ZOG War Crimes (WWII)

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A channel dedicated to exposing the atrocities committed against the German population before, during, and after the war.

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October 2, 1944: The Red Cross alerted German officials of imminent destruction of transportation system which would cause inevitable starvation throughout Germany.

Americans ‘repeatedly declined’ the request to bomb Auschwitz,” the US Memorial Holocaust Museum stated that “there were people in the State Department who ‘were unwilling to prioritize Jewish concerns’” (Spingola).

September 9-21, 1944: Second Quebec Conference. Morgenthau Jr. was asked to explain his plan to the British. Roosevelt agreed to a $6.5 billion loan to the British in order to gain Churchill’s acceptance of the Morgenthau plan (Irving).

September 1, 1944: First draft of Morgenthau Plan completed by U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry R. Morgenthau, Jr. and Assistant Secretary Harry Dexter White.

August 24, 1944: “The Allies bombed the large munitions factory close to Buchenwald, killing about 80 and wounding 300 other guards. The bombing also killed approx. 400 prisoners and wounded about 1,450, with 600 seriously injured, including Princess Mafalda” (Spingola).

June 18, 1944: Jacob Rosenheim asks Morgenthau to have the US bomb the rail lines going into Auschwitz (D. Spingola).

May 1944: Patton noted in his diary... “Today we received orders . . . in which we were told to give the Jews special accommodations. If for Jews, why not Catholics, Mormons, etc? ...”

January 1944: Morgenthau approached FDR with his concerns about the State Department’s handling of Jewish refugees in Europe (Source: FDR Library).

1943: U.S. Army & Hollywood screenwriters intentionally altered quotes from Hitler’s speeches. Hollywood produced films/books with the fake quotes to stir up hatred for Germans across the US. The History Channel recommends the films be used in schools even today.

Tehran Conference, 1943: Stalin requests 4 million German slaves as reparations - approved by Roosevelt and Churchill.

The Hooton Plan (1943-2019)

In 1943, Dr. Ernest A. Hooton of Harvard University wrote an article entitled "Breed War Strain Out of Germans,” published in the New York newspaper PM.

In the article he proposed four measures with an objective to "destroy German nationalism and aggressive ideology while retaining and perpetuating desirable German biological and sociological capacities.”

Hooton wrote these measures as follows:

1) Execute or imprison for life all leaders of the Nazi party; permanently exile all professional army officers.

2) For a period of 20 years or more utilize the bulk of the present German army as rehabilitation labor units in devastated areas of the Allied Nations in Europe and elsewhere. These laborers should NOT be allowed to return to Germany.

The objects of this measure include reduction of the birth rate of "pure" Germans, neutralization of German aggressiveness by outbreeding, and denationalization of indoctrinated individuals.

3) Divide the German Reich into several states, permitting each, after a suitable interval of supervision & gov’t by the Allied Nations, to choose its own form of non-Fascist gov’t. The object of this measure is to destroy the national framework of unified German aggression.

4) During the period of supervision and occupation of the several states by armies and civilian staffs of the Allied Nations, encourage members of these groups to intermarry with the German women and to settle there permanently (Colby).

“The campaign to build hatred of the whole German people assumed its full proportions in early 1943, with the adoption at Casablanca of unconditional surrender as the only acceptable basis of peace.

The beginning of 1943 marked a notable increase in the outpouring of vengefulness against Germany and Germans. James W. Gerard, former ambassador to Germany, urged that when the Allies conquered Germany they hang 10,000 Prussians as a starter.

Joseph E. Davies, Roosevelt confidant and former ambassador to Russia, said the Germans should be treated like insane asylum inmates for two or three generations, and he predicted German use of poison gas and bacteriological warfare.

A New Jersey radio station even proposed to eliminate from use the word “kindergarten” because it was German, and in its contest to select a new term a newspaper publisher and a federal judge agreed to act as judges” (Benjamin Colby).

1942: Josef Stalin who, through his propaganda minister, Ilya Ehrenburg, encourages the rape and degradation of the German civilian population: His writings were circulated among millions of Soviet soldiers in leaflets:

“There is nothing as beautiful as a German corpse. Kill the Germans! – your old mother begs you, kill the Germans! – your child pleads. Germans are not humans, they are wild beasts.”

More offers of peace by Hitler, but all are ignored...

Millions of American soldiers are preparing to invade “a continent three thousand miles away in alliance with Communist
Russia, with no prospect of return until the enemy was laid prostrate. Support for such a program required intense and widespread hatred of the entire German people...” (Benjamin Colby).

1934: Jacob Viner (born to a Jewish family in Quebec) is a professor at University of Chicago working at the US Treasury. Viner offers Harry Dexter White [Weiss] a position with US Treasury.

March 4, 1933: Morgenthau Jr. (on the left), becomes Chairman of the U.S. Federal Farm Board to stabilize farm prices by seizing crops from U.S. farmers. He is appointed by President Roosevelt (Rosenvelt).

October 22, 1933: Text for radio address by FDR. FDR wrote “For Henry Morgenthau, Jr. - fellow devil from Franklin D. Roosevelt” across the top of page 1. (5 pages, Morgenthau Diaries).

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