Akmal Akhmedjanov | IELTS 9.0

Гео и язык канала: не указан, не указан
Категория: не указана

Band 9.0 holder (W8; S9)
Holder of Bachelor’s degree in Foreign languages
Holder of Master's degree in Foreign languages
Co-founder of Millennium IELTS School(Akhmedjanov's Branch)
Contact number: +998936854321
Contact: @Akmal_Akhmedjanov

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‼️Millennium IELTS SCHOOL (kritiy branch) - 2025-yilgi qabul ochiq! ‼️

Biz quyidagi yo'nalishlar bo'yicha guruhlarga qabulni boshladik:

✔️Foundation (boshlang’ich daraja)
✔️Pre-IELTS (Issues, Resource, Test bank)
✔️IELTS (ELS & Practice)
✔️CEFR (Multilevel)

🗓Dars Jadvali:

5-8 sinflar uchun: haftada 3 kunlik mashg'ulotlar
9- sinf va undan yuqori sinflar uchun: haftada 6 kunlik intensiv darslar

2024-yilning natijalarni quyidagi havola orqali ko’ra olasiz

🔣2024-yil natijalari🔣

Guruhlarga yozilish uchun biz bilan bog’laning:

📞 +998 93 685 43 21
📞 +998 55 310 11 12

✈️ @millennium2admin | Contacts

📌Manzil: Buxoro savdo majmuasi ro’parasida

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🎉 Wrapping Up an Incredible Year at Millennium IELTS center (Akhmedjanov's Branch) 🎉

As we close the chapter of 2024, we couldn’t be prouder of the amazing journey we’ve shared together. This year has been nothing short of phenomenal, thanks to the collective efforts of our dedicated team and hardworking students.

📊 Our 2024 Highlights:

BAND 9 x 1 🥇 (me)
Band 8 x 6 🚀
Band 7,5 x 26 ⚡️
Band 7 x 32 🔥
Band 6,5 x 19 😎
Band 6 x 6 🗿

🔹CEFR Results 🔹
B2 x 25 🔥
C1 x 1 🚀

🙏 A Heartfelt Thank You:
💼 To Our Staff Members: Your behind-the-scenes efforts keep everything running seamlessly, ensuring every student gets the best experience.
🎓 To Our Teachers: Your dedication, expertise, and encouragement have been the backbone of our students’ success.
👩‍🎓👨‍🎓 To Our Students: Your hard work, perseverance, and trust in us have made this year unforgettable.

This year, we’ve proven that together, we can achieve great results. As we look ahead to 2025, we’re excited to continue helping more students reach their IELTS goals and beyond.

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Alhamdulillah!!!👍#results #sevenpointfive #twentyfour


Band score: 7.5

Listening 9🔥

Prep time with us:about a year (foundation included)

Teacher: Akmal Akhmedjanov & Parvina & Xadicha

Instagram | Library

As the year comes to a close, I’m thrilled to share the final result of 2024

2024- yilda qilgan barcha RESOLUTIONlarga erishdingizmi?

Репост из: IELTS IDP in Uzbekistan
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📈 Annual Partner Meeting 2024

💥 22-dekabr kuni bo'lib o'tgan tadbirda yuzlab hamkor o'quv markazlar qatnashdi va turli xil nominatsiyalar bo'yicha taqdirlandi.

🚀Shu bilan birga 2024-yilgi natijalar va kelajak rejalari muhokama qilindi.

⚡️2025-yilda IELTS topshirishni maqsad qilganlar bormi, izohda + qoldiring)


Alhamdulillah!!!👍#results #seven #twentyfour


Band score: 7.0

Speaking 7.0🔥

Prep time with us:about a year (foundation included)

Teacher: Akmal Akhmedjanov & Parvina & Xadicha

Instagram | Library

4.1k 0 16 12 46

Alhamdulillah!!!👍#results #CEFR #B2


Band score: B2

Despite being 14 years old, he achieved B2 level in the exam of Multilevel in three-month time with C1 on listening section 🔥Good job Mironshoh.Keep working hard!

Prep time with us: about 4 months

Teacher: Charos Fayzulloyeva & Soli Anorov

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⚡️ 2025-yilning 1-yarmida bo‘lib o‘tadigan chet tili imtihonlari

✅ Chet tilini bilish darajasini aniqlash test sinovlari yanvar, fevral, mart, aprel va may oylarida o‘tkaziladi.

👨🏻‍💻 Test sinovi uchun talabgorlar my.gov.uz sayti orqali onlayn tarzda ro‘yxatga olinadi.

📍 Ro‘yxatdan o‘tishda talabgorlar o‘zlariga qulay bo‘lgan hududni tanlagan holda mazkur hududda test sinovlarida ishtirok etishlari mumkin.

📆 Test sinovlari qaysi tillardan o‘tkazilishi, ro‘yxatga olish muddatlari va test sinovi o‘tkaziladigan sanalar yuqoridagi rasmda keltirilgan.

As we wrap up another incredible year, we are proud to share that Millennium has been recognized as The Most Efficient Learning Center! This achievement is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and passion we pour into everything we do.

But most importantly, it’s all thanks to you, our amazing students! Your trust, commitment, and support inspire us every day to strive for excellence.

Thank you for being a part of the Millennium family. Here’s to more success and growth together!

4.7k 0 27 20 101

Kudos on achieving this incredible score, buddy! Parviz Tuksanov

Репост из: Parviz's path | SAT 1600
The first and youngest in Uzb (not a superscore).

With the superscore, Bobur receives the credit.

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Millennium o’quv markazining yangi filialida MOCK testlarga START berildi⚡️

Mock testlarning afzalliklari:
📌Haqiqiy IELTS formatidagi materiallar;

📌Listeningda har bir kandidat uchun IELTS imtihonida ishlatiladigan naushniklar;

📌Writing va Speaking testlari BAND NINER (9️⃣,0️⃣) Akmal Akhmedjanov tomonidan tekshiriladi

📌Natijalar uch kun ichida e’lon qilinadi va siz 4 tala skill bo’yicha o’rtacha balingizni bilib olasiz!

💵Narxi: 130,000 so’m

MOCK test sanasi: 22-Dekabr

So’nggi registratsiya: 20-dekabr soat 17:00 gacha.📌

📞Ro’yxatdan o’tish uchun biz bilan bog’laning:
+998 93 685 43 21
+998 55 310 11 12


📍Manzil: Buxoro savdo majmuasi ro’parasida

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Alhamdulillah!!!👍#results #seven #twentyfour


Band score: 7.0

Prep time with us:about a year (foundation included)

Teacher: Akmal Akhmedjanov & Parvina

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CDI 15.12.2024

Writing task 1

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🎓 IELTS Results Among Uzbek Youth

The achievements of our students in the international IELTS exam are becoming increasingly impressive. Uzbek youth continue to demonstrate a high level of knowledge and a strong commitment to meeting global education standards.

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3.2k 0 23 13 58

Alhamdulillah!!!👍#results #seven #twentyfour


Band score: 7.0

Writing 7.0 🔥

Prep time with us:about a year (foundation included)

Teacher: Akmal Akhmedjanov & Khadicha & Sadoqat

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Alhamdulillah!!!👍#results #seven #twentyfour


Band score: 7.0

Prep time with us:about a year (foundation included)

Teacher: Akmal Akhmedjanov & Soli Anorov

Instagram | Library

Alhamdulillah!!!👍#results #seven #twentyfour


Band score: 7.0

Speaking 7.0🔥

Prep time with us:about 8 months (foundation included)

Teacher: Akmal Akhmedjanov

Instagram | Library

Alhamdulillah!!!👍#results #seven #twentyfour


Band score: 7.0

Prep time with us:about a year (foundation included)

Teacher: Akmal Akhmedjanov & Soli Anorov

Instagram | Library

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