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Time flies too soon leaving fella standing lonesome in ripped jeans feat with an oversized t-shirt, thinking hard about how slowly he counted the days until now those days have passed. It's the same as us here who are anchored inne old city full of harmony, emotionly, a glimmery of anger but also a happy smile that is not easy to get thru. We stood up and picked up the leftover seams of useless clothes and started making brilliant ideas for the renewal of the works to be done, just like the peak moments. For all that cannot be seen but can also be felt, we hereby express our abundant thanks @Convigour, @Ballezuha will be a loyal and helpful presence inne atmosphere, support each other for our style in the old era like vintage like the end of 2000. A brat teenage tinge fills the blank room with loud laughter disturbing those around, but there is also one, carving a story together and the remains of a story line.
Cheers, @zziblings
Cheers, @zziblings