay, you whose minds are enlightened and unblind, a tribute from us, your curiosity assigned, an overture @wrailes.

Показано 20 последних публикаций.


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