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One of the main "excuse" against death sentence is the cost, let we check that a bit more
As we said previous only to keep a prisoner in prison it costs 100 - 400$ / day.
Now we exclude ethics princips, we just compare that with not prisoners.
Let we say it costs 300$, this means:
a) Among the EU Member States, the highest average annual adjusted full-time salary in 2021 was recorded in Luxembourg (€72 200), followed by Denmark (€63 300) and Ireland (€50 300). Meanwhile, the lowest values of the indicator were recorded in Bulgaria (€10 300), Hungary (€12 600) and Romania (€13 000) https://perma.cc/AVC4-C68R
Let we take a 50k wage: this means 50000/13/20 = around 200$ each day —> far lower then the cost of the prison!
each 10 years: 1.1 mio $
means if they get life sentence for 80 years, it costs around 9 mio $
c) death sentence means around 20 years in prison = 2.2 mio $
Lethal dosis still cost less than 5k, probably around 0.5-2k
so THE REAL DIFFERENCE IS THE COURT / DEFENSE COST! like https://t.me/PrisonFacts/315 is showing.
Even just getting life sentence for 50 years, means 30 years less = 3.3 mio. Does it really cost much more than 3.5 mio??
The typical death penalty trial cost nearly $1.3 million, while a non-death trial cost about $600 thousand https://perma.cc/GAD8-MK93
Obviously the costs are different from country to country... If we consider 1.3 mio, we save around 2 mio for a 50 years life sentence and around 5 mio for 80 years ...
With 150$/day: 550k each 10y - around 0.5 mio with a 50y sentence or 2 mio with a 80y sentence
Real data in Italy: Nel 2021 il reddito medio delle famiglie (33.798 euro) = 129 euro / day = still less
We need to remember that prisoners still have PlayStation 2
As we said previous only to keep a prisoner in prison it costs 100 - 400$ / day.
Now we exclude ethics princips, we just compare that with not prisoners.
Let we say it costs 300$, this means:
a) Among the EU Member States, the highest average annual adjusted full-time salary in 2021 was recorded in Luxembourg (€72 200), followed by Denmark (€63 300) and Ireland (€50 300). Meanwhile, the lowest values of the indicator were recorded in Bulgaria (€10 300), Hungary (€12 600) and Romania (€13 000) https://perma.cc/AVC4-C68R
Let we take a 50k wage: this means 50000/13/20 = around 200$ each day —> far lower then the cost of the prison!
each 10 years: 1.1 mio $
means if they get life sentence for 80 years, it costs around 9 mio $
c) death sentence means around 20 years in prison = 2.2 mio $
Lethal dosis still cost less than 5k, probably around 0.5-2k
so THE REAL DIFFERENCE IS THE COURT / DEFENSE COST! like https://t.me/PrisonFacts/315 is showing.
Even just getting life sentence for 50 years, means 30 years less = 3.3 mio. Does it really cost much more than 3.5 mio??
The typical death penalty trial cost nearly $1.3 million, while a non-death trial cost about $600 thousand https://perma.cc/GAD8-MK93
Obviously the costs are different from country to country... If we consider 1.3 mio, we save around 2 mio for a 50 years life sentence and around 5 mio for 80 years ...
With 150$/day: 550k each 10y - around 0.5 mio with a 50y sentence or 2 mio with a 80y sentence
Real data in Italy: Nel 2021 il reddito medio delle famiglie (33.798 euro) = 129 euro / day = still less
We need to remember that prisoners still have PlayStation 2