"Absolutely," Breivik replied.
Meanwhile, this doesn't mean anything ... We need to remember that even if terror attack are a massacre, they still make huge differences. Without terror attacks the security of 2023 would not be reality ... even if still too less! So the governments should learn to improve without terror attacks, instead of ignoring things and say "ops" once something happens.
I forbindelse med krigen i Ukraina snakket Breivik og fengselsbetjentene om Russlands president Vladimir Putin går for langt.
«Så lenge du har et formål er nådeløse handlinger greit,» sa han.
In connection with the war in Ukraine, Breivik and the prison officers talked about Russian President Vladimir Putin going too far.
"As long as you have a purpose, ruthless actions are fine," he said.
Meanwhile this doesn't mean nothing too! Otherwise all pro Palestine and pro Israel could be sentenced to life for terrorism too! looking how they act ...
Statens advokater tegner et litt annet bilde av situasjonen, og sier blant annet at terroristen både spiller TV-spill og har stekt vafler med en innsatt https://perma.cc/DW24-TGJQ
The state's lawyers paint a slightly different picture of the situation, and say, among other things, that the terrorist is both playing TV games and has fried waffles with an inmate.
Meanwhile, this doesn't mean anything ... We need to remember that even if terror attack are a massacre, they still make huge differences. Without terror attacks the security of 2023 would not be reality ... even if still too less! So the governments should learn to improve without terror attacks, instead of ignoring things and say "ops" once something happens.
I forbindelse med krigen i Ukraina snakket Breivik og fengselsbetjentene om Russlands president Vladimir Putin går for langt.
«Så lenge du har et formål er nådeløse handlinger greit,» sa han.
In connection with the war in Ukraine, Breivik and the prison officers talked about Russian President Vladimir Putin going too far.
"As long as you have a purpose, ruthless actions are fine," he said.
Meanwhile this doesn't mean nothing too! Otherwise all pro Palestine and pro Israel could be sentenced to life for terrorism too! looking how they act ...
Statens advokater tegner et litt annet bilde av situasjonen, og sier blant annet at terroristen både spiller TV-spill og har stekt vafler med en innsatt https://perma.cc/DW24-TGJQ
The state's lawyers paint a slightly different picture of the situation, and say, among other things, that the terrorist is both playing TV games and has fried waffles with an inmate.